Mountford Genealogical Database
- Scott, Alice G. (20 OCT 1865 - )
- Scott, Alma A. (SEP 1867 - )
- Scott, Alma Lovilla (5 JUN 1878 - JUN 1954)
- Scott, Almina F. (1831 - )
- Scott, Almira (23 AUG 1807 - 11 JUN 1885)
- Scott, Almira (1830 - )
- Scott, Alonzo (1807 - 1819)
- Scott, Alson Burr (OCT 1825 - )
- Scott, Althea (18 JAN 1839 - )
- Scott, Alvira (1830 - )
- Scott, Amanda (1836 - )
- Scott, Amelia Jane (1837 - 11 AUG 1894)
- Scott, Andrew (JUN 1860 - )
- Scott, Andrew H. (1856 - )
- Scott, Angela (1842 - 1911)
- Scott, Ann (1538 - 1588)
- Scott, Ann (1859 - )
- Scott, Anna (12 AUG 1797 - )
- Scott, Anna (1855 - 15 DEC 1863)
- Scott, Annabell (1858 - )
- Scott, Anne (21 JUL 1776 - )
- Scott, Annie D. (4 OCT 1859 - 2 FEB 1877)
- Scott, Annis (3 MAY 1818 - 5 SEP 1883)
- Scott, Annis E. (1849 - BEF 1855)
- Scott, Annis P. (1834 - )
- Scott, Anson (1834 - )
- Scott, Asa (28 NOV 1812 - 6 JAN 1892)
- Scott, Asa White (19 NOV 1845 - 31 AUG 1936)
- Scott, Avaline (20 APR 1834 - )
- Scott, Barbara (1840 - )
- Scott, Barbara ( - )
- Scott, Benjamin ( - )
- Scott, Bessie (JAN 1899 - )
- Scott, Betsey ( - )
- Scott, Beulah (22 AUG 1805 - 10 MAR 1872)
- Scott, Bradley (16 MAY 1823 - 19 JAN 1843)
- Scott, Carl Leroy (OCT 1895 - 10 SEP 1944)
- Scott, Catharine (1843 - )
- Scott, Catharine ( - )
- Scott, Catherine (Caley) ( - )
- Scott, Charles (1875 - 1900)
- Scott, Charles ( - )
- Scott, Charles F. (1856 - )
- Scott, Charles J. (1859 - )
- Scott, Charles M. (21 JUL 1853 - 26 FEB 1935)
- Scott, Chauncey (1806 - BEF 1855)
- Scott, Chauncey (FEB 1869 - )
- Scott, Chester (20 SEP 1786 - 21 JUL 1866)
- Scott, Chester (1811/1812 - BEF 1820)
- Scott, Chester (MAR 1830 - 1910)
- Scott, Chester (1833 - )
- Scott, Chinena (1851 - )
- Scott, Claude R. (JUN 1867 - )
- Scott, Cora J. (MAY 1865 - )
- Scott, Cordelia Laurette (3 JUN 1836 - 1902)
- Scott, Cordelia M. (9 AUG 1809 - )
- Scott, Cornelia (1876 - )
- Scott, Cynthia (5 AUG 1841 - 29 NOV 1894)
- Scott, Darius (18 DEC 1811 - )
- Scott, David (ABT 1807 - )
- Scott, David ( - )
- Scott, David ( - )
- Scott, Dell C. (JUN 1856 - )
- Scott, Don Carlos (14 SEP 1869 - 4 APR 1916)
- Scott, Don Juan (21 MAY 1866 - )
- Scott, Edgar J. (13 OCT 1868 - )
- Scott, Edith (1880 - )
- Scott, Edith E. (1869 - )
- Scott, Edith May (1872 - )
- Scott, Edith W. (1880 - )
- Scott, Edson Volney (14 MAY 1851 - 31 MAR 1853)
- Scott, Electa M. (18 APR 1839 - 29 OCT 1913)
- Scott, Eli M. (1845 - )
- Scott, Elias (1834 - )
- Scott, Eliza (1813 - 1846)
- Scott, Elizabeth (ABT 1625 - )
- Scott, Elizabeth (1839 - )
- Scott, Elizabeth (1841 - )
- Scott, Elizabeth (24 NOV 1849 - 14 MAR 1943)
- Scott, Elizabeth (1865 - )
- Scott, Elizabeth A. (21 MAR 1841 - )
- Scott, Elizabeth Bessie ( - )
- Scott, Ella (1864 - )
- Scott, Ella M. (7 SEP 1857 - )
- Scott, Elmira W. (1829 - )
- Scott, Elvira (26 JUL 1811 - )
- Scott, Elvira King (10 NOV 1839 - 3 JUN 1909)
