Mountford Genealogical Database
- Cobb, Edward (ABT 1661 - ABT 1741)
- Cobb, Gideon ( - )
- Cobb, Lucinda (1771 - 29 JAN 1790)
- Cobham, Marah ( - )
- Cobleigh, Cornelia M. ( - )
- Coburn, Aurilla (14 JUL 1824 - 28 JAN 1828)
- Coburn, Chester (17 AUG 1787 - 18 JAN 1828)
- Coburn, Daniel ( - )
- Coburn, Judson (1822 - 26 OCT 1857)
- Coburn, Mary E. (11 MAR 1819 - 5 APR 1867)
- Coburn, Phebe K. (17 FEB 1822 - 30 JAN 1892)
- Cock, Anders (BEF 1680 - )
- Cock, Catharina ( - )
- Cock, Christina or_Kerstin ( - )
- Cock, Gustaf ( - )
- Cock, John Anderson (ABT 1645 - 1702/1703)
- Cock, Joseph ( - )
- Cock, Justa ( - )
- Cock, Robert ( - )
- Cock, William ( - )
- Cocke, Naomi ( - )
- Cocke, Thomas ( - )
- Cockes, Stephen ( - )
- Cocks, John Anderson (ABT 1683 - )
- Codner, Elizabeth (1678 - )
- Codner, Richard (11 AUG 1676 - )
- Codner, Richard ( - )
- Codner, Savory (1679 - )
- Codney, Mary ( - )
- Codwise, Elizabeth (23 AUG 1762 - )
- Codwise, George ( - )
- Coe, Abigail (12 JAN 1759 - 20 JAN 1847)
- Coe, Amos ( - )
- Coe, Clarissa (1798 - 19 DEC 1846)
- Coe, Johanna ( - )
- Coe, John (1649 - 16 DEC 1728)
- Coe, Jon ( - )
- Coe, Matthew ( - )
- Coe, Sarah ( - )
- Coffin, Abigail (6 DEC 1708 - )
- Coffin, Benjamin (28 AUG 1683 - )
- Coffin, Benjamin (26 JUN 1718 - )
- Coffin, Beulah (16 OCT 1726 - )
- Coffin, Daniel (23 JAN 1720/1721 - )
- Coffin, Deborah (14 JUL 1715 - )
- Coffin, Elizabeth (25 JAN 1706/1707 - )
- Coffin, Elizabeth ( - )
- Coffin, Enoch (1678 - 1761)
- Coffin, Enoch (1 MAR 1712/1713 - )
- Coffin, Hannah ( - )
- Coffin, Hepsibah (7 SEP 1704 - 1794)
- Coffin, John (30 OCT 1647 - 5 SEP 1711)
- Coffin, John (10 FEB 1673 - )
- Coffin, John (6 APR 1710 - )
- Coffin, Love (5 JUN 1676 - )
- Coffin, Love (13 SEP 1702 - 1789)
- Coffin, Lydia (1 JUN 1669 - )
- Coffin, Peter (5 AUG 1671 - )
- Coffin, Samuel (ABT 1680 - )
- Coffin, Tristram (1685 - 1761)
- Coffin, Tristram ( - )
- Coggeshall, Ann (1622 - 6 MAR 1688)
- Coggeshall, Anne (BEF 1604 - )
- Coggeshall, Bedadiah (1637 - )
- Coggeshall, Caleb (17 DEC 1672 - )
- Coggeshall, Content (14 MAR 1681 - )
- Coggeshall, Daniel (APR 1665 - )
- Coggeshall, Daniel (25 OCT 1692 - )
- Coggeshall, Elisabeth (9 NOV 1686 - )
- Coggeshall, Elizabeth (27 SEP 1571/1572 - )
- Coggeshall, Elizabeth (1649 - )
- Coggeshall, Elizabeth (23 APR 1674 - 13 MAR 1711)
- Coggeshall, Hananeel (1635 - )
- Coggeshall, Humility (JAN 1670 - AFT 1719)
- Coggeshall, Isaac (1677 - )
- Coggeshall, James (ABT 1628 - AFT 1645)
- Coggeshall, John (1535 - 1 JAN 1600/1601)
- Coggeshall, John (24 JUL 1576 - 4 AUG 1615)
- Coggeshall, John (ABT 1601 - 27 MAY 1647)
- Coggeshall, John (ABT 1620 - 1 OCT 1708)
- Coggeshall, John (12 FEB 1649 - 9 JAN 1705)
- Coggeshall, John (DEC 1659 - )
- Coggeshall, John (23 SEP 1673 - )
- Coggeshall, Joshua (ABT 1626 - 1 MAY 1688)
