Mountford Genealogical Database
- Ball, Lucinda (1845 - 1918)
- Ball, Lucinda (JAN 1874 - )
- Ball, Luella (1879 - )
- Ball, Major F. (27 SEP 1854 - )
- Ball, Malissa E. (22 NOV 1851 - )
- Ball, Margaret (1839 - )
- Ball, Maria ( - )
- Ball, Mariah (1861 - )
- Ball, Martha (1838 - )
- Ball, Martha (1841 - )
- Ball, Martha (1863 - )
- Ball, Martin Van_Buren (1836 - )
- Ball, Mary ( - )
- Ball, Mary ( - )
- Ball, Mary Alice (26 SEP 1865 - )
- Ball, Mary C. (JUN 1870 - )
- Ball, Mary E. (1857 - )
- Ball, Mary Ellen (1877 - 1883)
- Ball, Mary Polly (19 NOV 1825 - 1880)
- Ball, Mary Polly ( - )
- Ball, Mattie J. (1877 - )
- Ball, Melvin S. (1868 - )
- Ball, Minnie F. (1878 - )
- Ball, Moses (2 MAY 1717 - 3 SEP 1792)
- Ball, Moses (ABT 1748 - 15 DEC 1831)
- Ball, Moses (1817 - )
- Ball, Moses (1842 - )
- Ball, Nancy (1829 - )
- Ball, Nancy (1840 - )
- Ball, Nancy Ellen (18 JUN 1842 - 22 SEP 1903)
- Ball, Nancy J. (1848 - )
- Ball, Nancy Jane (30 AUG 1810 - 12 DEC 1863)
- Ball, Nannie (1870 - )
- Ball, Nannie G. (1871 - )
- Ball, Noah (1835 - )
- Ball, Otis ( - )
- Ball, Patton G. (1835 - )
- Ball, Patton George (1844 - 9 OCT 1917)
- Ball, Peter J. (1845 - )
- Ball, Polly A. (27 DEC 1847 - )
- Ball, Prudence (2 MAY 1872 - )
- Ball, Rachel (1869 - )
- Ball, Rebecca (1827 - )
- Ball, Rebecca (1829 - )
- Ball, Rebecca (1847 - )
- Ball, Rebecca ( - )
- Ball, Richard (1602 - 1684)
- Ball, Robert (ABT 1475 - 1543)
- Ball, Robert (23 APR 1786 - 28 NOV 1832)
- Ball, Robert H. (1871 - 1883)
- Ball, Robert S. (1836 - )
- Ball, Sadie ( - )
- Ball, Sally (1839 - )
- Ball, Sarah (7 SEP 1795 - )
- Ball, Sarah ( - )
- Ball, Serilda Jane ( - )
- Ball, Sidney ( - )
- Ball, Spencer (1845 - )
- Ball, Stella ( - )
- Ball, Susan C. (1848 - )
- Ball, Thomas ( - )
- Ball, Tina (1849 - )
- Ball, Vashti (1863 - )
- Ball, Verna ( - )
- Ball, Victory (1862 - )
- Ball, Virginia (1859 - )
- Ball, Virginia Caroline (7 MAR 1863 - )
- Ball, Wesley (1818 - 1895)
- Ball, William (ABT 1450 - ABT 1480)
- Ball, William (ABT 1505 - 1550)
- Ball, William (1573 - APR 1648)
- Ball, William (1826 - )
- Ball, William ( - )
- Ball, William ( - )
- Ball, William A. L. (1842 - )
- Ball, William B. (1870 - )
- Ball, William Lee (20 DEC 1820 - )
- Ball, William T. (1875 - )
- Ball, William Tunnell (26 JAN 1827 - 1 JUL 1917)
- Ball, William Tunnell (8 FEB 1845 - 25 MAR 1916)
- Ball, Winnie Elisa (26 MAR 1880 - 17 JUL 1965)
- Ballantine, Susanna ( - )
- Ballard, Abigail ( - )
- Ballard, Alfred H. ( - )
- Ballard, Elizabeth (ABT 1646 - )
- Ballard, Esther (1633 - AFT 1717)
- Ballard, Hannah (14 AUG 1655 - )
- Ballard, John (17 JAN 1653 - )
- Ballard, Joseph (ABT 1644 - )
- Ballard, Joseph ( - )
- Ballard, Lydia (30 APR 1657 - AFT 1728)
- Ballard, Mary Ann (ABT 1650 - )
