Mountford Genealogical Database
- Barnes, John Bird (23 FEB 1795 - )
- Barnes, John S. (1914 - )
- Barnes, John Stetson (1887 - )
- Barnes, Jonathan ( - )
- Barnes, Lillian G. (JAN 1886 - )
- Barnes, Marcus (17 FEB 1787 - )
- Barnes, Marcus (18 MAR 1806 - )
- Barnes, Mary (1642 - )
- Barnes, Oliver Ellsworth (12 JAN 1803 - )
- Barnes, Orville (26 FEB 1797 - )
- Barnes, Polly (12 NOV 1790 - )
- Barnes, Ralph (JUN 1857 - )
- Barnes, Rebecca ( - )
- Barnes, Rhoda ( - )
- Barnes, Richard ( - )
- Barnes, Robert ( - )
- Barnes, Romulus (16 OCT 1800 - )
- Barnes, Ruby Grace (22 JAN 1893 - 16 JUL 1942)
- Barnes, Sarah ( - )
- Barnes, Underhill ( - )
- Barnes, William ( - )
- Barnes, William ( - )
- Barnet, William ( - )
- Barnett, Mary (1851 - )
- Barney, Ann (3 APR 1705 - )
- Barney, Anne (5 MAY 1713 - )
- Barney, Elizabeth (17 JAN 1693 - )
- Barney, Esther (20 MAR 1706 - )
- Barney, John (2 APR 1703 - )
- Barney, Joseph (16 OCT 1700 - )
- Barney, Joseph ( - )
- Barney, Sarah (29 APR 1710 - )
- Barnham, Alice ( - )
- Barnham, Benedict ( - )
- Barnum, Hannah (10 MAR 1743 - )
- Barnum, Joshua ( - )
- Barons, Joshua Nathaniel ( - )
- Barons, Kenneth James ( - )
- Barons, Nathaniel Rhys ( - )
- Barons, Richard Irwin ( - )
- Barret, Betsey ( - )
- Barrett, Elizabeth (1852 - )
- Barrett, Harriet (1835 - 1920)
- Barrett, Holmes (1803 - )
- Barrett, John (1833 - )
- Barrett, John ( - )
- Barrett, Margaret ( - )
- Barrett, Mary ( - )
- Barrett, Mary Ann (1855 - )
- Barrett, Mary Morticia (7 NOV 1839 - 21 MAY 1913)
- Barrett, Naomi (1831 - )
- Barrett, Rebecca ( - )
- Barrett, Richard (1848 - )
- Barrett, Robert (1860 - )
- Barrett, Ruth ( - )
- Barrett, William (1807 - )
- Barrett, William (1845 - )
- Barringer, Catherine (21 JUL 1773 - 11 MAR 1861)
- Barringer, David ( - )
- Barringer, Frederick ( - )
- Barringer, Hans George ( - )
- Barringer, Johannes ( - )
- Barringer, Margaret (11 SEP 1770 - )
- Barringer, Mary (26 APR 1767 - )
- Barringer, Zacharias ( - ABT 1816)
- Barrington, Esther ( - )
- Barron, Moses ( - )
- Barrow, David ( - )
- Barrow, Jonathon (ABT 1785 - ABT 1810)
- Barrow, Mary Ann Polly (18 AUG 1806 - 8 DEC 1893)
- Barrow, Nancy (11 OCT 1809 - )
- Barrow, Sally (9 MAY 1808 - )
- Barrus, Newkirk ( - )
- Barstow, Abigail ( - )
- Barstow, Deborah (1652 - 1679)
- Barstow, Lydia (23 APR 1717 - 6 FEB 1815)
- Barstow, Sarah ( - )
- Barstow, William ( - )
- Bartholomew, Angela Dell (5 MAR 1860 - )
- Bartholomew, Clarinda (26 SEP 1778 - 29 APR 1839)
- Bartholomew, Mary ( - )
- Bartlett or Brewster, Elizabeth (1690 - 5 DEC 1741)
- Bartlett, Abigail (18 MAR 1703/1704 - 30 AUG 1776)
- Bartlett, Benjamin (ABT 1628 - 21 AUG 1691)
- Bartlett, Benjamin (27 JUN 1658 - 10 APR 1724)
- Bartlett, Benjamin ( - )
- Bartlett, Betty ( - )
- Bartlett, Chandler ( - )
- Bartlett, Cyrus ( - )
- Bartlett, Deborah ( - )
- Bartlett, Dorothy ( - )
- Bartlett, Ebenezer (BEF 1670 - 1 MAR 1697/1698)
