Mountford Genealogical Database
- Butler, Emma J. (1857 - )
- Butler, George (6 OCT 1704 - 26 FEB 1725)
- Butler, George (1871 - )
- Butler, John (1818 - )
- Butler, Kalla (1868 - )
- Butler, Mary ( - )
- Butler, Nicholas ( - )
- Butler, Patrick ( - )
- Butler, Samuel (29 JUN 1702 - )
- Butler, Samuel ( - 30 DEC 1711)
- Butler, Samuel ( - 31 DEC 1692)
- Butler, Samuel ( - )
- Butler, Sarah ( - )
- Butler, Wells ( - )
- Butlin, Martyn ( - )
- Butt, Frances Bartee (11 OCT 1798 - 17 MAR 1875)
- Butter, Anne (1583 - 10 NOV 1648)
- Butter, John ( - )
- Butter, Pierce (1550 - 1599)
- Butterfield, Abiah ( - )
- Butterfield, Abigail (4 JUN 1693 - )
- Butterfield, Ann ( - )
- Butterfield, Benjamin (1671 - 24 JUL 1715)
- Butterfield, Benjamin (1685 - 1714/1715)
- Butterfield, Benjamin ( - 1747)
- Butterfield, Benjamin ( - 2 Mar 1687/8)
- Butterfield, Benjamin ( - )
- Butterfield, Deborah (1 JUN 1670 - )
- Butterfield, Deborah (20 AUG 1687 - )
- Butterfield, Deborah (1714 - )
- Butterfield, Deborah ( - )
- Butterfield, Elizabeth ( - )
- Butterfield, Esther (19 MAR 1709 - )
- Butterfield, Hannah (8 JUL 1678 - BEF 1728)
- Butterfield, Isaac (1 OCT 1689 - 4 NOV 1689)
- Butterfield, Jacob (1 OCT 1689 - 1728)
- Butterfield, Jerusha (1821 - 1893)
- Butterfield, John (12 JAN 1697 - )
- Butterfield, Jonathan ( - )
- Butterfield, Jonathan ( - )
- Butterfield, Jonathan ( - )
- Butterfield, Jonathan ( - 3 APR 1673)
- Butterfield, Joseph (15 AUG 1649 - 1720)
- Butterfield, Joseph (6 JUN 1680 - ABT 1757)
- Butterfield, Joseph ( - )
- Butterfield, Louise (1834 - )
- Butterfield, Lydia ( - )
- Butterfield, Mary (ABT 1633 - 15 SEP 1666)
- Butterfield, Mary (1712 - )
- Butterfield, Mary ( - 4 NOV 1730)
- Butterfield, Mary ( - )
- Butterfield, Mary or Mercy ( - )
- Butterfield, Nathaniel (14 FEB 1642/1643 - )
- Butterfield, Phebe ( - )
- Butterfield, Samuel (17 MAY 1647 - 1714)
- Butterfield, Samuel ( - )
- Butterfield, Samuel ( - )
- Butterfield, Sarah (6 MAR 1689 - )
- Butterfield, Sarah (23 SEP 1701 - )
- Butterfield, Tabitha (29 MAY 1687 - BEF 1728)
- Butterfield, William (5 JAN 1686 - )
- Butterfield, William (1705 - )
- Butterworth, Abraham ( - )
- Butterworth, Henry (1598/1600 - ABT 1640)
- Butterworth, John (ABT 1630 - 1708)
- Butterworth, John (8 SEP 1651 - APR 1731)
- Butterworth, Lois (ABT 1731 - 19 NOV 1823)
- Butterworth, Mary (20 OCT 1677 - ABT 1726)
- Butterworth, Mary ( - 29 AUG 1714)
- Butterworth, Sarah (ABT 1640 - )
- Butterworth, Sarah (28 MAY 1653 - BEF 1708)
- Button, Boradell ( - )
- Button, Peter ( - )
- Butts, Catherine (20 MAR 1805 - 27 DEC 1887)
- Butts, Lovina ( - )
- Butz, Abraham (9 DEC 1768 - )
- Butz, Adam ( - )
- Butz, Anna Maria (28 DEC 1789 - )
- Butz, Anna Maria (21 SEP 1798 - )
- Butz, Catharine (28 JUL 1787 - )
- Butz, Catharine ( - )
- Butz, Catharine ( - )
- Butz, Catherina (11 DEC 1802 - )
- Butz, Cecilia (17 APR 1767 - )
- Butz, Charlotta ( - )
- Butz, Christian (18 NOV 1756 - 1 OCT 1821)
- Butz, Christian (16 FEB 1779 - 2 FEB 1860)
- Butz, Christian (27 JAN 1786 - )
- Butz, Christina (2 MAR 1793 - 29 APR 1860)
- Butz, Daniel (7 SEP 1801 - )
- Butz, David ( - )
- Butz, Elizabeth (29 SEP 1777 - )
- Butz, Elizabeth (28 FEB 1782 - )
- Butz, Elizabeth (28 JUL 1788 - )
- Butz, Elizabeth ( - )
- Butz, Elizabeth ( - )
- Butz, George (10 JAN 1808 - )
- Butz, George ( - )
- Butz, Henry ( - )
- Butz, Henry ( - )
- Butz, Jacob (10 SEP 1793 - )
- Butz, Jacob (3 JUN 1803 - 25 NOV 1867)
- Butz, Jacob ( - )
- Butz, Jesse (29 MAR 1795 - )
- Butz, Johann George (11 JAN 1792 - )
- Butz, John ( - )
- Butz, John George (6 JUL 1799 - )
- Butz, Leonard (7 FEB 1804 - )
- Butz, Margaret ( - )
- Butz, Maria (10 JUL 1789 - )
- Butz, Maria (22 JUL 1793 - )
- Butz, Mary ( - )
- Butz, Mary ( - )
- Butz, Michael (1769 - 28 FEB 1826)
- Butz, Michael ( - 13 JUN 1779)
- Butz, Michael R. (9 JAN 1779 - )
- Butz, Peter ( - )
- Butz, Samuel (17 FEB 1797 - )
- Butz, Sarah Ann ( - )
- Buxton, Georgianne ( - )
- Buxton, Rachel “Dolly” ( - 5 MAY 1776)
- Bydd, Miss ( - )
- Byington, Zebulon ( - )
- Byram, Deliverance (ABT 1636 - 30 SEP 1720)
- Byram, Nicholas (ABT 1610 - 13 APR 1688)
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GEDCOM file last updated Tue, 13 Mar 2018 12:54:08.
Please send corrections, additions or comments to Sharon Mountford
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Copyright 1996 © Randy Winch
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