Mountford Genealogical Database
- Wickham, Sarah (29 OCT 1653 - )
- Wickham, Sarah (4 JUN 1682 - )
- Wickham, Thomas (1624 - 11 JAN 1688)
- Wickham, Thomas (10 OCT 1648 - )
- Wickham, Thomas (14 OCT 1651 - )
- Wickham, Thomas (21 OCT 1674 - 17 OCT 1706)
- Wickham, William (28 AUG 1657 - )
- Wickham, William (7 NOV 1676 - 20 NOV 1688)
- Wicks, Alonzo L. (OCT 1837 - )
- Wicks, Alonzo L. (1838 - )
- Wicks, Ann Hannah (1634 - BEF 1701)
- Wicks, Elizabeth ( - )
- Wicks, Mary ( - )
- Wicks, May Ruth (FEB 1870 - )
- Wicks, Rhoda (MAR 1832 - 1913)
- Wicks, Ruth (1870 - )
- Wicks, Wilson (1808 - )
- Wiedman, Emma (1877 - )
- Wiedman, Frederick (1835 - )
- Wiedman, John F. (1872 - )
- Wiedman, Lemyia (1877 - )
- Wielen, Karen ( - )
- Wierman, Ada L. (1856 - )
- wife, first (1741 - 1788)
- Wiffen, ( - )
- Wiffen, Sarah (ABT 1750 - 1817)
- Wight, Margaret Ann (1828 - )
- Wight, Thomas ( - )
- Wightman, George ( - )
- Wightman, George ( - )
- Wightman, Hannah ( - )
- Wightman, Othniel ( - )
- Wightman, Philip ( - )
- Wightman, Samuel ( - )
- Wignall, Alexander ( - )
- Wignall, Elizabeth (1604 - 16 SEP 1683)
- Wilber, Joseph ( - )
- Wilber, Mary ( - )
- Wilbourne, Abigail (25 NOV 1619 - 1666)
- Wilbourne, Elizabeth (ABT 1622 - 1694)
- Wilbur, Abigail (ABT 1644 - )
- Wilbur, Benjamin ( - )
- Wilbur, Daniel ( - )
- Wilbur, Hannah ( - )
- Wilbur, Ichabod ( - )
- Wilbur, James (2 SEP 1766 - )
- Wilbur, Mary (Polly) (19 MAY 1771 - 18 OCT 1842)
- Wilbur, Mary ( - 17 APR 1720)
- Wilbur, Peleg (22 FEB 1765 - )
- Wilbur, Phebe (16 FEB 1773 - )
- Wilbur, Samuel ( - )
- Wilbur, Sarah ( - )
- Wilbur, Susanna ( - )
- Wilbur, Thomas ( - )
- Wilbur, Thomas ( - )
- Wilbur, Thomas ( - )
- Wilbur, Thomas ( - )
- Wilbur, William ( - 1710)
- Wilby, Joseph ( - )
- Wilcockson, Phoebe (1651 - 20 SEP 1743)
- Wilcox, Albert Emerson (APR 1851 - )
- Wilcox, Alfred C. (1867 - )
- Wilcox, Amey (18 OCT 1709 - )
- Wilcox, Amey (25 DEC 1756 - )
- Wilcox, Ammi ( - )
- Wilcox, Anna ( - )
- Wilcox, Asa (1 SEP 1764 - )
- Wilcox, Asa (30 MAY 1794 - 3 MAY 1863)
- Wilcox, Benjamin (24 MAY 1758 - )
- Wilcox, Charles H. (OCT 1880 - )
- Wilcox, Daniel (3 JUL 1764 - )
- Wilcox, Daniel ( - )
- Wilcox, David (20 JUN 1673 - )
- Wilcox, David (13 FEB 1720 - )
- Wilcox, David (8 AUG 1746 - )
- Wilcox, David (23 OCT 1770 - )
- Wilcox, Eddie (1872 - )
- Wilcox, Edward (1662 - 1750)
- Wilcox, Edward ( - )
- Wilcox, Edward ( - )
- Wilcox, Elias (19 MAR 1755 - )
- Wilcox, Elisha (9 JUL 1706 - )
- Wilcox, Enoch (4 JAN 1785 - 20 JUL 1829)
- Wilcox, Enoch (9 MAY 1833 - )
- Wilcox, Ephraim C. (1807 - 17 NOV 1827)
- Wilcox, Eunice (22 MAY 1725 - )
- Wilcox, Eunice (3 AUG 1762 - )
