Mountford Genealogical Database
- Burgess, John ( - )
- Burgess, John ( - BEF 1851)
- Burgess, Sarah ( - )
- Burgess, Susannah ( - )
- Burgis, Jane ( - )
- Burk, Jane ( - )
- Burk, Margaret J. (1820 - )
- Burk, Mary E. (1834 - )
- Burk, Robert ( - )
- Burk, William ( - )
- Burke, Margaret (1700 - 1764)
- Burley, Andrew ( - )
- Burlingame, Alice (30 MAY 1678 - )
- Burlingame, Elizabeth (9 JAN 1683/1684 - 5 MAY 1752)
- Burlingame, Frank Silas (17 MAY 1881 - 7 OCT 1954)
- Burlingame, Freelove (7 JUL 1725 - 1804)
- Burlingame, Jane (21 NOV 1672 - )
- Burlingame, John (1 AUG 1664 - )
- Burlingame, Josiah Ichabod (3 JUN 1701 - 1 MAY 1776)
- Burlingame, Lena (AUG 1885 - )
- Burlingame, Lewis F. (MAY 1888 - )
- Burlingame, Margaret ( - )
- Burlingame, Mary (2 NOV 1669 - 14 OCT 1760)
- Burlingame, Mary ( - 30 JAN 1728)
- Burlingame, Mercy (3 AUG 1674 - )
- Burlingame, Morris D. (SEP 1849 - 1902)
- Burlingame, Nellie G. (FEB 1883 - )
- Burlingame, Patience (8 MAY 1685 - )
- Burlingame, Patience (15 JUN 1702 - )
- Burlingame, Persis (14 AUG 1708 - 22 JUN 1772)
- Burlingame, Peter (7 SEP 1680 - 2 DEC 1712)
- Burlingame, Roger (24 JAN 1619/1620 - 1 SEP 1718)
- Burlingame, Roger (30 MAY 1678 - 13 DEC 1765)
- Burlingame, Sarah (1681 - )
- Burlingame, Thomas (6 FEB 1667 - )
- Burnap, Elizabeth ( - )
- Burne, Helen ( - )
- Burnell, Marian W. ( - )
- Burnham, Adolphus (1871 - )
- Burnham, Benjamin Franklin (22 MAR 1844 - 12 OCT 1930)
- Burnham, Benjamin Lee (1895 - 1980)
- Burnham, Celia C. (9 FEB 1846 - )
- Burnham, child (22 MAR 1697 - )
- Burnham, Daniel F. (1865 - )
- Burnham, Eliza (21 JAN 1814 - 30 AUG 1896)
- Burnham, Elizabeth "Betsy" (21 MAR 1835 - 20 JUN 1915)
- Burnham, Emeline (1834 - )
- Burnham, Fanny ( - )
- Burnham, Franklin B. (1863 - )
- Burnham, Frederick (ABT 1785 - ABT 1837)
- Burnham, Henry (8 OCT 1854 - 18 JAN 1929)
- Burnham, James (23 JUN 1823 - 10 DEC 1907)
- Burnham, James P. (14 FEB 1874 - )
- Burnham, James W. (22 DEC 1836 - BEF 1864)
- Burnham, John L. (17 MAY 1848 - )
- Burnham, Lettice B. (1860 - )
- Burnham, Lewis Henry (28 OCT 1810 - AFT 1880)
- Burnham, Lucian (1868 - )
- Burnham, Lucinda P. (25 JUL 1842 - )
- Burnham, Lucy L. C. (16 OCT 1879 - )
- Burnham, Martha ( - )
- Burnham, Martha J. (1858 - )
- Burnham, Martin Frederick (24 DEC 1829 - ABT 1915)
- Burnham, Mary "Polly" (ABT 1816 - )
- Burnham, Mary (14 APR 1688 - )
- Burnham, Matilda C. (1 DEC 1838 - )
- Burnham, Mercy (14 APR 1688 - )
- Burnham, Michael (30 MAY 1705 - )
- Burnham, Nancy Jane (25 JAN 1857 - )
- Burnham, Oliver F. (1826 - 8 MAR 1888)
- Burnham, Peter (23 JUL 1699 - )
- Burnham, Pleasant A. (1878 - )
- Burnham, Rebecca (20 SEP 1685 - )
- Burnham, Richard (6 JUL 1692 - )
- Burnham, Richard ( - )
