Mountford Genealogical Database
- Scott, Mary (31 OCT 1801 - )
- Scott, Mary (22 NOV 1824 - 12 DEC 1900)
- Scott, Mary (20 JUL 1836 - 4 SEP 1921)
- Scott, Mary (1845 - )
- Scott, Mary A. (8 APR 1834 - )
- Scott, Mary Ann (10 JAN 1836 - )
- Scott, Mary Anna (1863 - )
- Scott, Mary Dean (OCT 1885 - )
- Scott, Mary Delia (1857 - )
- Scott, Mary E. (28 JAN 1864 - )
- Scott, Mary E. ( - )
- Scott, Mary H. (1861 - )
- Scott, May (JAN 1900 - )
- Scott, Maybell (ABT JAN 1865 - )
- Scott, Millative (24 OCT 1772 - )
- Scott, Miner J. ( - )
- Scott, Nelson (24 SEP 1817 - )
- Scott, Nettie M. (1871 - )
- Scott, Nora C. (16 SEP 1869 - )
- Scott, Noyes (7 OCT 1803 - 27 NOV 1838)
- Scott, Noyes Rhodolphus (25 APR 1830 - 8 MAY 1855)
- Scott, Olive Adelle (30 MAY 1859 - )
- Scott, Otis H. (14 MAY 1826 - )
- Scott, Otis Monroe (27 MAY 1833 - )
- Scott, Pearl (APR 1884 - )
- Scott, Persis M. (12 SEP 1827 - )
- Scott, Peter ( - )
- Scott, Philinda (1839 - )
- Scott, Prudence (1843 - )
- Scott, Ralph (1876 - )
- Scott, Ray Eugene (1871 - )
- Scott, Ray G. (DEC 1875 - )
- Scott, Rebecca ( - )
- Scott, Rebecca O. (APR 1888 - )
- Scott, Remson (1847 - )
- Scott, Reynolds (1878 - )
- Scott, Rhodolphus (7 JAN 1780 - 14 JUN 1851)
- Scott, Rhodolphus ( - )
- Scott, Richard (1500 - )
- Scott, Richard ( - )
- Scott, Rita (APR 1899 - )
- Scott, Robert (1808 - )
- Scott, Robert (1841 - )
- Scott, Robert (1843 - )
- Scott, Robert A. (SEP 1848 - 14 APR 1918)
- Scott, Romanzo J. (9 JUL 1841 - 24 JUN 1901)
- Scott, Rosaltha (Rosa) (2 JUL 1840 - 2 MAR 1873)
- Scott, Rosaltha (OCT 1874 - )
- Scott, Ross (OCT 1886 - )
- Scott, Roxa (30 SEP 1803 - 28 MAY 1871)
- Scott, Roxana ( - )
- Scott, Royal R. (DEC 1859 - )
- Scott, Royal T. R. (MAY 1875 - )
- Scott, Rufus (12 JAN 1778 - 30 OCT 1850)
- Scott, Rufus (28 JUN 1800 - 11 FEB 1858)
- Scott, Rufus B. (1905 - )
- Scott, Rufus L. (8 OCT 1838 - 1896)
- Scott, Rufus S. (OCT 1873 - )
- Scott, Russell H. (8 NOV 1840 - AFT 1895)
- Scott, Ruth (OCT 1886 - )
- Scott, Sallena (25 DEC 1766 - )
- Scott, Samuel A. (1828 - )
- Scott, Samuel Harper (4 JUL 1815 - )
- Scott, Sarah (AFT 1634 - )
- Scott, Sarah A. (2 AUG 1838 - )
- Scott, Sarah Eva (4 MAR 1860 - 5 OCT 1929)
- Scott, Seneca (DEC 1827 - 1902)
- Scott, Seth (28 FEB 1792 - )
- Scott, Silvanus ( - )
- Scott, Solomon T. (1782 - 1869)
- Scott, Solomon V. W. (1818 - )
- Scott, Sophia (27 MAY 1828 - 13 MAY 1896)
- Scott, Sophia D. (6 DEC 1826 - 18 APR 1899)
- Scott, Stella M. (6 JUN 1850 - 16 JUN 1868)
- Scott, Susan (1879 - )
- Scott, Thirza C. (5 APR 1828 - )
- Scott, Thomas (1594 - 6 SEP 1657)
- Scott, Thomas (ABT 1628 - 1657)
- Scott, Thomas (1835 - )
- Scott, Thomas ( - )
- Scott, Thomas H. (23 JUN 1852 - )
- Scott, Thomas M. (1867 - )
