Mountford Genealogical Database
- Shephard, Jennie (1836 - 14 DEC 1922)
- Shepherd, Bethia (13 Mar 1687/8 - )
- Shepherd, Edward W. ( - )
- Shepherd, James (27 APR 1714 - )
- Shepherd, John (28 APR 1710 - )
- Shepherd, Samuel ( - )
- Shepherd, Sarah (25 JUN 1686 - )
- Shepherd, Solomon ( - 1731)
- Shepherd, William E. (1862 - )
- Sheppard, Catharine ( - )
- Sheppard, Clara ( - )
- Sheppard, Mary (18 FEB 1759 - )
- Sheppard, Thomas ( - )
- Shepperson, (25 DEC 1880 - )
- Shepperson, Adelaide (1852 - )
- Shepperson, Carrie (JAN 1865 - )
- Shepperson, Ida (1859 - )
- Shepperson, James F. (1854 - 21 MAR 1922)
- Shepperson, James W. (DEC 1824 - 6 SEP 1905)
- Shepperson, LeRoy Poulton (5 MAY 1886 - 26 AUG 1886)
- Shepperson, Virginia J. (1857 - )
- Shepperson, Vivian (1900 - 27 MAY 1939)
- Sherman, Abigail (29 NOV 1732 - )
- Sherman, Bezaleel (1 JAN 1674 - )
- Sherman, Bezaleel ( - )
- Sherman, Catherine (ABT 1791 - )
- Sherman, Ebenezer ( - )
- Sherman, Edmund (20 MAR 1680 - )
- Sherman, Edmund ( - )
- Sherman, Eunice (6 OCT 1744 - )
- Sherman, Eunice ( - )
- Sherman, Hannah ( - )
- Sherman, Hannah ( - )
- Sherman, Jane M. (15 APR 1834 - )
- Sherman, John (12 JUN 1738 - )
- Sherman, John ( - )
- Sherman, Mary ( - )
- Sherman, Mathew (8 JAN 1683 - )
- Sherman, Mehitable (4 MAR 1688 - 3 NOV 1751)
- Sherman, Nathaniel ( - )
- Sherman, Philip ( - )
- Sherman, Phillip (10 FEB 1610 - 1687)
- Sherman, Samuel (1573 - )
- Sherman, Samuel (8 JAN 1678 - )
- Sherman, Sarah (1636 - )
- Sherman, Sarah ( - BEF 1799)
- Sherman, William ( - )
- Sherwood, Abigail (1649 - 1692)
- Sherwood, Abigail (ABT 1671 - 1 MAY 1744)
- Sherwood, Abigail ( - )
- Sherwood, Abigail ( - )
- Sherwood, Benjamin (ABT 1669 - )
- Sherwood, Daniel ( - )
- Sherwood, Dorothy Alice (27 APR 1928 - )
- Sherwood, Esther ( - 10 DEC 1799)
- Sherwood, Francis Keith (DEC 1902 - )
- Sherwood, Hannah (1620 - )
- Sherwood, Hannah ( - )
- Sherwood, Isaac (1645 - )
- Sherwood, Isaac (ABT 1675 - )
- Sherwood, Jane ( - )
- Sherwood, Margaret or Mary ( - )
- Sherwood, Mary (1674 - 16 SEP 1752)
- Sherwood, Mary ( - )
- Sherwood, Mary ( - )
- Sherwood, Mary ( - )
- Sherwood, Matthew (ABT 1643 - 26 OCT 1715)
- Sherwood, Matthew (ABT 1643 - 26 OCT 1715)
- Sherwood, Oreano ( - )
- Sherwood, Phebe ( - )
- Sherwood, Rebecca (ABT 1625 - )
- Sherwood, Rebecca (1625 - )
- Sherwood, Rose (1623 - )
- Sherwood, Ruth ( - )
- Sherwood, Ruth ( - )
- Sherwood, Samuel (1680 - 10 NOV 1732)
- Sherwood, Samuel ( - )
- Sherwood, Samuel ( - )
- Sherwood, Sarah ( - )
- Sherwood, Sarah ( - )
- Sherwood, Sarah ( - )
- Sherwood, Stephen ( - )
- Sherwood, Thomas (1586 - OCT 1655)
