Mountford Genealogical Database
- Whitford, Weaver (25 DEC 1779 - )
- Whitford, Welcome (29 JUN 1786 - )
- Whitford, Wilbur Gorton (24 JAN 1829 - 1 DEC 1849)
- Whiting, Abigail (1666 - )
- Whiting, Anna ( - )
- Whiting, Charles (5 JUL 1692 - )
- Whiting, Elizabeth (1678 - )
- Whiting, John (ABT 1635 - BEF 1692)
- Whiting, John (1657 - )
- Whiting, John (13 NOV 1679 - )
- Whiting, John (1688 - 1715)
- Whiting, John ( - )
- Whiting, Joseph (2 OCT 1645 - 19 OCT 1717)
- Whiting, Joseph (1680 - )
- Whiting, Joseph ( - )
- Whiting, Martha (1662 - )
- Whiting, Mary (ABT 1643 - 26 OCT 1709)
- Whiting, Mary (1676 - 1689)
- Whiting, Mary (1 APR 1688 - )
- Whiting, Nathaniel (1683 - )
- Whiting, Samuel (22 APR 1670 - 27 SEP 1725)
- Whiting, Samuel ( - )
- Whiting, Sarah (1637 - 17 MAY 1704)
- Whiting, Sarah (1664 - )
- Whiting, Sarah ( - )
- Whiting, Sybil (1655 - )
- Whiting, Thomas (1674 - )
- Whiting, Thomas (1686 - )
- Whiting, William (1596 - 24 JUL 1647)
- Whiting, William (1659 - )
- Whiting, William (15 FEB 1694 - )
- Whiting, William ( - 1699)
- Whitinger, Hannah J. (1832 - )
- Whitlock, Abigail (30 OCT 1750 - )
- Whitlock, Abigail (27 SEP 1791 - )
- Whitlock, Abigail ( - )
- Whitlock, Abraham ( - )
- Whitlock, Adam (ABT 1725 - )
- Whitlock, David (ABT 1681 - 30 MAY 1761)
- Whitlock, David ( - 1722)
- Whitlock, David ( - )
- Whitlock, Dorcas (4 NOV 1765 - 25 APR 1839)
- Whitlock, Eleanor (16 OCT 1752 - )
- Whitlock, Eli (18 JAN 1807 - )
- Whitlock, Elizabeth (8 JAN 1754/1755 - )
- Whitlock, Ezra (16 AUG 1798 - )
- Whitlock, Hannah (ABT 1685 - 10 MAR 1771)
- Whitlock, Hannah (15 SEP 1754 - )
- Whitlock, Harry (6 FEB 1805 - )
- Whitlock, Henry (3 NOV 1761 - )
- Whitlock, Huldah (27 SEP 1767 - )
- Whitlock, Huldah (26 JUN 1790 - )
- Whitlock, John (BEF 1695 - 1733)
- Whitlock, John (7 JUL 1793 - )
- Whitlock, John ( - 1658)
- Whitlock, John ( - 1698)
- Whitlock, John ( - )
- Whitlock, Jonathan (1723 - 8 JUL 1788)
- Whitlock, Joseph (17 FEB 1718 - )
- Whitlock, Joseph (5 FEB 1760 - )
- Whitlock, Joseph (29 JUL 1801 - )
- Whitlock, Justus (10 MAR 1753 - )
- Whitlock, Mary (1697 - )
- Whitlock, Naomi (15 SEP 1761 - )
- Whitlock, Nathaniel (10 MAR 1751/1752 - )
- Whitlock, Nathaniel ( - )
- Whitlock, Phebe (3 DEC 1808 - )
- Whitlock, Rachel (9 NOV 1753 - )
- Whitlock, Rufus (21 AUG 1803 - )
- Whitlock, Ruth (4 JUL 1769 - )
- Whitlock, Ruth (5 MAY 1795 - )
- Whitlock, Samuel (1 NOV 1748 - )
- Whitlock, Samuel ( - 1751)
- Whitlock, Sarah (BEF 1695 - )
- Whitlock, Sarah (1695 - )
- Whitlock, Sarah (14 JAN 1734 - )
- Whitlock, Sarah (26 SEP 1759 - )
- Whitlock, Sarah (17 DEC 1763 - )
- Whitlock, Seth (27 OCT 1757 - 3 MAY 1788)
- Whitlock, Thaddeus (16 DEC 1759 - )
- Whitlock, Thaddeus (4 NOV 1788 - )
- Whitlock, Thomas (BEF 1695 - )
- Whitlock, Thomas (23 OCT 1756 - )
- Whitlock, William (6 MAY 1797 - )
- Whitman, ( - )