- Coggeshall, Joshua (MAY 1656 - 4 SEP 1723)
- Coggeshall, Joshua ( - 2 AUG 1727)
- Coggeshall, Josiah (NOV 1662 - 13 AUG 1738)
- Coggeshall, Katherine (26 DEC 1564 - )
- Coggeshall, Katherine (BEF 1607 - 14 MAY 1640)
- Coggeshall, Mary (FEB 1655 - )
- Coggeshall, Mary (18 SEP 1675 - AFT 1739)
- Coggeshall, Mary ( - )
- Coggeshall, Mercy (12 NOV 1716 - 6 NOV 1749)
- Coggeshall, Patience (ABT 11 JAN 1679 - )
- Coggeshall, Patience ( - )
- Coggeshall, Phebe (11 NOV 1706 - 23 DEC 1774)
- Coggeshall, Preserved ( - )
- Coggeshall, Rebecca (9 OCT 1688 - 2 APR 1689)
- Coggeshall, Sarah (22 DEC 1704 - 13 FEB 1790)
- Coggeshall, Thomas (24 JUN 1688 - 26 JAN 1771)
- Coggeshall, Wayte (1636 - 9 JUL 1718)
- Coggeshall, William (1500 - 1543)
- Coggeshall, William (7 SEP 1677 - )
- Coggeshall, William ( - )
- Coggin, Henry ( - )
- Cogswell, Elizabeth ( - )
- Cogswell, Elizabeth ( - 10 MAY 1736)
- Cogswell, Hannah (1624 - 25 DEC 1704)
- Cogswell, John ( - )
- Cogswell, Jonathan ( - )
- Cogswell, Zerviah ( - )
- Coit, Joseph (14 APR 1672 - 1 JUL 1750)
- Coit, Martha ( - )
- Coke, Edward ( - )
- Coker, Isabelle ( - )
- Coker, Sarah "Sally" ( - )
- Colburn, Nathaniel ( - )
- Colburn, Samuel (25 JAN 1654/1655 - 18 MAY 1694)
- Colby, Cynthia ( - )
- Colby, David James ( - )
- Colby, Laura Louise (5 NOV 1810 - 18 OCT 1883)
- Colby, Nathan ( - )
- Colby, Sarah ( - )
- Colclough, Ann ( - )
- Colclough, Anne Hannah ( - )
- Colclough, Bartholomew ( - )
- Colclough, Bartholomew ( - )
- Colclough, George (21 MAR 1576/1577 - 1639)
- Colclough, George ( - )
- Colclough, James ( - )
- Colclough, John (19 NOV 1568 - 1639)
- Colclough, John (1624 - APR 1666)
- Colclough, John ( - )
- Colclough, John ( - )
- Colclough, Katherine ( - 16 FEB 1627)
- Colclough, Lucy ( - )
- Colclough, Margaret ( - )
- Colclough, Mary ( - )
- Colclough, Samuel ( - )
- Colclough, Thomas ( - )
- Colclough, Thomas ( - )
- Colclough, Thomas ( - )
- Colclough, William (1591 - 1662)
- Colclough, William ( - 5 MAR 1625)
- Colclough, William ( - )
- Colclough, William ( - )
- Colclough, William ( - )
- Coldham, Martha ( - )
- Cole, ( - )
- Cole, Abner Bangs (8 DEC 1799 - JUN 1876)
- Cole, Ada (5 JAN 1868 - 1941)
- Cole, Alice V. (1848 - )
- Cole, Alonzo (21 SEP 1817 - )
- Cole, Alvah M. (27 AUG 1821 - 24 FEB 1907)
- Cole, Alvah P. (1847 - 1907)
- Cole, Amander G. (21 JUL 1816 - )
- Cole, Americus V. (3 MAR 1818 - 29 MAY 1876)
- Cole, Amey (13 JUN 1739 - )
- Cole, Amorilla (21 APR 1815 - 29 APR 1816)
- Cole, Ann (1635 - )
- Cole, Ann (ABT 1680 - )
- Cole, Ann ( - )
- Cole, Anna (14 DEC 1664 - )
- Cole, Anne (3 DEC 1692 - )
- Cole, Anne (12 NOV 1796 - 10 MAR 1874)
- Cole, Arnold (15 SEP 1787 - 12 FEB 1861)
- Cole, Benjamin (ABT 1664 - )
- Cole, Benjamin (1678 - )
- Cole, Bertha (1870 - )
- Cole, Bethia (28 MAR 1798 - )