- Sherwood, Thomas (ABT 1624 - 1698)
- Sherwood, Thomas ( - )
- Sherwood, Thomas ( - )
- Sherwood, Thomasin ( - )
- Sherwood, William Nelson ( - )
- Shiel, Helen ( - )
- Shingles, Mary ( - )
- Shinn, John (20 MAY 1722 - )
- Shinn, Thomas ( - )
- Shipman, ( - )
- Shipman, Edna ( - )
- Shippee, David ( - )
- Shippee, Freeborne ( - )
- Shippen, Edward ( - )
- Shippen, Margaret ( - 24 AUG 1804)
- Shipper, Mary ( - )
- Shive, Frances ( - AFT 1993)
- Shoemaker, John (1851 - )
- Shoemaker, Leonard ( - )
- Shoemaker, Samuel (1 JUN 1815 - )
- Short, ( - )
- Short, Brian ( - )
- Short, Elizabeth (1813 - )
- Short, Eula Francis ( - )
- Short, Evaline (1814 - )
- Short, Mahala (1811 - )
- Short, Mary ( - )
- Short, Michelle ( - )
- Short, Rebecca (1589 - 1671)
- Short, Samuel ( - )
- Short, Thomas ( - )
- Shorthouse, Elizabeth (7 SEP 1640 - )
- Shorthouse, John (13 SEP 1637 - )
- Shorthouse, Robert ( - )
- Shotwell, Clarkson ( - )
- Shoulder, Mary Polly (1795 - )
- Shrader, ( - )
- Shrader, Emma L. (JAN 1887 - )
- Shrop, Mary (1856 - )
- Shrop, Sebastian (1829 - )
- Shultz, George (1829 - )
- Shute, Mary ( - )
- Shute, Richard (1639 - )
- Sibbald, Helen (1683 - )
- Sibley, Abel ( - )
- Sibley, Cornelia (1768 - 1834)
- Sibley, Darius Boyden (7 MAY 1801 - )
- Sibley, Frank B. (FEB 1845 - )
- Sibley, Fred (1855 - )
- Sibley, Freeman Luther (4 MAR 1812 - BEF 1880)
- Sibley, Isaac ( - )
- Sibley, Isaac Town (3 FEB 1808 - )
- Sibley, Jessie G. (MAR 1883 - )
- Sibley, Joseph ( - )
- Sibley, Liberty (1 APR 1810 - )
- Sibley, Lucy (1858 - )
- Sibley, Rachel Studley (11 APR 1814 - )
- Sibley, Walter F. (1887 - )
- Sibley, Watson Willard (13 OCT 1816 - )
- Sikes, Elizabeth (23 MAR 1712 - 23 JAN 1794)
- Sikes, Victory ( - )
- Sill, John ( - )
- Sill, Judith ( - )
- Sillet, Isabella ( - )
- Silliman, Abigail ( - )
- Silsby, Bethiah (12 APR 1680 - 16 MAY 1681)
- Silsby, Elizabeth (2 AUG 1685 - 22 MAY 1727)
- Silsby, Ephraim (ABT 1658 - )
- Silsby, Hannah (ABT 1656 - )
- Silsby, Hannah (3 OCT 1687 - 22 MAR 1748)
- Silsby, Henry (22 MAY 1613 - 16 DEC 1700)
- Silsby, Henry (ABT 1646 - )
- Silsby, Henry ( - )
- Silsby, infant (16 FEB 1676/1677 - 16 FEB 1676/1677)
- Silsby, John (ABT 1648 - 1676)
- Silsby, Jonathan (6 SEP 1650 - 3 DEC 1714)
- Silsby, Jonathan (16 MAR 1677 - 14 MAY 1751)
- Silsby, Mary (ABT 1644 - 1695)
- Silsby, Nathaniel (1651 - 1717)
- Silsby, Samuel (ABT 1654 - 1677)
- Silsby, Sarah (5 DEC 1674 - 8 JUN 1713)
- Silsby, Susannah (1683 - )
- Simmerson, Elizabeth ( - )
- Simmons, Abial ( - )
- Simmons, John ( - )
- Simmons, John ( - )
- Simmons, Louisa Virginia (or_Laura) (11 SEP 1843 - 5 DEC 1929)
