Mountford Genealogical Database
- Faulkner, Lucy (1837 - )
- Faulkner, Lydia (1846 - )
- Faulkner, Martha (1850 - )
- Faulkner, Sarah M. (1843 - )
- Faunce, Elizabeth ( - )
- Faunce, John (1602/1610 - 29 NOV 1653)
- Faunce, John ( - )
- Faunce, Joseph (1653 - 1687)
- Faunce, Mary ( - )
- Faunce, Mercy (1651 - )
- Faunce, Patience (7 NOV 1673 - 1779)
- Faunce, Patience ( - )
- Faunce, Priscilla (1633/1634 - 15 MAY 1707)
- Faunce, Sarah (1645 - 27 JUN 1695)
- Faunce, Thomas (1647 - 27 FEB 1746)
- Faville, Gertrude (1860 - 1954)
- Faville, Rush ( - )
- Fay, Ann (2 DEC 1851 - )
- Fay, Anna Electa (6 JAN 1857 - )
- Fay, Emma Isabelle (14 FEB 1854 - )
- Fay, Erzelia (24 JAN 1846 - )
- Fay, James ( - )
- Fay, John (1643 - 1690)
- Fay, John (4 MAR 1850 - )
- Fay, Kate (Miner) (7 JUL 1842 - 5 FEB 1926)
- Fay, Lucy ( - )
- Fay, Margaret (8 APR 1840 - )
- Fay, Mary (7 JUL 1837 - )
- Fay, Patrick William (8 MAR 1811 - )
- Fay, William Patrick (25 FEB 1844 - )
- Feake, Hannah ( - )
- Feake, John ( - 1724)
- Feake, Judith (ABT 1621 - )
- Feake, Martha (27 OCT 1688 - )
- Feake, Robert ( - )
- Feathers, Abigail ( - )
- Featly, Sibel ( - )
- Felch, Samuel ( - )
- Feldman, ( - )
- Feller, Hannah ( - )
- Feller, Nicholas ( - )
- Fellowes, ( - )
- Fells, Elizabeth (8 MAY 1823 - )
- Fells, Emilia ( - )
- Fells, George ( - )
- Fells, George ( - )
- Fells, John ( - )
- Fells, Valentine (5 FEB 1833 - )
- Fells, Valentine ( - )
- Felt, Carl L. (1870 - )
- Felt, Jay Paul (1873 - )
- Felt, Joshua Pitt (1845 - )
- Felt, Leon ( - )
- Felt, Tockreti ( - )
- Felzer, ( - )
- Fenn, Benjamin ( - )
- Fenn, Sarah ( - )
- Fennell, ( - )
- Fennell, Valerie B. (1877 - )
- Fenner, ( - )
- Fenner, Arthur (1622 - )
- Fenner, Arthur ( - )
- Fenner, Freelove (1656 - )
- Fenner, Phoebe ( - 1 SEP 1691)
- Fenner, Thomas (SEP 1652 - 27 FEB 1718)
- Fentem, Joyce ( - )
- Fenton, Ann or_Mary (BEF 1610 - MAY 1670)
- Ferguson, ( - )
- Ferguson, ( - )
- Ferguson, Abigail (1810 - )
- Ferguson, Abraham (1838 - )
- Ferguson, Ada (1839 - )
- Ferguson, Adam (1718 - )
- Ferguson, Allen W. (1836 - )
- Ferguson, Amacetta R. (1838 - )
- Ferguson, America (1846 - )
- Ferguson, Andrew (1878 - )
- Ferguson, Andrew ( - )
- Ferguson, Andrew C. (1830 - )
- Ferguson, Anthony ( - )
- Ferguson, Barbara (15 JUN 1851 - 6 NOV 1878)
- Ferguson, Belle (7 AUG 1862 - 1 MAR 1942)
- Ferguson, Benjamin (1852 - )
- Ferguson, Biddy (1874 - )
- Ferguson, Buren (13 FEB 1859 - 25 FEB 1904)
- Ferguson, Burwell (24 JUL 1825 - 23 NOV 1899)
- Ferguson, Cassie (1837 - 11 FEB 1903)
- Ferguson, Chatman (1871 - )
- Ferguson, Clary (1877 - )
- Ferguson, Cynthia (ABT 1795 - 1831)
- Ferguson, Cynthia (1827 - )
- Ferguson, Cynthia (1849 - )
- Ferguson, Delia (1795 - 1882)
- Ferguson, Deliverance ( - )
