Mountford Genealogical Database
- Ferris, Sylvanus (5 MAR 1773 - 13 JUN 1861)
- Ferris, Sylvanus ( - )
- Ferris, Timothy Harvey (21 OCT 1805 - 20 JUN 1891)
- Ferris, William M. (1807 - )
- Field, ( - )
- Field, Elizabeth (1734 - 10 JUL 1776)
- Field, James (1729 - )
- Field, John (1727 - )
- Field, John ( - 1729)
- Field, John ( - )
- Field, John ( - )
- Field, Laura ( - )
- Field, Mary ( - )
- Field, Michael ( - )
- Field, Ruth (ABT 1646 - 1727)
- Fields, ( - )
- Fields, ( - )
- Fields, ( - )
- Fields, Elizabeth ( - )
- Fields, Rebecca (1841 - )
- Fields, Tabitha C. (1853 - )
- Filley, Elizabeth (1650 - 23 JUN 1728)
- Finch, Sarah ( - )
- Fine, Esther (ABT 1695 - )
- Finlayson, Mava Isabella (1 DEC 1885 - 21 DEC 1939)
- Finley, Elizabeth (ABT 1765 - 1822)
- Finley, Jane ( - )
- Finney, (ABT 1715 - )
- Finney, Charles M. (1845 - )
- Finney, Elizabeth ( - )
- Finney, James ( - )
- Finney, Sarah (1848 - )
- Finney, Thomas ( - )
- Finny, Cosby A. (1851 - )
- Finny, Reuben ( - )
- Fischer, Esther ( - )
- Fischer, Margaret ( - )
- Fisco, Rose (1921 - )
- Fiscock, Elizabeth ( - )
- Fish, ( - )
- Fish, ( - )
- Fish, Alice ( - 1734)
- Fish, Chloe (1 JUL 1778 - )
- Fish, Daniel ( - )
- Fish, Darius (8 OCT 1738 - )
- Fish, Darius Augustus (15 MAY 1791 - )
- Fish, David (10 OCT 1744 - )
- Fish, Desire (30 OCT 1729 - )
- Fish, Elizabeth (14 MAR 1782 - )
- Fish, Ella (14 SEP 1776 - )
- Fish, Elnathan ( - )
- Fish, Esther (18 FEB 1735/1736 - )
- Fish, Jacob (18 FEB 1741/1742 - 6 NOV 1760)
- Fish, John (1727 - 12 JUL 1752)
- Fish, John (30 DEC 1769 - )
- Fish, John (17 OCT 1796 - )
- Fish, John ( - )
- Fish, Lucy (6 JAN 1788 - )
- Fish, Lydia (23 FEB 1772 - )
- Fish, Mary (6 MAR 1766 - )
- Fish, Permilla (1 SEP 1784 - )
- Fish, Philury (1 SEP 1784 - )
- Fish, Samuel ( - )
- Fish, Sarah (23 NOV 1767 - )
- Fish, Thomas ( - 1687)
- Fish, Thomas ( - )
- Fisher, ( - )
- Fisher, Aurelia ( - )
- Fisher, Cornelius ( - )
- Fisher, Cornelius ( - )
- Fisher, Cornelius ( - )
- Fisher, David Dees (ABT 1822 - )
- Fisher, Edward ( - )
- Fisher, Elijah (ABT 1785 - 14 DEC 1838)
- Fisher, Elizabeth ( - early 1640’s)
- Fisher, Frances ( - )
- Fisher, Hannah (1653 - 1681)
- Fisher, Jonathan W. (1854 - )
- Fisher, Mary ( - )
- Fisher, Rosana (1849 - )
- Fisher, Ruth ( - )
- Fisher, Sarah ( - )
- Fisher, Vigilence ( - )
- Fisher, Walter M. (1877 - )
- Fisher, William (1871 - )
- Fisk, Irene (25 MAY 1811 - 7 APR 1890)
- Fisk, James ( - )
- Fisk, Stephen ( - )
- Fiske, Elijah (1824 - )
- Fiske, Emma (1866 - )
- Fiske, Moses ( - )
- Fiske, Shepard (1732 - )
- Fitch, Abigail (5 AUG 1650 - )
- Fitch, Abigail (22 FEB 1688 - 19 MAY 1759)