- Bartlett, Elizabeth (SEP 1708 - 4 MAY 1755)
- Bartlett, Elizabeth ( - FEB 1713)
- Bartlett, Hannah ( - )
- Bartlett, Ichabod (ABT 1670 - BEF 1 JAN 1715/1716)
- Bartlett, Ichabod (ABT 1700 - )
- Bartlett, Ichabod ( - )
- Bartlett, J Y ( - )
- Bartlett, John ( - )
- Bartlett, Joseph (1638 - 13 FEB 1711)
- Bartlett, Joseph (JUL 1706 - 6 JUN 1783)
- Bartlett, Joseph ( - )
- Bartlett, Josiah (24 MAY 1701 - 16 MAR 1782)
- Bartlett, Lydia (18 JUN 1648 - BEF 1693)
- Bartlett, Mary ( - )
- Bartlett, Mary ( - )
- Bartlett, Mercy ( - )
- Bartlett, Mercy ( - )
- Bartlett, Mercy ( - )
- Bartlett, Mercy or Mary (10 MAR 1650 - )
- Bartlett, Molly ( - )
- Bartlett, Nathaniel (11 OCT 1703 - )
- Bartlett, Nathaniel ( - )
- Bartlett, Priscilla ( - )
- Bartlett, Rebecca (BEF 1664 - 14 DEC 1741)
- Bartlett, Rebecca (BEF 1683 - AFT 1756)
- Bartlett, Rebecca ( - 1657/1658)
- Bartlett, Robert (27 APR 1603 - OCT 1676)
- Bartlett, Robert (6 DEC 1679 - )
- Bartlett, Robert ( - )
- Bartlett, Ruth ( - )
- Bartlett, Samuel (BEF 1666 - 1713)
- Bartlett, Sarah (BEF AUG 1670 - )
- Bartlett, Sarah (1681 - 3 APR 1761)
- Bartlett, Sarah (24 DEC 1710 - 17 JAN 1755)
- Bartlett, Sarah ( - )
- Bartlett, Seth (18 OCT 1713 - )
- Bartlett, Thomas ( - )
- Bartlett, William ( - )
- Barton, Amos (26 MAY 1737 - )
- Barton, Amos Thomas (5 OCT 1768 - )
- Barton, Andrew (ABT 1672 - 19 APR 1723)
- Barton, Andrew (24 DEC 1740 - )
- Barton, Andrew ( - )
- Barton, Ann ( - )
- Barton, Anne (1 SEP 1749 - )
- Barton, Anne (19 APR 1778 - )
- Barton, Anthony ( - )
- Barton, Benjamin (AFT 1645 - 1720)
- Barton, Benjamin (1703 - 22 APR 1773)
- Barton, Benjamin (21 JUL 1707 - )
- Barton, Benjamin (25 JAN 1733 - 9 APR 1817)
- Barton, Benjamin (26 JUN 1741 - )
- Barton, Benjamin (4 AUG 1744 - 20 MAR 1833)
- Barton, Benjamin (2 MAR 1770 - 15 JUN 1842)
- Barton, Benjamin (19 AUG 1804 - )
- Barton, Betsy (10 MAY 1776/1777 - )
- Barton, Catharine (16 JUL 1746 - )
- Barton, Catherine (31 AUG 1793 - 1832)
- Barton, Charlotte (20 JAN 1790 - 30 JUN 1790)
- Barton, Clara (27 JAN 1859 - 16 SEP 1859)
- Barton, Clara Garrett (15 OCT 1876 - )
- Barton, Colleen Judith ( - )
- Barton, David (9 DEC 1746 - )
- Barton, David Brightman (19 MAR 1791 - )
- Barton, DeGarmo Jones (4 DEC 1843 - )
- Barton, Diana (1 JAN 1788/1789 - )
- Barton, Ebenezer (28 MAY 1717 - )
- Barton, Edith Mary (24 JUL 1874 - )
- Barton, Edward (1559 - )
- Barton, Edward (1581 - BEF 1583)
- Barton, Edward (1585 - )
- Barton, Elisha ( - )
- Barton, Eliza (13 JUL 1836 - )
- Barton, Elizabeth (1637 - 20 AUG 1693)
- Barton, Elizabeth (ABT 1680 - )
- Barton, Elizabeth (23 JUN 1777 - )
- Barton, Elizabeth (1825 - 1856)
- Barton, Elizabeth ( - )
- Barton, Elizabeth ( - )
- Barton, Enoch ( - )
- Barton, Fred Hageman (27 JAN 1859 - )
- Barton, Freelove ( - )
- Barton, Garrett (5 APR 1912 - MAY 1983)
- Barton, Garrett Porter (8 JUL 1885 - APR 1967)