- Whitman, Anna ( - )
- Whitman, Grace Valentine (ABT 1695 - )
- Whitman, Harriet ( - )
- Whitman, Sarah (26 JAN 1696 - )
- Whitman, Valentine ( - )
- Whitmarsh, Amy (1 APR 1792 - )
- Whitmarsh, Daniel ( - )
- Whitmarsh, Daniel ( - )
- Whitmarsh, Jobe ( - 2 AUG 1747)
- Whitmarsh, Joseph ( - )
- Whitmarsh, Joseph Allen (5 DEC 1810 - )
- Whitmarsh, Joseph Winslow (31 AUG 1804 - )
- Whitmarsh, Lydia (4 AUG 1784 - )
- Whitmarsh, Mary ( - )
- Whitmarsh, Mary Beverly Chew (15 JUL 1808 - )
- Whitmarsh, Micaiah ( - )
- Whitmarsh, Rufus ( - )
- Whitmarsh, Ruth ( - )
- Whitmarsh, Sarah ( - )
- Whitmarsh, Seth (18 OCT 1782 - )
- Whitmarsh, Susanna Barton (21 MAR 1806 - )
- Whitmarsh, Susannah ( - )
- Whitmore, Eliza ( - )
- Whitmore, Frances (3 MAR 1671 - )
- Whitmore, Francis ( - )
- Whitmore, Samuel ( - )
- Whitmore, Sarah ( - )
- Whitney, Abigail (ABT 1673 - )
- Whitney, Abigail ( - )
- Whitney, Arnewey (1590 - )
- Whitney, Benjamin (6 JUN 1643 - )
- Whitney, Caleb (12 JUL 1640 - 1640)
- Whitney, Cornelia Ann (28 JUN 1830 - )
- Whitney, Cornelius (ABT 1680 - )
- Whitney, David (1682 - )
- Whitney, Eleanor (ABT 1684 - 1730)
- Whitney, Elizabeth (ABT 1689 - )
- Whitney, Frances (1615 - )
- Whitney, Frances Eleanor (27 DEC 1838 - )
- Whitney, Francis (1599 - )
- Whitney, Hannah (ABT 1670 - )
- Whitney, Henry (1588 - )
- Whitney, Henry Lyman (1 MAR 1836 - 22 JAN 1879)
- Whitney, Isaiah ( - )
- Whitney, Jacob ( - )
- Whitney, Jane (ABT 1843 - )
- Whitney, John (1589 - 1 JUN 1673)
- Whitney, John (1620 - )
- Whitney, John Hamilton (11 JAN 1832 - )
- Whitney, Jonathon (1634 - )
- Whitney, Joseph (9 MAR 1794 - 11 OCT 1841)
- Whitney, Joseph W. (3 AUG 1826 - 10 MAY 1879)
- Whitney, Joshua (15 JUL 1635 - 7 AUG 1719)
- Whitney, Joshua (14 JUN 1665 - 1 DEC 1753)
- Whitney, Julia (28 JUL 1824 - 5 SEP 1825)
- Whitney, Margaret (1584 - )
- Whitney, Martha (ABT 1686 - 2 APR 1763)
- Whitney, Mary (1600 - )
- Whitney, Mary (1619 - 1626)
- Whitney, Mary (1 JUL 1675 - 29 DEC 1749)
- Whitney, Mary Cooley (18 OCT 1822 - 12 FEB 1886)
- Whitney, Nancy Bliss (24 APR 1820 - )
- Whitney, Nathaniel (1624 - )
- Whitney, Nowell (1594 - )
- Whitney, Richard (1623 - )
- Whitney, Robert (1605 - )
- Whitney, Robert (4 OCT 1828 - )
- Whitney, Robert ( - )
- Whitney, Robert Brittani (27 APR 1834 - )
- Whitney, Ruth (1645 - 1718)
- Whitney, Sarah (10 OCT 1668 - )
- Whitney, Sarah (ABT 1686 - )
- Whitney, Thomas (1587 - )
- Whitney, Thomas (1629 - 1719)
- Whitney, Thomas ( - )
- Whitney, William (28 FEB 1677/1678 - )
- Whitney, William ( - )
- Whitt, Celia E. (1853 - )
- Whitt, James ( - )
- Whitt, John ( - )
- Whitt, John ( - )
- Whitt, Louisa J. (21 DEC 1845 - 22 AUG 1881)
- Whitt, Mollie (13 AUG 1883 - 24 FEB 1974)
- Whitt, Sarah (1815 - )
- Whittaker, ( - )
- Whittaker, Patrick J. ( - )
- Whittaker, Ryan ( - )
- Whittaker, Sam ( - )