- Scott, Tilson W. (1848 - )
- Scott, Unnamed child (21 AUG 1894 - )
- Scott, Ursula ( - )
- Scott, Volney (1836 - )
- Scott, Volney E. (1852 - 14 MAY 1943)
- Scott, Wait (4 FEB 1805 - )
- Scott, Wait (29 SEP 1836 - )
- Scott, Waitstill (16 MAR 1741/1742 - 6 MAR 1824)
- Scott, Waitstill (16 APR 1774 - )
- Scott, Waitstill (ABT 1795 - )
- Scott, Waitstill (1861 - )
- Scott, Walter (1776 - )
- Scott, Walter (1837 - )
- Scott, Walter (1846 - )
- Scott, Walter (1849 - )
- Scott, Walter (1857 - 1937)
- Scott, Walter (1858 - 1937)
- Scott, Walter Kirkpatrick (20 NOV 1847 - 27 MAY 1931)
- Scott, Warren L. (1834 - )
- Scott, William (1803 - )
- Scott, William (1831 - )
- Scott, William (23 JUL 1835 - )
- Scott, William (1838 - )
- Scott, William (1878 - )
- Scott, William ( - )
- Scott, William H. (1849 - )
- Scott, William H. K. (29 NOV 1833 - 11 DEC 1908)
- Scott, William M. (27 NOV 1830 - 18 FEB 1835)
- Scott, William Wallace (7 SEP 1856 - 26 JUL 1921)
- Scott, William Wesley (5 JAN 1868 - )
- Scott, Winfield (1848 - )
- Scott, Woodruff (1768 - 10 FEB 1846)
- Scotto, Rebecca ( - )
- Scovil, Mercy ( - )
- Scoville, Sarah ( - )
- Scranton, John ( - )
- Scruggs, Adam ( - )
- Scruggs, Jane ( - )
- Scruggs, Margaret ( - )
- Scruggs, Rachel (ABT 1627 - 2 MAY 1666)
- Scruggs, Rachel ( - )
- Scruggs, Thomas (ABT 1590 - 1654)
- Scruggs, William (ABT 1557 - 1609)
- Scruggs, William ( - )
- Scudder, Elizabeth (1623 - )
- Scudder, Elizabeth (ABT 1667 - 20 DEC 1762)
- Seaborn, Franky ( - )
- Seabrook, Alice (1587 - )
- Seabrook, Robert ( - )
- Seabury, Elizabeth (13 SEP 1661 - )
- Seabury, Grace (1 MAR 1673 - 16 MAR 1673)
- Seabury, Hannah (7 JUL 1668 - MAY 1710)
- Seabury, John (7 NOV 1670 - 18 MAR 1671)
- Seabury, John (7 NOV 1674 - 17 DEC 1759)
- Seabury, John ( - BEF 1650)
- Seabury, Joseph (8 JUN 1678 - )
- Seabury, Mark (1681 - )
- Seabury, Martha (23 SEP 1679 - )
- Seabury, Patience (1 MAR 1673 - 17 MAR 1673)
- Seabury, Samuel (10 DEC 1640 - 5 AUG 1681)
- Seabury, Samuel (20 APR 1666 - )
- Seabury, Sarah (18 AUG 1663 - )
- Seaman, Mary (1823 - )
- Seamans, Charles ( - )
- Seamans, Gilbert (29 NOV 1706 - )
- Seamans, Gilbert (18 JUN 1738 - )
- Seamans, Huldah (30 AUG 1745 - )
- Seamans, James ( - )
- Seamans, Josiah (18 APR 1736 - )
- Seamans, Levi (26 DEC 1730 - )
- Seamans, Mary (26 FEB 1733 - )
- Seamans, Nathan (14 MAY 1742 - )
- Seamans, Patience (29 MAY 1732 - )
- Seamans, Thomas ( - )
- Searl, Abraham (2 MAR 1824 - 2 AUG 1853)
- Searl, Lucy Ola (3 MAY 1852 - 2 MAY 1945)
- Searl, Rebecca ( - 16 AUG 1691)
- Searl, Samuel (8 FEB 1796 - 28 SEP 1874)
- Searle, John ( - )
- Sears, ( - )
- Sears, Marcy ( - )
- Sears, Paul ( - )
- Sears, Rebecca ( - )
- Secoll, Joseph ( - )
- Secoll, Meyer (1899 - )
- Sedgewick, William ( - )