- Fitch, Abigail ( - )
- Fitch, Adonijah ( - )
- Fitch, Ammi ( - )
- Fitch, Ann (6 APR 1675 - 7 OCT 1715)
- Fitch, Anna (ABT 1701 - 11 NOV 1748)
- Fitch, Anne ( - )
- Fitch, Bridget (1698 - )
- Fitch, Daniel (AUG 1665 - )
- Fitch, Daniel (FEB 1693 - )
- Fitch, Daniel (9 OCT 1709 - 12 MAY 1755)
- Fitch, Dorothy (APR 1658 - )
- Fitch, Ebenezer (10 JAN 1690 - )
- Fitch, Eleazur (14 MAY 1683 - )
- Fitch, Elizabeth (2 JAN 1652 - )
- Fitch, Hannah (17 DEC 1653 - )
- Fitch, Jabez (APR 1672 - )
- Fitch, Jabez ( - )
- Fitch, James (24 DEC 1622 - 18 NOV 1702)
- Fitch, James (2 AUG 1649 - )
- Fitch, James (1 JAN 1678 - 1678)
- Fitch, James (7 JUN 1679 - )
- Fitch, Jedediah (17 APR 1681 - )
- Fitch, Jeremiah (SEP 1670 - )
- Fitch, Jerusha ( - )
- Fitch, John (JAN 1668 - )
- Fitch, John (1695 - )
- Fitch, John ( - )
- Fitch, Joseph (NOV 1681 - )
- Fitch, Joseph ( - )
- Fitch, Josiah (1699 - )
- Fitch, Lucy ( - )
- Fitch, Mary (ABT 1643 - 25 DEC 1730)
- Fitch, Mary (JUL 1744 - 15 NOV 1780)
- Fitch, Mary ( - 1693)
- Fitch, Mary ( - 25 DEC )
- Fitch, Mary ( - )
- Fitch, Nathaniel (OCT 1679 - )
- Fitch, Nathaniel ( - )
- Fitch, Samuel (MAR 1655 - )
- Fitch, Samuel (12 JUL 1683 - )
- Fitch, Samuel ( - )
- Fitch, Sarah ( - 16 MAR 1718)
- Fitch, Sarah ( - )
- Fitch, Thomas ( - )
- Fitch, Thomas ( - )
- Fitch, William (1701 - )
- Fitzrandle, Edward ( - )
- Fitzsimmons, ( - )
- Fitzsimmons, Alice (1852 - )
- Fitzsimmons, Ann M. (1836 - )
- Fitzsimmons, Bateman (1802 - 1891)
- Fitzsimmons, Bateman (1850 - )
- Fitzsimmons, Catherine Electa (25 NOV 1904 - 29 OCT 2004)
- Fitzsimmons, Elizabeth (1841 - 14 FEB 1915)
- Fitzsimmons, Ella (1860 - )
- Fitzsimmons, Henry (1843 - )
- Fitzsimmons, Homer (11 AUG 1853 - MAR 1935)
- Fitzsimmons, Irving E. (1866 - )
- Fitzsimmons, James (1694 - 1760)
- Fitzsimmons, Jerome (1809 - 1840)
- Fitzsimmons, John (1726 - 1798)
- Fitzsimmons, John C. (FEB 1868 - )
- Fitzsimmons, Mabel (1869 - )
- Fitzsimmons, Margaret Louise (SEP 1860 - )
- Fitzsimmons, Miranda (1840 - )
- Fitzsimmons, Myron (1850 - )
- Fitzsimmons, Randall (ABT 1827 - ABT 1892)
- Fitzsimmons, Rena (1845 - )
- Fitzsimmons, Thomas (1857 - )
- Fitzsimmons, Thomas (MAR 1871 - )
- Fitzsimmons, Thomas ( - 1836)
- Fitzwilliam, Anne ( - )
- Flagg, Jane (5 DEC 1775 - )
- Flagg, William ( - )
- Fleet, Mary Ann ( - )
- Fleiner, Elizabeth ( - )
- Fleming, Janet ( - )
- Fleming, Philip ( - )
- Flesch, Dick ( - )
- Flesch, Jeffrey ( - )
- Flesch, Richard ( - )
- Flesch, Robert ( - )
- Flesch, Starlynn ( - )
- Fletcher, ( - )
- Fletcher, Abram (1839 - )
- Fletcher, Abram (1841 - )
- Fletcher, Alice Nora (26 SEP 1861 - 14 DEC 1943)