- Ferguson, Druzilla (1823/1824 - )
- Ferguson, Edmund (17 FEB 1811 - JUL 1890)
- Ferguson, Elisha (1814 - )
- Ferguson, Elisha (1839 - )
- Ferguson, Elizabeth (3 MAR 1785 - 1 AUG 1862)
- Ferguson, Elizabeth (11 NOV 1803 - 23 OCT 1878)
- Ferguson, Elizabeth (1833 - )
- Ferguson, Elizabeth (1836 - 6 SEP 1930)
- Ferguson, Elizabeth (1838 - )
- Ferguson, Elizabeth ( - )
- Ferguson, Ellen (1873 - )
- Ferguson, Emily (1847 - )
- Ferguson, Emma (1874 - )
- Ferguson, Emmaline (1873 - )
- Ferguson, Emory (1863 - )
- Ferguson, Eugene (1876 - )
- Ferguson, Eustice (1879 - )
- Ferguson, Eva (7 APR 1903 - JAN 1953/1954)
- Ferguson, Fisher (26 MAY 1883 - 11 AUG 1902)
- Ferguson, Flora (1867 - )
- Ferguson, George (1871 - )
- Ferguson, George A. (1858 - )
- Ferguson, George W. (1847 - )
- Ferguson, Harold ( - )
- Ferguson, Hartly (1868 - )
- Ferguson, Harvey (1814 - 1869)
- Ferguson, Helena (Lena) (1866 - )
- Ferguson, Henry (1843 - )
- Ferguson, Henry C. (1845 - )
- Ferguson, Hugha (1850 - )
- Ferguson, Hugha (1875 - )
- Ferguson, Ida (1865 - )
- Ferguson, Isaac (1869 - )
- Ferguson, Isabel (1766 - 1839)
- Ferguson, J. A. (1842 - )
- Ferguson, James (30 MAR 1775 - )
- Ferguson, James (1840 - 1912)
- Ferguson, James ( - )
- Ferguson, James A. (1834 - )
- Ferguson, James H. (1853 - )
- Ferguson, Jameson (12 JUL 1812 - 24 MAR 1848)
- Ferguson, Jameson (1832 - )
- Ferguson, Jameson ( - )
- Ferguson, Jasper (1854 - )
- Ferguson, Joel (1798 - )
- Ferguson, Joel U. (1842 - )
- Ferguson, John (1772 - 29 AUG 1855)
- Ferguson, John (1792 - 25 DEC 1864)
- Ferguson, John (1825 - )
- Ferguson, John (1859 - )
- Ferguson, John Everald (28 OCT 1828 - ABT 1894)
- Ferguson, John Patton (1818 - )
- Ferguson, John Plymale (1863 - 1932)
- Ferguson, John W. (1847 - )
- Ferguson, John Wesley (25 SEP 1808 - ABT 1844)
- Ferguson, Joseph (15 JUL 1849 - )
- Ferguson, Katherine (1841 - )
- Ferguson, Kelly (ABT 1800 - )
- Ferguson, Kelly (1820 - 1866)
- Ferguson, Lafayette (1847 - 31 JAN 1898)
- Ferguson, Lewis S. (13 FEB 1818 - 1900)
- Ferguson, Louisa (1842 - )
- Ferguson, Lucian (1879 - )
- Ferguson, Maggie (1872 - )
- Ferguson, Malissa (1844 - )
- Ferguson, Margaret (1845 - )
- Ferguson, Margaret Ann (14 SEP 1816 - )
- Ferguson, Marion (1866 - )
- Ferguson, Martha (1877 - )
- Ferguson, Martha J. (MAY 1850 - )
- Ferguson, Martha W. (1857 - )
- Ferguson, Martha {Mattie) (1822 - )
- Ferguson, Mary (1843 - )
- Ferguson, Mary Jane (ABT 1768 - )
- Ferguson, Mary Pauline (Polly) (2 APR 1805 - 13 MAY 1882)
- Ferguson, Mary W. (1833 - )
- Ferguson, Melvina (1844 - )
- Ferguson, Meredith (1837 - )
- Ferguson, Miles M. (1848 - )
- Ferguson, Milton (1834 - )
- Ferguson, Milton (1838 - )
- Ferguson, Milton (1849 - )
- Ferguson, Milton Jameson (3 OCT 1801 - 9 DEC 1853)