- Burnham, Salome (1871 - )
- Burnham, Sarah (11 JUL 1683 - )
- Burnham, Sarah A. (20 MAY 1840 - )
- Burnham, Sarah E. (1837 - )
- Burnham, Susanna (FEB - )
- Burnham, Thomas (14 JAN 1850 - )
- Burnham, Thomas K. (1821 - 7 OCT 1855)
- Burnham, W. T. (1858 - 28 MAR 1875)
- Burnham, William (ABT 1825 - )
- Burnham, William A. (1849 - )
- Burnham, William A. (1876 - )
- Burnham, William H. (5 NOV 1833 - )
- Burnham, Zeonor (1875 - )
- Burnham, Zilpha (ABT 1819 - BEF 1860)
- Burnly, Patsy (1810 - )
- Burns, Alexander ( - )
- Burns, Charles Edward (20 JUN 1927 - )
- Burns, Douglas ( - )
- Burns, James ( - )
- Burns, Jennette ( - )
- Burns, John (8 MAR 1808 - 16 APR 1896)
- Burns, John Sinclair ( - )
- Burns, Moses ( - )
- Burns, Moses ( - )
- Burns, Nancy (1855 - )
- Burns, William ( - )
- Burpee, Jeremiah ( - )
- Burr, Abigail (14 MAY 1671 - )
- Burr, Betsey ( - )
- Burr, Daniel (30 JUL 1670 - )
- Burr, Daniel ( - )
- Burr, Eliza ( - )
- Burr, Ellin (26 OCT 1680 - )
- Burr, Ephraim ( - )
- Burr, Eunice (13 OCT 1744 - 23 FEB 1808)
- Burr, Gideon ( - )
- Burr, Hannah (16 JAN 1681 - )
- Burr, Jehu (1625 - 1692)
- Burr, Jehue ( - 1672)
- Burr, John ( - 1694)
- Burr, John ( - )
- Burr, Joseph ( - )
- Burr, Mary (19 AUG 1683 - 1717)
- Burr, Nathaniel ( - )
- Burr, Nathaniel ( - )
- Burr, Rebecca (1680 - 16 MAY 1721/1722)
- Burr, Rebecca ( - )
- Burr, Samuel (20 JUN 1694 - )
- Burr, Seth (BEF 1694 - )
- Burrell, Esther R. ( - 11 OCT )
- Burrell, Mary ( - )
- Burrill, John ( - 16 NOV 1731)
- Burritt, Julia Ann (2 MAR 1833 - 19 FEB 1896)
- Burritt, Truman Adelbert (DEC 1808/1809 - 2 APR 1883)
- Burroughs, Ann (1728 - )
- Burroughs, Carrie Bell (1869 - )
- Burroughs, Elizabeth (1733 - )
- Burroughs, George (ABT 1650 - 1692)
- Burroughs, John (1722 - )
- Burroughs, Mary (1725 - )
- Burroughs, Rachel (1738 - )
- Burroughs, Rebecca (12 APR 1674 - )
- Burroughs, Robert (1730 - )
- Burroughs, Robert ( - )
- Burroughs, Thomas (1737 - )
- Burrows, John ( - )
- Burrows, Lydia (19 APR 1703 - 18 AUG 1750)
- Burslem, Catherine ( - )
- Burslem, Elizabeth ( - )
- Burslem, Ellen ( - )
- Burslem, John (ABT 1520 - 1596)
- Burslem, John ( - )
- Burslem, Joyce ( - )
- Burslem, Katherine (1596 - 1669)
- Burslem, Margaret ( - )
- Burslem, Margaret ( - )
- Burslem, Mary ( - )
- Burslem, Richard ( - )
- Burslem, Richard ( - )
- Burslem, Robert ( - )
- Burslem, Thomas (ABT 1490 - 1555)
- Burslem, Thomas (ABT 1545 - 1619)
- Burslem, Thomas (1565 - 1628)
- Burslem, Thomas ( - )
- Burslem, William ( - )
- Burslem, William ( - )
- Burslem, William ( - )
- Bursley, Elizabeth ( - )
- Bursley, Joanna ( - 8 MAY 1727)
- Bursley, John ( - 1644)
- Bursley, John ( - )
- Bursley, John ( - )
- Bursley, Mary ( - )
