Mountford Genealogical Database
- Skeen, Elijah (1860 - )
- Skeen, Fianna Ford (1865 - )
- Skeen, James (1863 - )
- Skeen, James P. (1836 - )
- Skeen, Mary (1874 - )
- Skeen, Susan (1862 - )
- Skelton, Mary ( - 1701)
- Skelton, Samuel ( - 2 AUG 1634)
- Skelton, Samuel ( - )
- Skelton, Sarah ( - 27 AUG 1621)
- Skelton, Susanna ( - AFT 1685)
- Skelton, Venson ( - )
- Skiffe, Nathaniel (20 MAY 1645 - )
- Skinner, Anne ( - )
- Skinner, Mary ( - )
- Slack, Elizabeth ( - )
- Slade, Aaron ( - )
- Slade, Benjamin (19 OCT 1721 - 9 AUG 1768)
- Slade, Edward (4 JUN 1694 - 5 APR 1755)
- Slade, Edward (15 JAN 1732 - )
- Slade, Elizabeth (2 DEC 1695 - )
- Slade, Elizabeth (AUG 1699 - )
- Slade, Hannah (5 JUL 1697 - )
- Slade, Jane ( - )
- Slade, John (1735 - )
- Slade, Jonathan (3 AUG 1703 - )
- Slade, Jonathan (1 JUN 1728 - )
- Slade, Lydia (8 OCT 1706 - )
- Slade, Martha (27 FEB 1699 - )
- Slade, Mary (19 MAY 1689 - )
- Slade, Mary (8 APR 1723 - )
- Slade, Mary Eliza (6 NOV 1841 - 3 OCT 1898)
- Slade, Obadiah (15 JAN 1730 - 17 OCT 1730)
- Slade, Peleg (8 DEC 1729 - )
- Slade, Phebe (25 SEP 1701 - )
- Slade, Ruth (13 OCT 1724 - 18 DEC 1764)
- Slade, Sarah (7 OCT 1718 - )
- Slade, William (20 NOV 1692 - )
- Slade, William (1 AUG 1720 - )
- Slade, William ( - )
- Slafter, John ( - )
- Slafter, Mary (NOV 1688 - 12 JAN 1793)
- Slany, Anne ( - )
- Slaughter, Sara ( - )
- Sloan, ( - )
- Slocum, Anthony ( - )
- Slocum, Daughter ( - )
- Slocum, Ebenezer (25 MAR 1650 - )
- Slocum, Ebenezer (20 JAN 1686 - OCT 1715)
- Slocum, Ebenezer (20 JAN 1686 - )
- Slocum, Eleazer (25 DEC 1664 - )
- Slocum, Elizabeth (1 JAN 1677 - 5 JUN 1728)
- Slocum, Giles (25 MAR 1647 - )
- Slocum, Giles ( - 1682)
- Slocum, Giles ( - )
- Slocum, Joanna (16 MAY 1642 - )
- Slocum, Joanna (9 OCT 1672 - )
- Slocum, Joanna (2 JAN 1680 - 30 NOV 1709)
- Slocum, John (1641/2 - 25 FEB 1651)
- Slocum, John (26 MAY 1645 - )
- Slocum, Jonathan ( - )
- Slocum, Joseph (21 APR 1697 - )
- Slocum, Joseph ( - )
- Slocum, Josiah (12 MAR 1688 - )
- Slocum, Mary (3 JUL 1660 - 25 SEP 1689)
- Slocum, Mary (30 NOV 1675 - )
- Slocum, Mary (JUN 1679 - )
- Slocum, Mary (14 SEP 1693 - )
- Slocum, Mercy (1726/1727 - 2 FEB 1809)
- Slocum, Nathaniel (25 DEC 1652 - )
- Slocum, Peleg (17 AUG 1654 - )
- Slocum, Phebe ( - )
- Slocum, Ruth ( - )
- Slocum, Samuel (MAR 1684 - )
- Slocum, Samuel ( - )
- Slocum, Sarah ( - )
- Slocum, son (1691 - )
- Slocum, son (14 DEC 1695 - )
- Sloper, Daniel ( - )
- Sly, John ( - )
- Sly, Lurana Josana (1830 - )
- Sly, Michael ( - )
- Sly, Wynche ( - )
- Smail, John (ABT 1711 - )
- Small, ( - )
- Small, Mary (1605 - BEF 1678/1679)
- Smalley, Abner (1765 - )
- Smalley, Abner (17 JUL 1825 - 18 JUN 1910)
- Smalley, Allen (1862 - )
- Smalley, Andrew (1832 - )
- Smalley, Charles W. (1838 - )