- Ferguson, Nina (1868 - )
- Ferguson, Oceander (26 SEP 1836 - AFT 1910)
- Ferguson, Parazade (1846 - )
- Ferguson, Percival Smith (1835 - )
- Ferguson, Polly ( - )
- Ferguson, Rebecca (29 OCT 1799 - 29 JUL 1829)
- Ferguson, Rebecca ( - )
- Ferguson, Rebecca Ann ( - )
- Ferguson, Samuel (3 MAR 1743/1744 - 12 FEB 1825)
- Ferguson, Samuel (1773 - )
- Ferguson, Samuel (1790 - )
- Ferguson, Samuel (1843 - )
- Ferguson, Samuel (1848 - )
- Ferguson, Samuel Vincent ( - )
- Ferguson, Sarah A. (1835 - )
- Ferguson, Sarah E. (ABT 1779 - 1853)
- Ferguson, Simpson (1835 - )
- Ferguson, Simpson (1840 - )
- Ferguson, Simpson (1880 - )
- Ferguson, Susan (1850 - )
- Ferguson, Susan C. (1859 - )
- Ferguson, Tarlton E. (1846 - )
- Ferguson, Thomas (2 SEP 1784 - 28 AUG 1838)
- Ferguson, Thomas Jefferson (1833 - )
- Ferguson, Tilman (1842 - )
- Ferguson, Virginia S. (1864 - )
- Ferguson, Virginia Stanpole (22 NOV 1866 - 1936)
- Ferguson, Washington (1850 - )
- Ferguson, Wayne (18 SEP 1853 - )
- Ferguson, Wayne (1877 - )
- Ferguson, Wayne ( - )
- Ferguson, Wesley (1870 - )
- Ferguson, William (5 SEP 1808 - 1 AUG 1875)
- Ferguson, William (1827 - )
- Ferguson, William (1840 - )
- Ferguson, William (6 JUN 1848 - )
- Ferguson, William (1868 - )
- Ferguson, William ( - )
- Ferguson, William Leonard (22 SEP 1777 - 28 JUL 1848)
- Ferguson, William Morris (1821 - ABT 1906)
- Ferguson, William T. (1877 - )
- Ferguson, William W. (20 SEP 1848 - )
- Ferguson, Zary (1869 - )
- Ferguson, Zurilda (1844 - )
- Ferrell, ( - )
- Ferrell, Nancy (13 OCT 1826 - 2 MAY 1919)
- Ferrell, Richard ( - )
- Ferrell, Sarah (APR 1823 - 6 SEP 1863)
- Ferrell, William ( - )
- Ferris, Charles S. (1841 - )
- Ferris, Frances M. ( - )
- Ferris, Frank B. (1876 - )
- Ferris, Franklyn S. (1848 - )
- Ferris, George W. G. (1818 - )
- Ferris, Harriet Amelia (1850 - )
- Ferris, Harriet N. (1816 - )
- Ferris, Harriett M. ( - )
- Ferris, Harvey F. (1872 - )
- Ferris, Henry (1809 - )
- Ferris, James H. ( - )
- Ferris, Jeffrey (ABT 1610 - )
- Ferris, Joseph (1638 - 1699)
- Ferris, Laura (1811 - )
- Ferris, Lillie C. (1856 - )
- Ferris, Louise T. (1868 - )
- Ferris, Mary (ABT 1638 - 1707/1708)
- Ferris, Melissa Deloris ( - )
- Ferris, Nathan O. (1801 - 1850)
- Ferris, Peter ( - )
- Ferris, Sally M. ( - )
- Ferris, Silvanus Western (30 JUN 1799 - 30 SEP 1887)
- Ferris, Stella (1877 - )
- Ferris, Stella Eliza (3 AUG 1843 - 4 MAR 1940)
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GEDCOM file last updated Tue, 13 Mar 2018 12:54:08.
Please send corrections, additions or comments to Sharon Mountford
Created by IGMMak Version 2.X (Program Information)
Copyright 1996 © Randy Winch
A component of the Indexed GEDCOM Method of GenWeb authoring.
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