- Sedgwick, ( - )
- See, William ( - )
- Seeley, Nathaniel ( - DEC 1675)
- Seeley, Robert ( - )
- Seely, Calista (1862 - )
- Seely, Isaac (1859 - )
- Seely, Lucy (1865 - )
- Seely, Milan (1836 - )
- Seelye, Louisa Estelle (1849 - 1933)
- Segar, Ione (1903 - 1981)
- Segur, Sarah ( - )
- Selden, Esther ( - 1651)
- Selden, Esther ( - )
- Selden, Hanna ( - 1695)
- Selden, John ( - MAY 1650)
- Selden, Joseph ( - 14 JUL 1724)
- Selden, Joseph ( - )
- Selden, Mary ( - 7 JAN 1713)
- Selden, Rebecca ( - )
- Selden, Sara ( - )
- Selden, Thomas (30 AUG 1645 - 24 NOV 1734)
- Selden, Thomas ( - 1665)
- Seldin, Mary ( - )
- Sellards, Sadie ( - )
- Selleck, Jonathan ( - )
- Selleck, Nathaniel (7 APR 1678 - 14 AUG 1712)
- Sellingham, ( - )
- Sells, ( - )
- Sergeant, ( - BEF 1881)
- Sergeant, Anne (1859 - )
- Sessions, Alexander ( - )
- Severance, John ( - )
- Severance, Joseph ( - )
- Seward, William ( - )
- Sewell, Phillippa ( - 9 OCT 1669)
- Sexton, George ( - )
- Sexton, Judith ( - )
- Seymour, Abigail (7 AUG 1720 - )
- Seymour, Alice ( - )
- Seymour, Bevil ( - )
- Seymour, Daniel (20 OCT 1698 - )
- Seymour, Elisha (25 MAR 1722 - )
- Seymour, Elizabeth (JUN 1650 - )
- Seymour, Elizabeth (DEC 1673 - 17 JUN 1713)
- Seymour, Elizabeth ( - )
- Seymour, Isaac (10 OCT 1723 - )
- Seymour, Jared ( - )
- Seymour, Jerusha ( - )
- Seymour, John (12 JUN 1666 - 17 MAY 1748)
- Seymour, John (25 DEC 1694 - )
- Seymour, John (24 NOV 1726 - )
- Seymour, John ( - )
- Seymour, Jonathan (10 JAN 1679 - )
- Seymour, Jonathan (16 MAR 1703 - )
- Seymour, Josiah ( - )
- Seymour, Keziah (5 MAR 1733/1734 - )
- Seymour, Lucretia (19 FEB 1725 - 13 MAY 1728)
- Seymour, Lucretia (1 AUG 1730 - )
- Seymour, Lucy (1758 - 1840)
- Seymour, Lydia (11 MAY 1719 - )
- Seymour, Margaret (17 JAN 1675 - )
- Seymour, Margaret (30 JAN 1708 - )
- Seymour, Margaret (23 APR 1738 - )
- Seymour, Mary (NOV 1670 - )
- Seymour, Mary (23 MAY 1726 - )
- Seymour, Mary ( - )
- Seymour, Mary ( - )
- Seymour, Millicent (23 AUG 1728 - )
- Seymour, Moses (17 FEB 1711 - )
- Seymour, Nathaniel (6 NOV 1680 - )
- Seymour, Nathaniel (17 NOV 1704 - )
- Seymour, Richard (11 FEB 1677 - )
- Seymour, Richard ( - )
- Seymour, Richard ( - )
- Seymour, Richard ( - 25 NOV 1655)
- Seymour, Ruth ( - )
- Seymour, Sarah ( - )
- Seymour, Susanna (13 APR 1706 - )
- Seymour, Thomas (12 MAR 1668/1669 - 30 AUG 1740)
- Seymour, Thomas ( - )
- Seymour, Thomas ( - )
- Seymour, Thomas ( - )
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GEDCOM file last updated Tue, 13 Mar 2018 12:54:08.
Please send corrections, additions or comments to Sharon Mountford
Created by IGMMak Version 2.X (Program Information)
Copyright 1996 © Randy Winch
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