- Smalley, Eveline (JAN 1830 - 8 JUN 1873)
- Smalley, Fanny (1828 - )
- Smalley, Frank C. (21 OCT 1852 - )
- Smalley, Fred C. (1868 - )
- Smalley, George Ward (1878 - )
- Smalley, Glenn Allen ( - )
- Smalley, Hannah ( - )
- Smalley, Helen (1904 - )
- Smalley, Ida (1866 - )
- Smalley, Isaac Sears_(or_Sayre) (3 MAY 1802 - 29 JUL 1889)
- Smalley, Lloyd F. (1892 - )
- Smalley, Lois (1854 - )
- Smalley, Marian (1899 - )
- Smalley, Martha (1848 - )
- Smalley, Mary Ann (1840 - AFT 1925)
- Smalley, Mary S. (26 FEB 1864 - 4 MAR 1955)
- Smalley, May (1873 - )
- Smalley, Ned A. (1886 - )
- Smalley, Phebe (ABT 1824 - )
- Smalley, Regy (1880 - )
- Smalley, Richard C. (1889 - 17 OCT 1983)
- Smalley, Roy D. (DEC 1908 - )
- Smalley, Roy D. ( - )
- Smalley, Ruth (1895 - )
- Smalley, Rynear ( - )
- Smalley, Squire D. (1835 - 2 OCT 1864)
- Smart, Frederick A. G. (1850 - )
- Smart, George O. (1857 - )
- Smart, Hattie A. (1859 - )
- Smart, Mary A. (1849 - )
- Smart, Nathaniel (1822 - )
- Smedley, Ann (1601/2 - )
- Smedley, Ann (12 DEC 1676 - )
- Smedley, Baptist (1607/9 - 16 AUG 1675)
- Smedley, Betty ( - )
- Smedley, Ellen (1605/6 - )
- Smedley, Francis ( - )
- Smedley, Hannah (9 JUL 1668 - 2 AUG 1668)
- Smedley, Hannah (28 JUL 1669 - )
- Smedley, James (2 OCT 1650 - )
- Smedley, James ( - )
- Smedley, John (1613 - AFT 1680)
- Smedley, John (31 OCT 1646 - )
- Smedley, John (18 AUG 1672 - )
- Smedley, John (8 AUG 1675 - 24 OCT 1675)
- Smedley, John ( - )
- Smedley, Joseph (17 OCT 1672 - )
- Smedley, Mary (7 JUN 1648 - 22 SEP 1697)
- Smedley, Mary (18 JAN 1671 - )
- Smedley, Mary (FEB 1679 - )
- Smedley, Richard (1611 - )
- Smedley, Samuel (27 MAR 1646 - 2 AUG 1675)
- Smedley, Samuel (28 FEB 1673 - )
- Smith, (William?) Johnson (8 MAR 1784 - )
- Smith, ( - )
- Smith, ( - )
- Smith, ( - )
- Smith, ( - )
- Smith, ( - )
- Smith, ( - )
- Smith, Aaron Robert ( - )
- Smith, Abigail (21 JUL 1684 - 12 NOV 1730)
- Smith, Abigail (26 DEC 1691 - )
- Smith, Abigail (10 OCT 1692 - )
- Smith, Abigail (29 MAR 1711 - )
- Smith, Abigail (10 JUN 1714 - 29 JUN 1801)
- Smith, Abigail (ABT 1720 - )
- Smith, Abigail (12 MAR 1722 - )
- Smith, Abigail (21 JUN 1723 - )
- Smith, Abigail (14 SEP 1726 - 10 DEC 1820)
- Smith, Abigail (11 NOV 1744 - 28 OCT 1818)
- Smith, Abigail ( - )
- Smith, Abigail ( - )
- Smith, Abigail ( - )
- Smith, Abigail ( - )
- Smith, Abraham ( - )
- Smith, Absalom (17 AUG 1830 - 10 JAN 1902)
- Smith, Afton ( - )
- Smith, Agnes (29 AUG 1585 - 15 JUL 1667)
- Smith, Agnes Mae (26 JAN 1907 - 1 DEC 1996)
- Smith, Alice (1664 - 20 JUL 1739)
- Smith, Alice (25 JAN 1700 - )
- Smith, Alice May (24 MAY 1882 - )
- Smith, Allan (1838 - )
- Smith, Alma (24 FEB 1797 - )
- Smith, Alvin (1843 - )
- Smith, Amanda (29 MAR 1796 - )
- Smith, Ambrose ( - )