- Fletcher, Arminda (15 JUL 1836 - 9 JUN 1887)
- Fletcher, Basil (1812 - )
- Fletcher, Benjamin (1 DEC 1677 - )
- Fletcher, Benjamin ( - )
- Fletcher, Beverly J. (1849 - )
- Fletcher, Caroline ( - )
- Fletcher, Cary C. (1870 - )
- Fletcher, Catherine (1841 - )
- Fletcher, Celia (1829 - )
- Fletcher, Celia (1878 - )
- Fletcher, Celia Emeline (19 JUL 1840 - )
- Fletcher, Celia G. (1875 - )
- Fletcher, Charles L. (1848 - )
- Fletcher, Charles W. (1857 - )
- Fletcher, Charlie W. (MAR 1888 - )
- Fletcher, Clarisa (1838 - )
- Fletcher, Cummings G. (10 OCT 1828 - 9 MAY 1862)
- Fletcher, Cynthia C. (1873 - )
- Fletcher, Eli (ABT 1797 - 17 JUL 1875)
- Fletcher, Elisabeth (1849 - )
- Fletcher, Elizabeth (24 AUG 1663 - )
- Fletcher, Elizabeth (14 JUN 1788 - 2 MAR 1881)
- Fletcher, Elizabeth ( - )
- Fletcher, Elizabeth J. (1833 - )
- Fletcher, Emily J. (1852 - )
- Fletcher, Frances ( - )
- Fletcher, Francis M. (1846 - )
- Fletcher, Fullen (26 OCT 1830 - 23 MAR 1853)
- Fletcher, George Washington ( - )
- Fletcher, Georgia Anna (1870 - )
- Fletcher, Grissell ( - )
- Fletcher, Hannah (24 OCT 1674 - )
- Fletcher, Hannah (1696 - 8 JUL 1778)
- Fletcher, Helen ( - )
- Fletcher, Henry (1881 - )
- Fletcher, Henry A. (1872 - )
- Fletcher, Hezekiah (6 APR 1672 - )
- Fletcher, Hiram Howard (6 JUN 1874 - 25 APR 1924)
- Fletcher, Isaac (1843 - )
- Fletcher, Jahiel (1838 - )
- Fletcher, James (26 AUG 1791 - 20 FEB 1853)
- Fletcher, James B. (1849 - )
- Fletcher, James D. (1876 - )
- Fletcher, James H. (1842 - )
- Fletcher, James Madison (29 SEP 1838 - MAR 1917)
- Fletcher, James Tilden (1876 - 1959)
- Fletcher, Janal (1868 - )
- Fletcher, Jane (1828 - )
- Fletcher, Jane (1836 - )
- Fletcher, Jane ( - )
- Fletcher, John (28 FEB 1665 - )
- Fletcher, John (1787 - ABT 1864)
- Fletcher, John (1814 - )
- Fletcher, John ( - )
- Fletcher, John B. (1855 - )
- Fletcher, John W. (1843 - )
- Fletcher, John Whetzel (1820 - )
- Fletcher, Joseph (15 APR 1661 - )
- Fletcher, Julia Ann (15 JUN 1832 - 18 AUG 1832)
- Fletcher, Julia F. (1845 - )
- Fletcher, Larkin (1834 - )
- Fletcher, Lassie ( - )
- Fletcher, Laurence? (1866 - )
- Fletcher, Leah J. (1845 - )
- Fletcher, Lorenzo Dow (28 FEB 1827 - 28 JUN 1912)
- Fletcher, Mable (1907 - )
- Fletcher, Major ( - )
- Fletcher, Major Allen (4 APR 1834 - 28 JAN 1913)
- Fletcher, Malinda (1822 - )
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GEDCOM file last updated Tue, 13 Mar 2018 12:54:08.
Please send corrections, additions or comments to Sharon Mountford
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Copyright 1996 © Randy Winch
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