- Scott, Emily (4 APR 1801 - )
- Scott, Emily (1823 - )
- Scott, Emily (28 FEB 1831 - 17 MAY 1916)
- Scott, Emma (1879 - )
- Scott, Emma A. (3 NOV 1867 - )
- Scott, Emma A. (1868 - )
- Scott, Emma M. (4 JAN 1870 - )
- Scott, Eunice (21 AUG 1762 - AFT 1830)
- Scott, Eva B. (1861 - )
- Scott, Eva Bell (1863 - 14 JUN 1928)
- Scott, Fanny ( - )
- Scott, Flora M. (28 APR 1862 - )
- Scott, Florence (1909 - )
- Scott, Francis (1859 - )
- Scott, Francis (1863 - )
- Scott, Frank (1874 - )
- Scott, Frank (1876 - )
- Scott, Frank (1878 - )
- Scott, Frank E. (27 OCT 1854 - 20 APR 1925)
- Scott, Frank O. (14 SEP 1852 - )
- Scott, Frankie (1879 - )
- Scott, Frankie (1879 - )
- Scott, Franklin (1850 - )
- Scott, Fred (1871 - )
- Scott, Fred (1871 - )
- Scott, Fred H. (1854 - )
- Scott, Frederick (7 AUG 1865 - 30 DEC 1943)
- Scott, George (1773 - 12 NOV 1861)
- Scott, George (13 MAY 1818 - )
- Scott, George (7 MAY 1819 - 28 FEB 1821)
- Scott, George (15 JUL 1831 - 3 OCT 1891)
- Scott, George (1852 - )
- Scott, George A. (1866 - )
- Scott, George Burton (14 AUG 1874 - )
- Scott, George Denison (20 AUG 1842 - )
- Scott, George F. (27 OCT 1847 - )
- Scott, George M. (7 AUG 1827 - )
- Scott, Gertrude (1903 - )
- Scott, Gilbert T. (1854 - )
- Scott, Hannah (AFT 1634 - )
- Scott, Hannah (ABT 1635 - 30 DEC 1718)
- Scott, Hannah (1642 - 24 JUL 1681)
- Scott, Hannah (ABT 1646 - )
- Scott, Harlan J. (1878 - 1938)
- Scott, Harold Phillippi (11 JUL 1888 - 25 DEC 1954)
- Scott, Harold W. (1908 - )
- Scott, Harriet (1804 - )
- Scott, Harriet (1807 - 1871)
- Scott, Harriet (13 APR 1826 - 25 DEC 1901)
- Scott, Hattie E. (12 MAY 1866 - )
- Scott, Helen E. (SEP 1893 - )
- Scott, Henrietta (1851 - )
- Scott, Henry (1840 - )
- Scott, Henry (1844 - )
- Scott, Henry ( - DEC 1643)
- Scott, Henry W. (3 NOV 1822 - )
- Scott, Hepsibah ( - )
- Scott, Herbert (1880 - )
- Scott, Herbert W. (18 JAN 1859 - 18 DEC 1862)
- Scott, Hollis (24 OCT 1801 - )
- Scott, Hollis (1841 - )
- Scott, Homer (OCT 1830 - )
- Scott, Horace (1804/1805 - 18 MAR 1860)
- Scott, Horace Porter (18 JAN 1830 - )
- Scott, Howard (31 JAN 1914 - )
- Scott, Hugh (1851 - )
- Scott, Ida B. (20 DEC 1857 - 22 NOV 1925)
- Scott, Ida B. (7 FEB 1877 - )
- Scott, Inez M. (1863 - )
- Scott, Ira (13 OCT 1782 - )
- Scott, Irene (1836 - )
- Scott, Isabela (1847 - )
- Scott, Isobel (1805 - )
- Scott, Jackson (26 JAN 1816 - )
- Scott, James (ABT 1783 - )
- Scott, James (1818 - )
- Scott, James (1840 - )
- Scott, James A. (1851 - )
- Scott, James R. (1824 - 1889)
- Scott, James Ralph (APR 1888 - )
- Scott, James W. (19 SEP 1834 - )
- Scott, Jane (ABT 1805 - )
- Scott, Jane (1932 - )
- Scott, Jane ( - )
- Scott, Jannett (1807 - 28 DEC 1896)
- Scott, Jean (1779 - )
- Scott, Jefferson (25 APR 1802 - )
- Scott, Jefferson (31 MAR 1802 - 20 FEB 1858)
- Scott, Jefferson (SEP 1831 - 18 JUN 1864)
- Scott, Jenette (1834 - )