- Simmons, Martha ( - )
- Simmons, Mary (1638 - 8 FEB 1697)
- Simmons, Minnie ( - )
- Simmons, Moses ( - )
- Simmons, Rebecca (ABT 1635 - 1675)
- Simmons, Roland (1809 - AFT 1880)
- Simmons, Thomas ( - )
- Simms, Mary (ABT 1609 - ABT 1696)
- Simonds, Francis ( - )
- Simonds, Huldah ( - )
- Simonds, William ( - )
- Simons, Hulda (11 OCT 1817 - 31 MAY 1889)
- Simpkins, Nicholas ( - )
- Simpson, Caleb (6 MAR 1801 - 15 APR 1886)
- Simpson, Caleb L. (1834 - )
- Simpson, Charles (ABT 1787 - )
- Simpson, Delmar H. (JUN 1888 - )
- Simpson, Ernest W. (1882 - )
- Simpson, George Alexander (6 DEC 1830 - 16 FEB 1918)
- Simpson, George B. ( - )
- Simpson, Hannah ( - )
- Simpson, Harrison ( - )
- Simpson, Hartwell B. (OCT 1850 - )
- Simpson, Henry Milton ( - )
- Simpson, Hulda ( - )
- Simpson, John ( - )
- Simpson, John ( - )
- Simpson, John L. (SEP 1886 - )
- Simpson, John T. (1837 - )
- Simpson, Keziah ( - 15 SEP 1831)
- Simpson, Lavinia (1848 - )
- Simpson, Leander ( - )
- Simpson, Lucy A. (1832 - )
- Simpson, Lycurgus S. (1845 - )
- Simpson, Martha ( - )
- Simpson, Martha ( - )
- Simpson, Martha M. (1842 - )
- Simpson, Mary ( - )
- Simpson, Mary E. (13 NOV 1834 - SEP 1854)
- Simpson, Mary F. (1829 - )
- Simpson, Matilda E. (1844 - )
- Simpson, Moses ( - 1837)
- Simpson, Moses P. (1835 - )
- Simpson, Nancy E. (MAR 1844 - )
- Simpson, Nathan ( - )
- Simpson, Patrick ( - )
- Simpson, Robert ( - )
- Simpson, Robert ( - )
- Simpson, Robert Alexander ( - )
- Simpson, Samuel ( - )
- Simpson, Samuel J. (1840 - )
- Simpson, Sarah (1805 - )
- Simpson, Sarah ( - 16 FEB 1816)
- Simpson, Sarah J. (1839 - )
- Simpson, Susan A. ( - )
- Simpson, Susan V. (1843 - )
- Simpson, Susannah ( - )
- Simpson, Thomas J. ( - )
- Simpson, William ( - )
- Simpson, William H. (1828 - )
- Sinclair, Catherine ( - )
- Sinclair, Elizabeth ( - )
- Singer, David (1890 - )
- Singer, Dora E. (1887 - )
- Singer, Jacob Daniel ( - )
- Sipperlein, John ( - )
- Sisson, ( - )
- Sisson, ( - )
- Sisson, Amanda Frances (3 JUN 1851 - 18 AUG 1883)
- Sisson, Ella (1856 - )
- Sisson, Emma A. ( - )
- Sisson, Jane ( - )
- Sisson, John ( - )
- Sisson, Joseph ( - 1860)
- Sisson, Kate (1858 - )
- Sisson, Lydia (ABT 1770 - )
- Sisson, Nancy (1856 - )
- Skanes, Jayne Gayle ( - )
- Skanes, Ray ( - )
- Skanes, Sandra Jacquelyn ( - 8 NOV 1997)
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GEDCOM file last updated Tue, 13 Mar 2018 12:54:08.
Please send corrections, additions or comments to Sharon Mountford
Created by IGMMak Version 2.X (Program Information)
Copyright 1996 © Randy Winch
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