- Bursley, Temperance ( - )
- Burt, ( - )
- Burt, ( - )
- Burt, Abel ( - )
- Burt, Anna ( - )
- Burt, Azro A. (1832 - )
- Burt, Clara A. (1861 - )
- Burt, Clothier ( - )
- Burt, Cora M. (JUL 1869 - 7 NOV 1950)
- Burt, Curtis (1871 - )
- Burt, Daniel E. (1827 - AFT 1880)
- Burt, Esther (15 AUG 1812 - 19 MAR 1871)
- Burt, Gordon ( - )
- Burt, Hugh ( - 1661)
- Burt, John ( - )
- Burt, Lydia Phebe ( - )
- Burt, Sara ( - )
- Burt, Stephen (1809 - )
- Burt, Sybil S. (1873 - )
- Burtes, Jane (1838 - )
- Burtes, John ( - 15 JAN 1881)
- Burtes, Lavina (1836 - )
- Burton, ( - )
- Burton, ( - )
- Burton, Benjamin (4 NOV 1739 - )
- Burton, daughter (ABT 1657 - )
- Burton, Eliza (6 APR 1827 - ABT 1846)
- Burton, Elizabeth (ABT 1655 - )
- Burton, Ethalamah (ABT 1663 - )
- Burton, Felix ( - )
- Burton, George V. (1853 - )
- Burton, Hannah (ABT 1659 - BEF 1726)
- Burton, Huldah (2 NOV 1832 - 25 FEB 1914)
- Burton, Joanne ( - )
- Burton, John (2 MAY 1667 - 15 JUL 1749)
- Burton, John (1880 - )
- Burton, John ( - 1799)
- Burton, John ( - )
- Burton, Judith ( - )
- Burton, Malissa (1830 - )
- Burton, Maria (ABT 1815 - )
- Burton, Rose (ABT 1673 - )
- Burton, Samuel (1828 - )
- Burton, Subertha (12 OCT 1878 - )
- Burton, Surilda J. (1850 - )
- Burton, Susanna (1665 - 25 JUN 1737)
- Burton, Tabitha ( - )
- Burton, William (1630 - 20 FEB 1714)
- Burton, William (ABT 1700 - 8 JAN 1778)
- Burwell, Elizabeth ( - )
- Busby, Julia Ella (20 OCT 1868 - )
- Busby, Mary Higgins (22 OCT 1866 - )
- Busby, Samuel S. (1842 - BEF 1875)
- Bush, Grace ( - )
- Bush, John ( - )
- Bushnell, Anne (4 DEC 1674 - 8 JUL 1745)
- Bushnell, Caleb (1679 - )
- Bushnell, Elizabeth ( - )
- Bushnell, Elizabeth ( - )
- Bushnell, Hannah ( - )
- Bushnell, Joseph (MAY 1651 - )
- Bushnell, Marcy (MAR 1657 - )
- Bushnell, Mary (JAN 1654/1655 - SEP 1745)
- Bushnell, Richard (SEP 1652 - 27 FEB 1727)
- Bushnell, Richard ( - 1658)
- Bushnell, William ( - )
- Buss, Dora (1877 - )
- Buss, Gerhardt Gottlieb ( - )
- Buss, Mary Louise (11 JUN 1878 - )
- Buswell, Forrest E. ( - )
- Buswell, Lydia ( - )
- Buswell, Mary ( - )
- Buswell, Sarah ( - )
- Butcher, ( - )
- Butcher, Elizabeth ( - )
- Butcher, Hannah ( - )
- Butler, ( - )
- Butler, Abraham (10 MAR 1709 - )
- Butler, Daniel (8 FEB 1707 - )
- Butler, Dorothy ( - 19 AUG 1709)
- Butler, Elizabeth (30 APR 1698 - )
- Butler, Elizabeth ( - )
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GEDCOM file last updated Tue, 13 Mar 2018 12:54:08.
Please send corrections, additions or comments to Sharon Mountford
Created by IGMMak Version 2.X (Program Information)
Copyright 1996 © Randy Winch
A component of the Indexed GEDCOM Method of GenWeb authoring.
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