- Scott, Joanna (11 DEC 1703 - 1796)
- Scott, Joanna (5 JUL 1828 - 19 AUG 1898)
- Scott, Joannah (ABT 1806 - )
- Scott, Joel W. (4 SEP 1824 - 15 FEB 1914)
- Scott, John (25 DEC 1640 - )
- Scott, John (1778 - )
- Scott, John (1855 - )
- Scott, John (1857 - )
- Scott, John ( - )
- Scott, John ( - )
- Scott, John B. (1799 - 14 JAN 1881)
- Scott, John F. (JUL 1822 - 29 AUG 1863)
- Scott, John Walter (1847 - 8 JAN 1885)
- Scott, Jonathan (1704/1705 - 7 FEB 1783)
- Scott, Jonathan (ABT 1735 - 23 NOV 1784)
- Scott, Jonathan (28 OCT 1787 - 20 MAR 1839)
- Scott, Joseph (23 MAR 1818 - )
- Scott, Josephine (APR 1884 - )
- Scott, Justus (7 JAN 1791 - 11 JAN 1875)
- Scott, Justus Gould (17 JUL 1838 - 8 JUL 1886)
- Scott, Justus Madison (31 AUG 1811 - 24 SEP 1902)
- Scott, Kate (1869 - )
- Scott, L. (1848 - )
- Scott, L. Maria (1831 - )
- Scott, Lafayette (1855 - )
- Scott, Laura (1805 - 12 SEP 1872)
- Scott, Lefay (1858 - )
- Scott, Lemuel (8 NOV 1764 - 14 APR 1821)
- Scott, Lemuel (4 JAN 1790 - )
- Scott, Leo (1878 - )
- Scott, Leonard (1825 - )
- Scott, Leroy J. (1873 - )
- Scott, Levi (17 DEC 1770 - )
- Scott, Levi (12 AUG 1794 - 26 FEB 1862)
- Scott, Lewis Dana (2 MAY 1855 - 9 OCT 1928)
- Scott, Lilla G. (12 FEB 1857 - 23 FEB 1864)
- Scott, Lillian (JUL 1868 - )
- Scott, Llewellyn C. (Wella) (1866 - 1932)
- Scott, Lloyd E. (17 DEC 1885 - 13 APR 1886)
- Scott, Lloyd E. (17 NOV 1885 - 13 APR 1886)
- Scott, Lottie S. (4 MAY 1863 - )
- Scott, Louisa or_Lovica (1838 - )
- Scott, Lovilla Adeline (9 OCT 1843 - 15 JUN 1927)
- Scott, Lucien B. (DEC 1835 - 6 JUL 1921)
- Scott, Lucien C. (2 OCT 1870 - 6 NOV 1934)
- Scott, Lucy (10 FEB 1782 - )
- Scott, Lucy (21 JUL 1809 - 1847)
- Scott, Lucy (17 DEC 1814 - 25 DEC 1901)
- Scott, Lucy (1831 - )
- Scott, Lucy Henrietta (18 JUL 1854 - 28 APR 1936)
- Scott, Lydia (8 JAN 1772 - )
- Scott, Lydia (1798 - 6 OCT 1872)
- Scott, Lydia (1826 - 1885)
- Scott, Lyman (2 FEB 1784 - 11 JAN 1875)
- Scott, Lyman L. (MAR 1832 - )
- Scott, Lyman Warren (13 AUG 1840 - 7 MAY 1919)
- Scott, Madison (11 MAR 1813 - )
- Scott, Maggie (1853 - )
- Scott, Malvina (1829 - 11 JAN 1852)
- Scott, Marcia A. (1 NOV 1843 - )
- Scott, Margaret (1853 - )
- Scott, Maria (26 DEC 1809 - )
- Scott, Maria ( - )
- Scott, Martha A. (24 JUL 1821 - )
- Scott, Martha Jane (28 FEB 1862 - 26 JUN 1914)
- Scott, Martin (22 DEC 1768 - )
- Scott, Martin (29 SEP 1810 - 23 JAN 1893)
- Scott, Martin (1833 - )
- Scott, Martin (1843 - )
- Scott, Martin (1866 - )
- Scott, Martin R. (MAR 1884 - )
- Scott, Mary (AFT 1634 - )
- Scott, Mary (1793 - 10 OCT 1875)
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GEDCOM file last updated Tue, 13 Mar 2018 12:54:08.
Please send corrections, additions or comments to Sharon Mountford
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Copyright 1996 © Randy Winch
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