Mountford Genealogical Database
- Baddely, Elizabeth ( - )
- Baddely, Maria ( - )
- Badger, Catharine ( - )
- Bailey, Abigail (1699 - 5 FEB 1775)
- Bailey, Andrew (1810 - BEF 1870)
- Bailey, Andrew Spencer (OCT 1869 - )
- Bailey, Anna (1876 - )
- Bailey, Benjamin (1665 - )
- Bailey, Betty ( - )
- Bailey, Burton (1879 - )
- Bailey, Charles ( - )
- Bailey, Cornelia (12 JUN 1844 - 18 FEB 1928)
- Bailey, Creston Ralph (10 DEC 1906 - 19 AUG 1984)
- Bailey, David ( - )
- Bailey, David Harold ( - )
- Bailey, Don ( - )
- Bailey, Dwight ( - )
- Bailey, Dwight B. (SEP 1871 - )
- Bailey, Dwight B. (1915 - )
- Bailey, Dwight Blossom (9 NOV 1837 - DEC 1922)
- Bailey, Elizabeth (1663 - )
- Bailey, Elwood L. (1902 - )
- Bailey, Emma (1846 - )
- Bailey, Frances (1848 - )
- Bailey, Frances ( - )
- Bailey, Frank Thurman ( - )
- Bailey, Fred (Sonny) ( - )
- Bailey, Fred ( - 1941)
- Bailey, Gladys S. (1901 - )
- Bailey, Harry B. (1871 - )
- Bailey, Isaac ( - )
- Bailey, John (1638 - JUL 1696)
- Bailey, John (1656 - )
- Bailey, John (1864 - )
- Bailey, John B. (1838 - )
- Bailey, Joseph ( - )
- Bailey, Lucille ( - )
- Bailey, Lydia (1660 - 1701)
- Bailey, Lyle ( - )
- Bailey, Lynette Belva (15 JUL 1932 - )
- Bailey, Marcene ( - )
- Bailey, Mary (1658 - )
- Bailey, May Blossom (MAY 1897 - )
- Bailey, Milburn Dwight (6 JUL 1903 - 3 FEB 1959)
- Bailey, Nathaniel (1668 - )
- Bailey, Nellie M. (MAY 1888 - )
- Bailey, Quincy ( - )
- Bailey, Ralph Waldo (1862 - )
- Bailey, Rebecca ( - )
- Bailey, Ruth A. (or Rose) (JUN 1876 - )
- Bailey, Sarah ( - )
- Bailey, Susanna (1674 - )
- Baird, Mary Jane (1832 - 21 MAY 1923)
- Baker, ( - )
- Baker, ( - )
- Baker, Abel (13 JAN 1753/1754 - )
- Baker, Alexander (16 DEC 1679 - )
- Baker, Alexander ( - )
- Baker, Amanda ( - )
- Baker, Anna (28 MAY 1716 - 17 JUN 1755)
- Baker, Anna ( - )
- Baker, Baysey (4 APR 1698 - 24 JUN 1698)
- Baker, Baysey (10 MAY 1699 - 4 MAY 1701)
- Baker, Baysey ( - )
- Baker, Benjamin ( - )
- Baker, Christian ( - )
- Baker, David (9 OCT 1750 - )
- Baker, Ebenezer (15 DEC 1708 - 31 DEC 1708)
- Baker, Elizabeth (4 MAY 1676 - )
- Baker, Elizabeth (24 APR 1709 - )
- Baker, Elizabeth (4 MAR 1713/1714 - )
- Baker, Elizabeth ( - )
- Baker, Elizabeth ( - )
- Baker, Ellenor Jane (1806 - ABT 1890)
- Baker, Gideon (27 NOV 1711 - )
- Baker, Hannah (18 JAN 1683 - )
- Baker, Hannah (25 FEB 1704/1705 - 20 OCT 1705)
- Baker, Hannah (24 JAN 1707/1708 - )
- Baker, Heather ( - )
- Baker, James (17 MAR 1714 - )
- Baker, James ( - )
- Baker, Jeffrey ( - )
- Baker, Jeremiah (10 JUN 1712 - )
- Baker, Jo Ann (ABT 1790 - )
- Baker, John ( - )