- Ballard, Sarah (ABT 1652 - )
- Ballard, son (1702 - )
- Ballard, son (5 AUG 1709 - )
- Ballard, son (1 MAR 1710 - )
- Ballard, Tabitha ( - 27 JUL 1692)
- Ballard, William (1603 - 10 JUL 1689)
- Ballard, William (ABT 1616 - 10 JUL 1689)
- Ballard, William (ABT 1648 - )
- Bancroft, Abigail ( - )
- Bancroft, Jane (1616 - 1662)
- Bancroft, Raham (14 FEB 1684 - 5 SEP 1758)
- Bancroft, Raham (14 FEB 1685 - 5 SEP 1758)
- Bancroft, Thomas ( - )
- Bancroft, Thomas ( - )
- Banfield, Anna Maria (26 APR 1838 - 28 DEC 1923)
- Banfield, Antoinette (28 JAN 1860 - )
- Banfield, Charles (22 JUL 1861 - 13 OCT 1883)
- Banfield, David Oliver (MAY 1809 - 17 JUN 1887)
- Banfield, Francis (10 APR 1836 - 1898)
- Banfield, Freddie (10 NOV 1864 - 1865)
- Banfield, George Denison (26 FEB 1811 - 7 FEB 1892)
- Banfield, George M. (3 FEB 1832 - 10 MAR 1903)
- Banfield, James (1 MAY 1747 - )
- Banfield, Laura (11 NOV 1862 - 20 DEC 1935)
- Banfield, Louisa (29 NOV 1858 - )
- Banfield, Mary Jane (9 MAY 1842 - )
- Banfield, Moses (1 APR 1785 - 1 JAN 1862)
- Banfield, Peter (3 JAN 1785 - BEF 1813)
- Banfield, Sarah Elizabeth (19 MAY 1845 - 26 JUN 1926)
- Banfield, Sophia (6 AUG 1833 - )
- Banfield, Susan (4 MAY 1824 - JUN 1887)
- Banges, Lydia ( - )
- Bangs, Hannah (10 JUN 1779 - 3 MAY 1842)
- Bangs, Jonathan ( - )
- Bangs, Mary (26 MAR 1704 - 10 MAR 1762)
- Bankis, Isobell ( - )
- Banks, John ( - 12 DEC 1684)
- Banks, Whedon ( - )
- Barber, Charles (1834 - )
- Barber, David ( - )
- Barber, Dorcas (1777 - 13 OCT 1854)
- Barber, Edward (ABT 1588 - 1644)
- Barber, Eleanor ( - )
- Barber, John ( - )
- Barber, Joseph (1753/1754 - 21 MAY 1824)
- Barber, Mercy (1651 - 31 DEC 1725)
- Barber, Nathan ( - )
- Barber, Patience ( - )
- Barber, Polly ( - )
- Barber, Thomas (25 APR 1613/1614 - 11 SEP 1662)
- Barbour, Lydia E. (21 MAY 1826 - )
- Bardon, Chancey ( - )
- Barfoot, Ann (1790 - )
- Barfoot, Sarah (1788 - )
- Barfoot, Susanna (1786 - )
- Barfoot, William ( - )
- Barie, Agnes ( - )
- Baristo, George ( - )
- Barker, Abigail (24 AUG 1682 - )
- Barker, Ann Sarah (17 APR 1810 - )
- Barker, Christiana ( - )
- Barker, Cyrus (20 AUG 1786 - 27 JUL 1870/1879)
- Barker, Deborah (17 JAN 1720 - )
- Barker, Deborah ( - )
- Barker, Edna Sophia (20 NOV 1823 - )
- Barker, Elizabeth ( - 24 Mar 1620/1)
- Barker, Emma Louise (20 MAR 1815 - )
- Barker, Ezra (4 NOV 1759 - )
- Barker, Frances Maria (13 FEB 1813 - )
- Barker, Frederick Augustus (8 SEP 1827 - )
- Barker, Harriet Eliza (29 AUG 1811 - )
- Barker, Henry (31 JAN 1766 - )
- Barker, Isaac (21 MAY 1752 - 7 SEP 1834)
- Barker, Isaac ( - )
- Barker, James (1617 - )
- Barker, James (1648 - 5 JUL 1722)
- Barker, James (4 DEC 1675 - 26 MAR 1758)
- Barker, James (30 DEC 1700 - )
- Barker, James (12 DEC 1725 - 17 JAN 1796)