- Cole, Bethiah ( - )
- Cole, Caleb ( - )
- Cole, Charity (1 SEP 1695 - )
- Cole, Charles (1679 - )
- Cole, Charles (1859 - )
- Cole, Chester (18 OCT 1810 - )
- Cole, Chester Scott (1 JUL 1836 - )
- Cole, Christian ( - )
- Cole, Clark Wesley (19 MAY 1830 - )
- Cole, Clemina (6 AUG 1829 - 1847)
- Cole, Content (25 APR 1700 - )
- Cole, Coramando H. (2 OCT 1808 - )
- Cole, Daniel (1614 - 20 DEC 1694)
- Cole, Daniel (SEP 1666 - 15 JUN 1736)
- Cole, Daniel (ABT 1670 - )
- Cole, David (2 APR 1723 - )
- Cole, David (1768 - 13 FEB 1833)
- Cole, David B. (7 NOV 1805 - )
- Cole, Deborah (11 FEB 1682 - )
- Cole, Deborah (16 DEC 1694 - )
- Cole, Deborah (11 JAN 1697/1698 - 1774)
- Cole, Deborah (11 FEB 1704 - )
- Cole, Deborah (6 APR 1727 - )
- Cole, Deliverance (ABT 1634 - )
- Cole, Diadama (JUN 1801 - 7 MAR 1880)
- Cole, Dorcas (15 MAY 1675 - )
- Cole, Dorcas (5 DEC 1805 - )
- Cole, Ebenezer (1671 - )
- Cole, Ebenezer (17 OCT 1711 - )
- Cole, Ebenezer (28 OCT 1732 - )
- Cole, Eli (14 FEB 1796 - )
- Cole, Elisha (29 JAN 1743 - 3 FEB 1826)
- Cole, Elisha (2 MAR 1807 - )
- Cole, Elisha ( - )
- Cole, Elizabeth ( - )
- Cole, Elizabeth ( - )
- Cole, Elizabeth ( - )
- Cole, Elizabeth Matilda (30 MAR 1812 - )
- Cole, Emery (4 SEP 1806 - 9 AUG 1866)
- Cole, Emma (1856 - )
- Cole, Ephraim (24 JUN 1688 - )
- Cole, Ephraim ( - 1731)
- Cole, Eugene (1853 - )
- Cole, Eugene (1853 - )
- Cole, Eunice (12 FEB 1739 - )
- Cole, Frederick Baron Trink (20 JAN 1807 - )
- Cole, Freegift (12 JAN 1682 - )
- Cole, Hannah (1 JUL 1702 - 26 DEC 1790)
- Cole, Hannah (20 APR 1793 - )
- Cole, Hannah D. ( - )
- Cole, Harvey ( - )
- Cole, Helen (1833 - 1833)
- Cole, Henry Rhodes ( - )
- Cole, Hepzibah (16 APR 1649 - )
- Cole, Hezekiah (ABT 1713 - 16 MAY 1724)
- Cole, Hezekiah (23 SEP 1765 - 3 JUL 1814)
- Cole, Hugh (1627 - 22 JAN 1699)
- Cole, Hugh (8 MAR 1658 - 17 FEB 1738)
- Cole, Hugh (30 MAY 1683 - 14 JUN 1753)
- Cole, Hugh (19 SEP 1706 - )
- Cole, Hugh (1757 - )
- Cole, Isaac ( - )
- Cole, Israel (8 JAN 1653 - BEF 1730)
- Cole, Jacob (1743 - 18 JUN 1848)
- Cole, Jacob (3 JAN 1775 - 6 AUG 1849)
- Cole, Jacob (24 JUL 1795 - )
- Cole, James (1625 - 1712)
- Cole, James (DEC 1655 - )
- Cole, James (3 NOV 1655 - )
- Cole, James (11 JUN 1699 - )
- Cole, James (31 OCT 1751 - )
- Cole, James (1856 - )
- Cole, James ( - )
- Cole, Jeremiah (15 MAR 1771 - )
- Cole, Joanna ( - )
- Cole, Job (ABT 1610 - )
- Cole, Job (26 AUG 1654 - )
- Cole, Job (20 MAR 1724 - )
- Cole, John (ABT 1612 - DEC 1637)
- Cole, John (21 NOV 1637 - 1677)
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GEDCOM file last updated Tue, 13 Mar 2018 12:54:08.
Please send corrections, additions or comments to Sharon Mountford
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Copyright 1996 © Randy Winch
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