- Baker, John ( - )
- Baker, John ( - )
- Baker, John ( - )
- Baker, John (24 DEC - )
- Baker, Joseph (12 SEP 1721 - )
- Baker, Joshua (5 JAN 1677 - )
- Baker, Joshua (3 MAY 1706 - )
- Baker, Joshua ( - 27 DEC 1717)
- Baker, Katherine (ABT 1625 - 7 Jan 1700/1)
- Baker, Kenelm (23 MAR 1656/1657 - 1712/1713)
- Baker, Lucy (13 OCT 1746 - )
- Baker, Lydia (12 JUN 1712 - 25 NOV 1712)
- Baker, Lydia (24 JUL 1725 - )
- Baker, Margery ( - 1657/1660)
- Baker, Martin ( - )
- Baker, Mary (ABT 1687 - )
- Baker, Mary (30 APR 1710 - )
- Baker, Mary (1829 - )
- Baker, Mary ( - )
- Baker, Melissa Jane (10 OCT 1830 - 22 JUL 1866)
- Baker, Nathaniel (4 FEB 1696/1697 - 14 MAR 1696/1697)
- Baker, Nathaniel (10 SEP 1702 - )
- Baker, Nicholas ( - )
- Baker, Palmer ( - )
- Baker, Pemberton (24 MAR 1716 - )
- Baker, Rebecca ( - 28 APR 1711)
- Baker, Samuel (5 FEB 1702/1703 - 4 NOV 1793)
- Baker, Samuel (24 AUG 1707 - )
- Baker, Sarah (18 JAN 1683 - )
- Baker, Sarah (3 DEC 1718 - )
- Baker, Sarah (14 MAY 1721 - )
- Baker, Sibbell (19 JAN 1759 - )
- Baker, Stephen (17 MAR 1719 - )
- Baker, Stephen Hurlburt (29 OCT 1748 - )
- Baker, Susannah ( - 9 OCT 1738)
- Baker, Susannah ( - )
- Baker, Thankful (31 JAN 1709/1710 - )
- Baker, Timothy (15 JAN 1706/1707 - )
- Baker, Willard ( - )
- Baker, William (1688 - )
- Baker, William ( - )
- Balch, John ( - 16 JAN 1662)
- Balch, John ( - )
- Balden, James ( - )
- Baldwin, ( - )
- Baldwin, Esther ( - )
- Baldwin, Frances (1841 - )
- Baldwin, Harriet Prior (1864 - 1955)
- Baldwin, John ( - )
- Baldwin, John ( - )
- Baldwin, Phebe ( - )
- Baldwin, Philomena (1794 - 27 JAN 1845)
- Baldwin, Rebecca ( - 12 MAR 1700/1701)
- Baldwin, Sarah (25 SEP 1655 - 11 JAN 1728/1729)
- Baldwin, Timothy ( - 3 DEC 1750)
- Baldwin, Timothy ( - )
- Baldwin, Widow ( - )
- Baldwin, William R. ( - )
- Baldwin, Zipporah (22 JUL 1738 - )
- Ball, ( - )
- Ball, Allen (1864 - )
- Ball, Altena (1875 - )
- Ball, Altimi P. (1875 - )
- Ball, Alva ( - )
- Ball, Andrew (1831 - )
- Ball, Baylus C. (28 AUG 1874 - 18 JUL 1960)
- Ball, Berdie ( - )
- Ball, Beverly (1864 - )
- Ball, Beverly ( - )
- Ball, Cassie (ABT 1828 - ABT 1913)
- Ball, Catherine (1848 - )
- Ball, Ceily (1835 - )
- Ball, Celia E. (27 DEC 1847 - )
- Ball, Chapman ( - )
- Ball, Charles (1878 - )
- Ball, Charles C. (23 NOV 1849 - )
- Ball, Charles C. (1877 - )
- Ball, Charlotte (1837 - )
- Ball, Clarissa (1855 - )
- Ball, Cornelius (1836 - )
- Ball, Cosby (5 JAN 1870 - 25 MAY 1891)
- Ball, Cosby Catherine (1838 - )
- Ball, Cummings A. (1870 - )
- Ball, Cummings R. (1868 - )
- Ball, Cynthia (1833 - )
- Ball, Cynthia Catherine (1858 - )