- Whittemore, Elizabeth ( - 20 MAR 1812)
- Whittemore, Francis (1625 - 12 OCT 1685)
- Whittemore, Lydia ( - 17 MAY 1776)
- Whittemore, Thomas ( - )
- Whitten, Frances ( - )
- Whitting, Mary (ABT 1640 - 19 SEP 1672)
- Whittington, Mary ( - )
- Whitton, Jeremiah ( - )
- Whitwood, Mott (1850 - )
- Whitworth, Jennie A. (1886 - 1945)
- Wickenden, Plain ( - )
- Wickes, Althalia (10 OCT 1704 - )
- Wickes, Ann (25 JAN 1758 - )
- Wickes, Ann ( - AFT 1687)
- Wickes, Asa (18 JUN 1750 - )
- Wickes, Benjamin (18 AUG 1716 - 24 MAR 1757)
- Wickes, Benjamin (27 MAR 1745 - )
- Wickes, Benjamin (30 JUL 1760 - )
- Wickes, Daniel (10 MAY 1714 - 28 SEP 1723)
- Wickes, Daniel (5 NOV 1749 - )
- Wickes, Daniel (19 APR 1762 - 15 SEP 1830)
- Wickes, Ebenezer (17 JUN 1746 - )
- Wickes, Elizabeth (25 FEB 1706/1707 - 23 DEC 1776)
- Wickes, Elizabeth ( - )
- Wickes, Elizabeth ( - )
- Wickes, Francis ( - )
- Wickes, Hannah (3 AUG 1742 - )
- Wickes, James (2 FEB 1722 - )
- Wickes, James ( - )
- Wickes, John (1609 - NOV 1675)
- Wickes, John (8 AUG 1677 - 27 DEC 1741)
- Wickes, John (26 FEB 1698/1699 - 4 JUL 1735)
- Wickes, John (6 FEB 1712 - )
- Wickes, John ( - )
- Wickes, John ( - 1689)
- Wickes, Joseph (31 MAY 1719 - )
- Wickes, Joseph (19 MAY 1742 - )
- Wickes, Joseph ( - )
- Wickes, Marian (2 AUG 1752 - )
- Wickes, Mary (15 AUG 1706 - )
- Wickes, Mary (11 DEC 1717 - 18 JUL 1746)
- Wickes, Mary (30 NOV 1744 - 4 FEB 1750)
- Wickes, Mary (19 JUL 1754 - )
- Wickes, Paul Unis (19 FEB 1765 - )
- Wickes, Renewed (2 AUG 1739 - )
- Wickes, Richard (23 OCT 1712 - )
- Wickes, Robert (22 DEC 1704 - )
- Wickes, Robert (2 FEB 1722 - 16 FEB 1722)
- Wickes, Robert ( - )
- Wickes, Robert ( - )
- Wickes, Rose (12 AUG 1702 - )
- Wickes, Samuel (2 FEB 1722 - 4 MAR 1722)
- Wickes, Samuel ( - )
- Wickes, Sarah (21 SEP 1700 - 11 NOV 1786)
- Wickes, Sarah (18 MAR 1708 - )
- Wickes, Sarah (4 MAR 1735/1736 - 27 NOV 1803)
- Wickes, Sarah (11 AUG 1742 - 11 NOV 1828)
- Wickes, Sarah (6 SEP 1751 - )
- Wickes, Sarah (10 JUN 1797 - )
- Wickes, Sarah ( - )
- Wickes, Stuckley (29 SEP 1743 - BEF 1823)
- Wickes, Thomas (28 JAN 1710 - )
- Wickes, Thomas (8 SEP 1715 - 1 AUG 1803)
- Wickes, Thomas ( - )
- Wickes, Thomas ( - MAR 1647)
- Wickes, Thomas ( - )
- Wickes, Waity (26 MAR 1744 - )
- Wickes, William (26 AUG 1710 - 21 NOV 1744)
- Wickes, William (30 JUL 1756 - )
- Wickes, William ( - )
- Wickham, Anna (22 JAN 1684 - )
- Wickham, Gideon (2 JAN 1678 - 27 MAR 1682)
- Wickham, John ( - )
- Wickham, Joseph ( - )
- Wickham, Mary (7 APR 1687 - )
- Wickham, Samuel ( - )
- Wickham, Samuel ( - )
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GEDCOM file last updated Tue, 13 Mar 2018 12:54:08.
Please send corrections, additions or comments to Sharon Mountford
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Copyright 1996 © Randy Winch
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