- Barton, Hail (22 NOV 1781 - )
- Barton, Haile (28 SEP 1744 - )
- Barton, Hamilton (20 AUG 1883 - )
- Barton, Harriet Sophia (21 AUG 1821 - 21 JAN 1886)
- Barton, Helen (1914 - )
- Barton, Henry Whitemore (2 NOV 1850 - 6 APR 1867)
- Barton, Holden Rhodes (23 FEB 1751 - )
- Barton, James (12 FEB 1784/1785 - )
- Barton, James (1932 - )
- Barton, James L. (17 SEP 1795 - 1869)
- Barton, Jane Ann (27 OCT 1806 - FEB 1864)
- Barton, John (7 MAR 1714 - )
- Barton, John (6 MAR 1738 - )
- Barton, John (NOV 1918 - )
- Barton, John ( - )
- Barton, Jonathan Brown (19 MAR 1791 - )
- Barton, Joseph ( - )
- Barton, Joseph Annin (15 FEB 1809 - 23 AUG 1875)
- Barton, Joseph Annin (1 MAR 1847 - )
- Barton, Joshua Fairbanks (21 MAY 1820 - 25 NOV 1820)
- Barton, Kate Ritchie (30 MAR 1862 - )
- Barton, Kathleen ( - )
- Barton, Lillis (17 SEP 1770 - )
- Barton, Lydia (26 FEB 1780 - )
- Barton, Lydia (29 JAN 1782/1783 - )
- Barton, Mabel (26 NOV 1878 - )
- Barton, Margaret (13 SEP 1711 - )
- Barton, Maria (9 APR 1811 - AFT 1879)
- Barton, Marmaduke ( - )
- Barton, Mary (1 MAY 1678 - 6 MAR 1712/1713)
- Barton, Mary (2 DEC 1705 - )
- Barton, Mary (20 NOV 1740 - 4 MAR 1772)
- Barton, Mary (18 FEB 1758 - )
- Barton, Mary ( - )
- Barton, Mary Agnes (4 DEC 1842 - BEF 1849)
- Barton, Mary Gertrude (12 APR 1854 - )
- Barton, Molly (21 AUG 1774 - )
- Barton, Nancy (26 JAN 1784 - )
- Barton, Naomi (ABT 1691 - 3 MAY 1727)
- Barton, Nathan (1 FEB 1735 - )
- Barton, NOah ( - )
- Barton, Palmer (ABT 1693 - ABT 1712)
- Barton, Patience (26 MAR 1739 - )
- Barton, Patience (13 AUG 1774 - )
- Barton, Patience ( - )
- Barton, Peter Porter (21 NOV 1814 - 2 JAN 1893)
- Barton, Phebe (1632 - )
- Barton, Phebe (ABT 1674 - )
- Barton, Phebe (25 NOV 1728 - )
- Barton, Phebe (21 JUL 1737 - )
- Barton, Phebe ( - )
- Barton, Philip (13 NOV 1788 - )
- Barton, Rebecca (OCT 1743 - )
- Barton, Rebecca (16 JUL 1746 - )
- Barton, Rebecca (21 FEB 1779/1780 - )
- Barton, Richard (9 FEB 1738 - )
- Barton, Richard (13 FEB 1739 - 1 MAR 1797)
- Barton, Richard Charles (1929 - 17 NOV 2005)
- Barton, Robert (OCT 1916 - )
- Barton, Roger (ABT 1666 - 17 JAN 1716)
- Barton, Roger Eugene ( - )
- Barton, Rosamond (31 DEC 1755 - )
- Barton, Rose (30 SEP 1775 - )
- Barton, Rowland (7 APR 1709 - 25 SEP 1769)
- Barton, Rowland ( - 30 JAN 1821)
- Barton, Rufus (1587 - )
- Barton, Rufus (JUN 1605 - 1648)
- Barton, Rufus (1708 - 1752)
- Barton, Rufus (9 JAN 1719 - )
- Barton, Rufus (22 FEB 1743 - )
- Barton, Rufus ( - )
- Barton, Rufus James (1673 - 1752)
- Barton, Samuel (23 JAN 1798 - 7 JUN 1837)
- Barton, Samuel ( - )
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GEDCOM file last updated Tue, 13 Mar 2018 12:54:08.
Please send corrections, additions or comments to Sharon Mountford
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Copyright 1996 © Randy Winch
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