- Ball, Daniel (1845 - )
- Ball, David (1780 - 28 FEB 1865)
- Ball, David D. (1876 - )
- Ball, Drucilla (4 JUN 1860 - )
- Ball, Edward ( - )
- Ball, Elijah (1850 - )
- Ball, Elijah ( - )
- Ball, Elijah F. (1872 - )
- Ball, Eliza ( - )
- Ball, Eliza Kisor ( - )
- Ball, Elizabeth (1798 - )
- Ball, Ellen R. (1872 - )
- Ball, Ethel ( - )
- Ball, Fannie ( - )
- Ball, Floyd L. (1867 - )
- Ball, Frances (29 SEP 1867 - 1943)
- Ball, Franklin C. (1866 - )
- Ball, Fullen Jesse ( - )
- Ball, George (2 MAY 1752 - 1825)
- Ball, George (1798 - )
- Ball, George (ABT 1824 - AFT 1901)
- Ball, George P. (1874 - )
- Ball, George W. (1847 - )
- Ball, George Washington ( - BEF 1850)
- Ball, Gypsie ( - )
- Ball, Hannah C. (1874 - )
- Ball, Haskew (1846 - )
- Ball, Henry ( - )
- Ball, Henry H. (1879 - )
- Ball, Hughy (1857 - )
- Ball, Ida B. (1873 - )
- Ball, Ida Emiline (7 APR 1867 - 7 OCT 1918)
- Ball, Isaac W. (1876 - )
- Ball, Isabel (1863 - )
- Ball, Isaiah D. (1842 - )
- Ball, Isaiah Drake Ike (21 MAY 1869 - 1941)
- Ball, Isaiah M. (29 MAR 1860 - )
- Ball, James (1782 - )
- Ball, James (18 SEP 1822 - 9 NOV 1905)
- Ball, James Ballard (1806 - )
- Ball, James F. (23 JUL 1857 - )
- Ball, James H. (1829 - )
- Ball, James Harvey (1873 - )
- Ball, Jane (1828 - )
- Ball, Jane (1834 - )
- Ball, Jane ( - )
- Ball, Jasper Newton (1846 - )
- Ball, Jesse T. ( - )
- Ball, John (ABT 1525 - 1599)
- Ball, John (5 MAY 1548 - 1628)
- Ball, John (1670 - 1722)
- Ball, John (1869 - )
- Ball, John ( - )
- Ball, John ( - )
- Ball, John A. (1877 - )
- Ball, John G. (1848 - )
- Ball, John Henry (1872 - )
- Ball, John K. (1873 - )
- Ball, John P. (11 MAR 1849 - 5 FEB 1910)
- Ball, John Tunnell (10 JUN 1779 - 27 JUL 1863)
- Ball, John Tunnell (9 SEP 1812 - 16 APR 1889)
- Ball, John W. (1823 - )
- Ball, John Wesley (1840 - )
- Ball, Joseph (15 OCT 1839 - 24 APR 1908)
- Ball, Josephine (1877 - )
- Ball, Josephine ( - )
- Ball, Kelly ( - )
- Ball, Ketura (1879 - )
- Ball, Keturah (1865 - )
- Ball, Lawrence ( - )
- Ball, Leah (1859 - )
- Ball, Lilbourne (1846 - )
- Ball, Lizzie ( - )
- Ball, Louisa (1844 - )
- Ball, Louisa (1850 - )
- Ball, Louisa (1879 - )
- Ball, Louisa Hardin ( - )
- Ball, Louisa M. (1866 - )
- Ball, Louisa M. ( - )
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GEDCOM file last updated Tue, 13 Mar 2018 12:54:08.
Please send corrections, additions or comments to Sharon Mountford
Created by IGMMak Version 2.X (Program Information)
Copyright 1996 © Randy Winch
A component of the Indexed GEDCOM Method of GenWeb authoring.
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