Mountford Genealogical Database
- Claybaugh, Cosette Verdan ( - )
- Claybaugh, Gabrielle Rene ( - )
- Claybaugh, Jennifer Andria ( - )
- Claybaugh, Jessica Pearl ( - )
- Claybaugh, Joshua Benjamin ( - )
- Claybaugh, Kathlynn Frances ( - )
- Claybaugh, Lynn Adam ( - )
- Claybaugh, Lynn Joseph ( - )
- Claybaugh, Lynn Thomas (Tom) ( - )
- Claybaugh, Lynn Thomas (14 JUL 1931 - )
- Claybaugh, Scarlett Verdan ( - )
- Clayton, Ann ( - )
- Clearwater, ( - )
- Clearwater, A. A. (1847 - )
- Clearwater, Bertha (1873 - )
- Clearwater, Leah (1861 - )
- Clearwater, Lessie (1876 - )
- Clearwater, William (1878 - )
- Cleaves, Benjamin (23 OCT 1693 - )
- Cleaves, Benjamin ( - )
- Cleaves, Ebenezer (13 OCT 1691 - )
- Cleaves, Eleanor ( - )
- Cleaves, Hannah (31 MAR 1688 - )
- Cleaves, John ( - )
- Cleaves, Martha ( - 15 FEB 1725/1726)
- Cleaves, Robert (21 JUL 1689 - )
- Cleaves, William (23 JUL 1686 - )
- Cleaves, William ( - )
- Clemence, Charity ( - )
- Clemence, Mary ( - )
- Clemence, Richard ( - 11 OCT 1723)
- Clemence, Sarah (11 NOV 1688 - AFT 11 OCT 1725)
- Clement, Judah ( - BEF 1673)
- Cleneay, William ( - )
- Cleveland, Aaron (10 JAN 1655 - 14 SEP 1716)
- Cleveland, Aaron (9 JUL 1680 - )
- Cleveland, Aaron (7 NOV 1727 - )
- Cleveland, Aaron (18 JUN 1750 - )
- Cleveland, Abigail (23 APR 1700 - 23 FEB 1717/1718)
- Cleveland, Abigail (9 OCT 1709 - )
- Cleveland, Abigail (3 JUN 1715 - )
- Cleveland, Abigail (5 AUG 1759 - )
- Cleveland, Ann (29 AUG 1756 - 11 MAR 1759)
- Cleveland, Anna (7 NOV 1677 - )
- Cleveland, Anne (15 AUG 1725 - )
- Cleveland, Asa (1 AUG 1736 - )
- Cleveland, Augustus (29 MAR 1778 - )
- Cleveland, Benjamin (16 MAY 1701 - )
- Cleveland, Calvin (3 FEB 1769 - )
- Cleveland, Cambden (18 APR 1778 - )
- Cleveland, Cyrus (2 OCT 1743 - 23 FEB 1748/1749)
- Cleveland, David (1 JUN 1724 - )
- Cleveland, Deliverance (13 JUL 1707 - )
- Cleveland, Dorcas (29 OCT 1676 - )
- Cleveland, Dorcas (9 MAY 1721 - )
- Cleveland, Dyar (3 MAR 1780 - )
- Cleveland, Ebenezer (ABT 1681 - )
- Cleveland, Ebenezer (25 DEC 1725 - )
- Cleveland, Edward (20 MAY 1663 - )
- Cleveland, Edward ( - )
- Cleveland, Eleazer (26 MAR 1722 - )
- Cleveland, Elijah (28 JAN 1788 - )
- Cleveland, Elisha (7 JAN 1716 - )
- Cleveland, Elizabeth (ABT 1679 - )
- Cleveland, Elizabeth (6 JUN 1693 - )
- Cleveland, Enoch (1 AUG 1671 - 1729)
- Cleveland, Ephraim (10 APR 1687 - 13 MAR 1711)
- Cleveland, Hannah (4 AUG 1653 - )
- Cleveland, Hannah (18 NOV 1678 - 13 JUN 1679)
- Cleveland, Hannah (2 JUN 1687 - )
- Cleveland, Henry (ABT 1697 - )
- Cleveland, Hopestill (17 APR 1726 - )
- Cleveland, Ichabod (25 JUN 1695 - )
- Cleveland, Isaac (11 MAY 1669 - )
- Cleveland, Isabel (6 APR 1697 - )
- Cleveland, Joanna (19 SEP 1661 - 3 JUL 1667)
- Cleveland, Joanna (5 APR 1670 - )
- Cleveland, John (ABT 1684 - )
- Cleveland, John (28 JUN 1696 - 11 JUL 1718)
- Cleveland, John (12 APR 1722 - )
- Cleveland, John (20 JUN 1762 - )
- Cleveland, Jonathan (1697 - 5 APR 1698)