- Wilcox, Fred N. (1872 - )
- Wilcox, George (1821 - )
- Wilcox, George (1825 - )
- Wilcox, Hannah (11 JUL 1726 - )
- Wilcox, Hannah ( - )
- Wilcox, Hannah ( - )
- Wilcox, Harry (1874 - )
- Wilcox, Hezekiah (4 APR 1704 - )
- Wilcox, Hezekiah (30 JUL 1755 - )
- Wilcox, Hiram (21 DEC 1698 - )
- Wilcox, Irving (1835 - )
- Wilcox, Isaiah (1740 - 3 MAR 1795)
- Wilcox, Isaiah (31 JAN 1763 - 13 JUL 1844)
- Wilcox, Isaiah (30 NOV 1791 - )
- Wilcox, Jane (1829 - )
- Wilcox, Jeremiah ( - )
- Wilcox, John (12 NOV 1760 - )
- Wilcox, John (30 OCT 1769 - )
- Wilcox, John (1818 - )
- Wilcox, John ( - )
- Wilcox, John ( - )
- Wilcox, Lewis (17 NOV 1780 - )
- Wilcox, Lillian (1876 - )
- Wilcox, Lucy (25 FEB 1759 - )
- Wilcox, Lydia (10 OCT 1799 - )
- Wilcox, Mary (8 JAN 1777 - )
- Wilcox, Mary (1820 - )
- Wilcox, Mary (1823 - 19 APR 1824)
- Wilcox, Mary ( - )
- Wilcox, Mary L. (1862 - )
- Wilcox, Maude J. (JUN 1879 - )
- Wilcox, Mercy (6 AUG 1724 - )
- Wilcox, Mercy (23 MAR 1769 - 1789)
- Wilcox, Mercy (27 NOV 1789 - )
- Wilcox, Nancy (31 JAN 1802 - )
- Wilcox, Nathan P. (10 APR 1766 - 29 OCT 1842)
- Wilcox, Nathan Pendleton (3 MAY 1804 - )
- Wilcox, Oliver (26 JUN 1773 - 3 DEC 1853)
- Wilcox, Oliver ( - )
- Wilcox, Polly (4 JAN 1789 - 17 MAY 1813)
- Wilcox, Polly (8 JUN 1813 - )
- Wilcox, Prudence (10 MAR 1775 - 9 MAR 1816)
- Wilcox, Rebecca (13 SEP 1762 - )
- Wilcox, Sarah (30 MAY 1709 - )
- Wilcox, Sarah (29 AUG 1713 - )
- Wilcox, Sarah (16 NOV 1749 - )
- Wilcox, Sarah (13 SEP 1766 - )
- Wilcox, Sarah (19 DEC 1767 - )
- Wilcox, Sarah ( - )
- Wilcox, Sarah ( - )
- Wilcox, Stephen (ABT 1633 - 1690)
- Wilcox, Stephen (ABT 1691 - )
- Wilcox, Stephen (21 APR 1728 - )
- Wilcox, Stephen (19 NOV 1760 - )
- Wilcox, Stephen (10 OCT 1770 - 4 AUG 1827)
- Wilcox, Stephen ( - )
- Wilcox, Stephen ( - )
- Wilcox, Stephen ( - )
- Wilcox, Susannah (4 APR 1712 - )
- Wilcox, Thomas (16 FEB 1701 - )
- Wilcox, Thomas ( - 1728)
- Wilcox, Thomas ( - )
- Wilcox, Thomas Jefferson ( - )
- Wilcox, Valentine (14 FEB 1733/1734 - 10 AUG 1757)
- Wilcox, William ( - )
- Wilcox, William ( - )
- Wilcox, William Pendleton (30 MAY 1794 - 13 APR 1868)
- Wilcoxson, Mary E. (DEC 1857 - AFT 1900)
- Wilcoxson, Timothy (1637/1638 - )
- Wildblood, Abraham (1769 - )
- Wildblood, Ann (1794 - )
- Wildblood, Daniel ( - )
- Wildblood, Edward (1724 - )
- Wildblood, Edward (1764 - )
- Wildblood, Edward ( - )
- Wildblood, Elizabeth (1756 - )
- Wildblood, George (1762 - )
- Wildblood, Hannah (1760 - 23 DEC 1761)
- Wildblood, Hannah (21 AUG 1791 - 8 OCT 1795)
- Wildblood, James ( - )
- Wildblood, John (1769 - )
- Wildblood, John (1786 - )
- Wildblood, Joseph (10 JUL 1796 - )
