peloponnesian war > questions

Outstanding Questions

This page will attempt to cover any unresolved questions about the rules. I tend to forget what these are over time, only to remember them as I play. When I do remember them, I will add them to the list. I have also received some questions from Chris Roginsky. Any additions to the list are welcome.

I will be posing the questions to Mark Herman; as he answers them, they will be removed from this list and added to my errata page.


Note: The interception questions were already answered by Mark Herman, but since Chris Roginsky's interpretations are different, and he can also point to an article by Mark Herman in at least one instance, I have reopened the issues to get a final adjudication.

Question: If an Army is intercepted in an assembly space, does the interception occur before or after activation of forces in the space?

  My answer, which I believe Mark Herman also indicated: Before.

  Chris Roginsky: The intercepting player can choose when to intercept the moving Army: as it enters the space or after activating the SPs. If the Army is intercepted as it enters the space, then the interception occurs before any SPs are activated. If the Army is intercepted in the process of activating SPs, then the interception occurs after the activation. Either way, all SPs in the area would be involved in the skirmish and/or combat.

Question: If an Army is intercepted in a space that already contains a friendly Force or Army, is the latter Force or Army counted for purposes of:

  Mark Herman: No; no; yes; yes.

  Chris Roginsky: Yes; yes; yes; yes. This interpretation, that the preexisting Force joins in immediately, is also implied by the Chris' response to the next question.

Question: If a leader moving alone is intercepted in a space containing a preexisting Force or Army, is the leader sent home immediately?

  Mark Herman: Yes.

  Chris Roginsky: No. Chris points out that in Mark Herman's article in The General, volume 28, no.1, page 11, third column, in the second paragraph of the section entitled "Sparta", Mark advises the Spartans to move a leader alone to Syracuse via the Cape Taenarum LOC. He says that even if the leader is intercepted in Syracuse, "the worst that can happen is that the battle occurs during the Operations Phase instead of the Combat phase." This implies that preexisting Force protects the leader from being sent home.

Question: If a Leader is travelling with 1 SP, and that SP is eliminated in a Skirmish, is the Leader sent home immediately, even if the space is an assembly space?

  Mark Herman: Yes.

  Chris Roginsky: If the leader attempted to enter a friendly space, the leader may continue to move, including activating SPs in that space. If the leader attempted to enter an enemy space already occupied by a friendly Army, the leader must stop movement in that space. If the leader attempted to enter an enemy space not already occupied by a friendly Army, the leader is placed in the Going Home box.


Question: Do two Forces of the same side in the same space join together in the combat phase? Or does each Force or Army in the space stay separate and do battle separately? For instance, if each side has moved two Armies into a space, might there be up to three battles in the same space? Are the Forces combined into one in the Going Home segment?


Question: When rolling for immediate expansion of an oligarchic rebellion, either due a random event or in the Delian League Rebellion Segment, is the die roll modified by the ZOI of Spartan Forces, in a manner similar to the Rebellion Expansion Segment?

  Chris Roginsky: No.

Question: If an attempt to cause rebellion fails, does the leader selected for the operation stay in the home space?

  Chris Roginsky: Yes.

Question (from Chris Roginsky): Can a player attempt to cause a rebellion in a space to which it would be impossible to assemble and move an Army?

  Chris Roginsky proposes: No.

Question (from Chris Roginsky): If a player causes a rebellion and the moving Army is eliminated or placed in the Going Home box before reaching the rebellion space, does the space still rebel? Does this count as a pass?

  Chris Roginsky proposes: Yes; no.

  Brian Mountford: I concur.


Question (from Chris Roginsky):When an armistice is declared, is the game turn marker moved ahead the number of spaces equal to the number of "turns" the armistice lasts (effectively shortening the game)?

  Chris Roginsky proposes: No. I am not sure about this one. There is a small chance that the armistice could last as long as 4 turns, and almost equal chances it could last 1, 2 or 3 turns. If a corresponding number of turns are skipped the game could be significantly shortened. I think the "turn" concept is a mechanism to increase the treasuries for both sides, thus allowing for larger operations when hostilities resume. Skipping one turn is reasonable (see the Historical Commentary booklet, page 25, Game Turn 5), but a strict reading of the rules implies no turns are skipped (the Armistice Segment occurs before the Game Turn Marker Segment).

Question (from Chris Roginsky): During an armistice, when calculating revenue for both sides, does the Eisphora (rule 7.1.4) increase Athenian revenue?

  Chris Roginsky proposes: No. Since there is an armistice, direct taxation should not be allowed.


Question (from Chris Roginsky): Can an Army enter the same assembly space more than once during a single operation for the purpose of activating SPs?

  Chris Roginsky proposes: Yes.

  Brian Mountford: I concur.

Question (from Chris Roginsky): Does the leader chosen during the current operations segment have to lead the current operation? Can a leader already in the home space lead the current operation?

  Chris Roginsky proposes: Yes; no.

  Brian Mountford: I concur.

Post-Combat Movement

Question (from Chris Roginsky): When the Post-Combat Movement table calls for 50% of a certain type of SPs to be sent to one space and 50% to another (as is the case with Spartan Ally hoplites), and there is an odd number of qualifying SPs, can the owning player choose in which space the odd SP is placed? Does the non-player side choose randomly?

  Chris Roginsky proposes: Yes to the first question. (discussion group) (me)