- Cleveland, Jonathan ( - )
- Cleveland, Joseph (31 MAR 1686 - )
- Cleveland, Joseph (18 JUL 1689 - )
- Cleveland, Joseph (13 JUN 1692 - )
- Cleveland, Joseph ( - )
- Cleveland, Josiah (26 FEB 1667 - 26 APR 1709)
- Cleveland, Josiah (7 OCT 1690 - 9 FEB 1750)
- Cleveland, Josiah (4 APR 1713 - )
- Cleveland, Josiah (3 DEC 1753 - )
- Cleveland, Josiah (10 JAN 1782 - )
- Cleveland, Keziah (26 NOV 1711 - )
- Cleveland, Lois (11 DEC 1718 - 29 SEP 1736)
- Cleveland, Luther (22 JUL 1771 - 4 MAY 1771)
- Cleveland, Luther (14 JAN 1774 - )
- Cleveland, Lydia (7 DEC 1704 - 5 JUN 1775)
- Cleveland, Lydia (16 FEB 1723/1724 - 26 MAR 1745)
- Cleveland, Lydia (25 MAY 1751 - 30 SEP 1754)
- Cleveland, Margaret (1691 - 1775)
- cleveland, Mary (ABT 1620 - 1705)
- Cleveland, Mary (17 MAR 1694 - )
- Cleveland, Mary (14 JUN 1696 - )
- Cleveland, Mary (29 JUN 1720 - 1765)
- Cleveland, Mary (6 JAN 1747/1748 - )
- Cleveland, Mary ( - )
- Cleveland, Miriam (10 JUL 1659 - )
- Cleveland, Miriam (9 JUL 1694 - )
- Cleveland, Miriam (30 JAN 1718/1719 - )
- Cleveland, Molly (ABT 1775 - 12 OCT 1775)
- Cleveland, Moses (1619/1620 - 9 JAN 1702)
- Cleveland, Moses (1 SEP 1651 - BEF 16 JUL 1718)
- Cleveland, Moses (24 FEB 1690 - )
- Cleveland, Moses (18 APR 1730 - 1 JAN 1741)
- Cleveland, Moses (26 JUN 1744 - )
- Cleveland, Moses (29 JAN 1754 - )
- Cleveland, Nicholas (1688 - )
- Cleveland, Obadiah (16 SEP 1723 - 1 APR 1772)
- Cleveland, Paine (30 MAR 1768 - )
- Cleveland, Persis (21 APR 1683 - )
- Cleveland, Rachel (ABT 1701 - )
- Cleveland, Rebecca (28 JUN 1730 - )
- Cleveland, Ruth (1691 - )
- Cleveland, Samuel (9 JUN 1657 - 12 MAR 1736)
- Cleveland, Samuel (12 JAN 1685 - )
- Cleveland, Samuel (23 FEB 1738/1739 - )
- Cleveland, Samuel (18 SEP 1747 - )
- Cleveland, Samuel ( - )
- Cleveland, Sarah (5 MAR 1692 - )
- Cleveland, Sarah (3 SEP 1744 - )
- Cleveland, Thankful (29 OCT 1773 - )
- Cleveland, Timothy (25 AUG 1702 - 19 JAN 1784)
- Cleveland, Timothy (29 DEC 1734 - 27 OCT 1803)
- Cleveland, William Pitt (18 DEC 1770 - )
- Cleveland, Zipporah (4 SEP 1729 - )
- Cleverly, Brian ( - )
- Cleves, Mary W. ( - )
- Clews, Hannah ( - )
- Cliff, Mary or_May ( - )
- Clift, Samuel ( - )
- Clifton, Hope ( - 16 JAN 1681)
- Clifton, John ( - )
- Clifton, John ( - )
- Clifton, Mabel ( - )
- Clifton, Mary (18 JAN 1628 - 18 FEB 1697)
- Clifton, Patience (2 JUL 1646 - 16 OCT 1692)
- Clifton, Richard (1580 - )
- Clifton, son ( - )
- Clifton, Thomas (1606 - 9 JUL 1681)
- Clifton, Thomas ( - )
- Cline, Beverly ( - )
- Cline, Beverly Jane ( - )
- Cline, Don ( - )
- Cline, Elizabeth ( - )
- Cline, Ellen ( - )
- Cline, George ( - )
- Cline, Margaret Peggy (1794 - OCT 1880)
- Cline, Matilda (1820 - 1881)
- Cline, Maude ( - )
- Cline, Peter ( - )
- Clise, Bertha (15 SEP 1893 - 27 FEB 1895)
- Clise, George W. (1849 - 1919)
- Clise, Hubert G. (1878 - )
- Clise, Mary E. (21 OCT 1850 - 23 MAY 1926)
- Clise, Nathaniel R. (1880 - 1889)
- Clise, Reed N. (1886 - 1889)