- Barker, James (12 DEC 1725 - 17 JAN 1796)
- Barker, James (1 NOV 1749 - )
- Barker, James ( - )
- Barker, James Monroe (16 JUN 1817 - )
- Barker, John (18 DEC 1710 - 17 MAR 1777)
- Barker, John (18 DEC 1710 - 17 MAR 1777)
- Barker, John (30 AUG 1732 - )
- Barker, John ( - )
- Barker, John ( - )
- Barker, Joseph Arnold (20 FEB 1809 - )
- Barker, Justin D. ( - BEF 1909)
- Barker, Laura Antoinette (2 JAN 1831 - )
- Barker, Lydia ( - )
- Barker, Mary (ABT 1650 - 19 AUG 1723)
- Barker, Mary (APR 1705 - )
- Barker, Mary (9 MAY 1706 - )
- Barker, Mary (24 FEB 1770 - )
- Barker, Paul (20 AUG 1762 - )
- Barker, Peckham (28 DEC 1767 - )
- Barker, Peckham ( - )
- Barker, Peleg (11 JUL 1716 - )
- Barker, Phebe (17 FEB 1702 - )
- Barker, Phebe (14 NOV 1717 - )
- Barker, Priscilla (26 JUL 1708 - )
- Barker, Robert (12 JUN 1712 - )
- Barker, Sarah (30 DEC 1714 - )
- Barker, Sarah ( - )
- Barker, Silas (6 JAN 1756 - )
- Barker, Thomas ( - )
- Barker, William Cyrus (29 APR 1825 - )
- Barker, William Frederick (19 DEC 1821 - )
- Barlow, Annis (1860 - 1924)
- Barlow, Edmund ( - )
- Barlow, George (1838 - )
- Barlow, James (1668 - 16 MAR 1690)
- Barlow, James (17 JAN 1688 - )
- Barlow, James (27 JAN 1688/1689 - )
- Barlow, James ( - )
- Barlow, John (ABT 1646 - ABT 1690)
- Barlow, John (1668 - 22 JAN 1717/1718)
- Barlow, John ( - )
- Barlow, Olive ( - )
- Barlow, Ruth ( - )
- Barlow, Ruth ( - )
- Barlowe, Audrey (1603 - AFT 1676)
- Barnard, Bartholomew ( - )
- Barnard, Bengallevel ( - )
- Barnard, Beniemiene ( - 12 OCT 1613)
- Barnard, Benoni ( - )
- Barnard, Besekiell ( - )
- Barnard, Cecilia ( - )
- Barnard, Christopher ( - )
- Barnard, Elizabeth (1767 - )
- Barnard, Francis ( - )
- Barnard, Freedom ( - )
- Barnard, Hosell ( - )
- Barnard, Johanna ( - )
- Barnard, John ( - )
- Barnard, Margaret ( - )
- Barnard, Marian ( - )
- Barnard, Mary ( - )
- Barnard, Masakiell ( - )
- Barnard, Philippa ( - )
- Barnard, Polly (28 JUL 1784 - 6 OCT 1856)
- Barnard, Rebecca (ABT 1726 - BEF 1748)
- Barnard, Richard (11 APR 1568 - MAR 1640/1641)
- Barnard, Robert ( - )
- Barnard, Sarah (3 DEC 1648 - 1730)
- Barneby, James ( - )
- Barnes, Amorette (1917 - )
- Barnes, Daniel (1 SEP 1788 - )
- Barnes, Daniel Giles (31 JUL 1752 - FEB 1814)
- Barnes, Darius Tullius Cicero (28 APR 1804 - )
- Barnes, George (1915 - )
- Barnes, George M. ( - )
- Barnes, Gertrude S. (1879 - )
- Barnes, Giles (30 OCT 1792 - )
- Barnes, Henry Marcus (23 NOV 1806 - )
- Barnes, Jabez (1836 - )
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GEDCOM file last updated Tue, 13 Mar 2018 12:54:08.
Please send corrections, additions or comments to Sharon Mountford
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Copyright 1996 © Randy Winch
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