- Smith, Amos (21 JAN 1699 - 5 SEP 1786)
- Smith, Amphyllis (ABT 1660 - AFT 1704)
- Smith, Andrew J. (1845 - )
- Smith, Andrew Taylor ( - )
- Smith, Angell (ABT 1539 - 26 OCT 1626)
- Smith, Angell ( - 8 NOV 1578)
- Smith, Ann (ABT 1635 - )
- Smith, Ann (5 OCT 1717 - )
- Smith, Ann ( - )
- Smith, Ann ( - )
- Smith, Anna (1836 - 1921)
- Smith, Anna ( - )
- Smith, Anna ( - )
- Smith, Anna ( - )
- Smith, Archibald Clarke ( - )
- Smith, Arthur ( - )
- Smith, Arthur ( - )
- Smith, Asa (20 APR 1729 - )
- Smith, Asenath (14 OCT 1779 - )
- Smith, Aurelia (1852 - )
- Smith, Barclay Emery ( - )
- Smith, Barclay Emory (4 JUN 1922 - )
- Smith, Bathsheba (14 JUN 1715 - 6 JUN 1795)
- Smith, Benjamin (ABT 1631 - 23 DEC 1713)
- Smith, Benjamin (1661 - )
- Smith, Benjamin (AFT 1670 - 26 DEC 1749)
- Smith, Benjamin (ABT 1672 - 23 APR 1751)
- Smith, Benjamin (10 JAN 1673 - )
- Smith, Benjamin (1676 - 26 DEC 1755)
- Smith, Benjamin (23 SEP 1741 - 2 JUL 1819)
- Smith, Benjamin (11 APR 1755 - 5 NOV 1842)
- Smith, Benjamin (13 MAY 1791 - )
- Smith, Benjamin ( - )
- Smith, Benjamin ( - )
- Smith, Benoni (ABT 1700 - )
- Smith, Benoni (1740 - 1799)
- Smith, Beriah ( - )
- Smith, Beriah ( - )
- Smith, Betsy ( - )
- Smith, Bezelah (4 MAR 1707 - )
- Smith, Buelah (4 DEC 1784 - )
- Smith, Carol ( - )
- Smith, Casey Dennis (1 FEB 1922 - 16 JUN 2000)
- Smith, Cermanthy (AUG 1791 - 20 OCT 1794)
- Smith, Charles (5 JAN 1831 - )
- Smith, Charles (1872 - )
- Smith, Charles Herbert (19 JUL 1859 - )
- Smith, Charlotte (5 NOV 1802 - )
- Smith, Chelsea M. (21 JAN 1892 - 19 JAN 1897/1898)
- Smith, child (5 APR 1692 - 9 APR 1692)
- Smith, Chileab (1 APR 1636 - 7 MAR 1730/1731)
- Smith, Chileab (25 AUG 1683 - 8 NOV 1746)
- Smith, Chileab (11 FEB 1706 - )
- Smith, Chileab (21 MAY 1708 - 6 JUL 1824)
- Smith, Chileab (27 SEP 1712 - 14 AUG 1715)
- Smith, Chileab (25 MAY 1724 - BEF 1730)
- Smith, Chileab (8 JUL 1730 - 24 OCT 1752)
- Smith, Chileab (14 JAN 1775 - )
- Smith, Christian (8 OCT 1734 - 9 MAR 1737/1738)
- Smith, Christiana ( - 19 SEP 1732)
- Smith, Christopher (AFT 1670 - ABT 1758)
- Smith, Christopher ( - JUN 1676)
- Smith, Clarence ( - )
- Smith, Clyde Samuel ( - )
- Smith, Colton ( - )
- Smith, Cora (ABT 1869 - 27 FEB 1953)
- Smith, Cotton Mather (1730 - 1806)
- Smith, Cynthia (16 APR 1766 - 14 JUN 1814)
- Smith, Cynthia (23 AUG 1794 - 31 DEC 1842)
- Smith, Cynthia (1819 - 1895)
- Smith, Cynthia (1868 - )
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GEDCOM file last updated Tue, 13 Mar 2018 12:54:08.
Please send corrections, additions or comments to Sharon Mountford
Created by IGMMak Version 2.X (Program Information)
Copyright 1996 © Randy Winch
A component of the Indexed GEDCOM Method of GenWeb authoring.
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