- Clise, Roscoe D. (1884 - 1889)
- Clise, William (1826 - )
- Clise, William G. (1854 - )
- Clise, William P. (1879 - )
- Close, Abraham (2 APR 1746 - )
- Close, Benjamin (18 MAY 1679 - MAR 1759)
- Close, Benjamin (6 MAR 1712 - )
- Close, Benjamin (15 DEC 1743 - 29 APR 1812)
- Close, Benjamin ( - )
- Close, Daniel ( - )
- Close, David (12 FEB 1742/1743 - )
- Close, Deborah (20 AUG 1733 - )
- Close, Deborah ( - )
- Close, Devillo ( - )
- Close, Elizabeth (5 AUG 1684 - )
- Close, Elizabeth (11 JUL 1704 - )
- Close, Elizabeth (19 SEP 1716 - )
- Close, Elnathan ( - )
- Close, Goodman John (ABT 1600 - 1653)
- Close, Hannah (ABT 1632 - 6 OCT 1694)
- Close, Hannah (23 MAR 1672 - )
- Close, Hannah (25 APR 1736 - )
- Close, Hannah ( - )
- Close, Henry M. ( - )
- Close, John (8 APR 1689 - )
- Close, John (13 SEP 1737 - )
- Close, John (OCT 1792 - )
- Close, Jonathan (3 FEB 1719/1720 - 22 FEB 1754)
- Close, Jonathan ( - )
- Close, Joseph (ABT 1634 - BEF 1660)
- Close, Joseph (20 NOV 1676 - 1760)
- Close, Joseph (20 SEP 1702 - )
- Close, Joseph ( - )
- Close, Lydia (1690 - )
- Close, Martha (26 OCT 1714 - )
- Close, Martha ( - )
- Close, Mary (ABT 1640 - )
- Close, Mary (1682 - BEF 1718)
- Close, Mary (22 APR 1727 - )
- Close, Mary ( - )
- Close, Mercy ( - )
- Close, Nathaniel (7 FEB 1719/1720 - )
- Close, Nathaniel (5 MAY 1722 - )
- Close, Nathaniel (1 FEB 1731/1732 - )
- Close, Nathaniel (6 MAR 1735 - )
- Close, Peter ( - )
- Close, Rachel or_Rebecca (11 OCT 1715 - 14 FEB 1802)
- Close, Rebecca (21 MAY 1723 - )
- Close, Reuben (9 FEB 1717/1718 - )
- Close, Ruth (1 NOV 1687 - )
- Close, Samuel (31 JUL 1724 - DEC 1770)
- Close, Samuel ( - )
- Close, Sarah (10 DEC 1670 - )
- Close, Sarah (29 OCT 1712 - )
- Close, Sarah (12 FEB 1738/1739 - )
- Close, Solomon (23 JUN 1706 - 1788)
- Close, Solomon (23 JUN 1706 - 31 JUL 1778)
- Close, Solomon (22 MAY 1730 - )
- Close, Stephen (1769 - 1817)
- Close, Thomas (ABT 1637 - 1709)
- Close, Thomas (7 FEB 1719/1720 - )
- Close, Thomas ( - )
- Close, Tomcens (27 MAR 1744 - )
- Closson, ( - )
- Clough, ( - )
- Clough, Fanny (1800 - 1844)
- Coats, Alfred (1845 - )
- Coats, Almira (1851 - )
- Coats, Anna ( - )
- Coats, Eddie (1874 - )
- Coats, Elias B. (1839 - )
- Coats, Etta (or_Ellie) (1874 - FEB 1905)
- Coats, Guy W. (MAY 1895 - )
- Coats, Harriet A. (1855 - )
- Coats, John (21 MAY 1843 - 6 NOV 1913)
- Coats, Newton (1867 - )
- Coats, Oscar (1837 - )
- Coats, Ruth S. (AUG 1893 - )
- Coats, Sarah (1847 - )
- Coats, Truman (1812 - )
- Coats, Warren E. (OCT 1866 - )
- Coats, Willie (1863 - )
- Cobb, ( - )
- Cobb, Ebenezer (MAY 1696 - 2 JAN 1769)
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GEDCOM file last updated Tue, 13 Mar 2018 12:54:08.
Please send corrections, additions or comments to Sharon Mountford
Created by IGMMak Version 2.X (Program Information)
Copyright 1996 © Randy Winch
A component of the Indexed GEDCOM Method of GenWeb authoring.
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