- Wildblood, Martha (28 APR 1805 - )
- Wildblood, Mary (1721 - )
- Wildblood, Richard (1771 - )
- Wildblood, Sarah (1759 - )
- Wildblood, Sarah ( - )
- Wildblood, Sarah ( - )
- Wildblood, Thomas (1724 - )
- Wildblood, Thomas (1755 - )
- Wildblood, Thomas ( - )
- Wildblood, Thomas ( - )
- Wildblood, William ( - )
- Wilde, William ( - )
- Wilder, Almanzo James (13 FEB 1857 - 23 OCT 1949)
- Wilder, Dorothy (1686 - )
- Wilder, Elizabeth ( - 1688)
- Wilder, Francis ( - 1723/4)
- Wilder, Jabez ( - )
- Wilder, James ( - )
- Wilder, Mehitabel ( - )
- Wilder, Nathaniel ( - )
- Wilder, Rose (5 DEC 1886 - 30 OCT 1968)
- Wilder, Sarah ( - )
- Wilder, Solomon ( - )
- Wiley, Thomas ( - )
- Wiley, Thomas Jr. ( - )
- Wilhelm, Clara ( - )
- Wilken, Jennet (10 SEP 1702 - 9 DEC 1771)
- Wilkerson, Cynthia ( - )
- Wilkey, Lydia (17 MAY 1770 - 10 OCT 1826)
- Wilkins, Virginia Bradley ( - )
- Wilkins, William Thomas (21 MAR 1897 - 1 APR 1979)
- Wilkinson, Anne ( - )
- Wilkinson, Delia (1862 - 19 AUG 1888)
- Wilkinson, de_Francis L. (1860 - )
- Wilkinson, Lee (1870 - )
- Wilkinson, Lorenzo (1818 - )
- Wilkinson, Samuel ( - )
- Wilkinson, Susannah (27 APR 1688 - )
- Wilkinson, William S. (4 OCT 1840 - 22 MAR 1909)
- Willard, Alexis Edwin (1832 - )
- Willard, Almira (1833 - )
- Willard, Ambrose (APR 1786 - 3 MAY 1869)
- Willard, Ambrose P. (1843 - )
- Willard, Ann (1841 - 1860)
- Willard, Bessie W. (FEB 1861 - SEP 1938)
- Willard, Burney (Bennet) (1872 - )
- Willard, Byron E. (1868 - )
- Willard, Caroline P. (1834 - )
- Willard, Charles (1820 - )
- Willard, Clayton (1859 - )
- Willard, Erastus (1808 - )
- Willard, Erastus (1838 - )
- Willard, Florence (1846 - )
- Willard, Florence (1873 - )
- Willard, Laura (1851 - )
- Willard, Lucinda (1844 - )
- Willard, Maria ( - )
- Willard, Mary (1839 - )
- Willard, Mary E. (1831 - )
- Willard, Roy A. (1876 - )
- Willard, Samuel ( - )
- Willard, Sarah ( - )
- Willard, Valorus (1827 - )
- Willard, Victoria (MAY 1871 - )
- Willcocks, Susannah ( - 10 DEC 1755)
- Willcocks, Tamsen ( - )
- Willcott, Lucy ( - )
- Willemus, ( - )
- Willet, Andrew ( - )
- Willett, Clara Winifred (1877 - )
- Willett, Cornelius ( - )
- Willett, Elizabeth ( - )
- Willett, Ethel Mary (1880 - )
- Willett, Hannah ( - )
- Willett, John (1848 - )
- Willett, Nathaniel ( - )
- Willey, Chandler ( - )
- Willey, Hannah (1642 - 1681)
- Willey, Hannah Bowman (11 MAR 1847 - 13 JUL 1927)
- Willey, Isaac ( - )
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GEDCOM file last updated Tue, 13 Mar 2018 12:54:08.
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Copyright 1996 © Randy Winch
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