Mountford Genealogical Database
- Pike, Nancy ( - )
- Pike, Nancy Alta ( - )
- Pike, Polly ( - )
- Pike, Rachel (12 AUG 1747 - 26 DEC 1754)
- Pike, Rachel (3 JAN 1757 - )
- Pike, Ruth Gertrude (1861 - )
- Pike, Sally ( - )
- Pike, Sidney James\Jacob (DEC 1838 - )
- Pike, son (12 FEB 1755 - )
- Pike, William ( - )
- Pike, William R. ( - )
- Pilar, Marie ( - )
- Pilch, Ann ( - )
- Pilcher, Constance (ABT 1575 - bur. 24 FEB 1624/1625)
- Pilcher, David (ABT 1526 - ABT 1576)
- Pillsbury, Albert Wesley (3 JAN 1834 - )
- Pillsbury, Esther Jane (29 JUL 1838 - )
- Pillsbury, Florence E. (1872 - )
- Pillsbury, Howard (1870 - )
- Pillsbury, Latta B. (1874 - )
- Pillsbury, Leo V. (1878 - )
- Pillsbury, Leonard (1880 - )
- Pillsbury, Malvina A. (29 MAR 1830 - 1836)
- Pillsbury, Marion (1871 - )
- Pillsbury, Nellie (1879 - )
- Pillsbury, Oliver W. (1877 - )
- Pillsbury, Samuel (12 JUL 1802 - 29 OCT 1888)
- Pillsbury, Samuel Latta (16 MAY 1832 - 1836)
- Pillsbury, Samuel Latta (16 MAR 1836 - AFT 1880)
- Pillsbury, Stephen Olin (24 MAR 1848 - ABT 1880)
- Pillsbury, Syrena Eliza (16 JUN 1843 - AFT 1880)
- Pillsbury, Wilbur F. (12 JAN 1846 - AFT 1880)
- Pinchon, Mary ( - 6 APR 1706)
- Pinner, John ( - )
- Pinney, Nathaniel (DEC 1641 - )
- Pinson, Mary ( - )
- Piper, ( - )
- Piper, Josiah ( - )
- Pitcher, Edwin ( - )
- Pitcher, Ephraim ( - )
- Pitcher, Harriet (13 FEB 1832 - )
- Pitcher, Noah ( - )
- Pitkin, Ann ( - )
- Pitkin, Caleb ( - )
- Pitt, Jane Vincent (1821 - 1916)
- Pitt, William H. ( - )
- Pittenger, Wilbur ( - )
- Pittman, Mason D. (1875 - )
- Pittman, Russell F. (1909 - )
- Pitts, Elizabeth (ABT 1624 - ABT 1696)
- Pitts, Ephraim ( - )
- Pitts, Lois ( - )
- Place, ( - )
- Place, Mary (1752 - )
- Plant, Caleb ( - )
- Plant, Electa ( - )
- Platt, John ( - )
- Platt, Sarah ( - )
- Plimpton, Mary ( - )
- Plimton, Mary ( - )
- Plott, Jane (1515 - 5 FEB 1587)
- Plough, Mildred ( - )
- Plummer, Anne ( - )
- Plymale, Albert G. (1862 - )
- Plymale, Alderson (1833 - )
- Plymale, Anne F. (1839 - 1905)
- Plymale, Anthony (BEF 1765 - ABT 1840)
- Plymale, Anthony (4 JUN 1800 - 20 MAY 1886)
- Plymale, Anthony W. (1843 - )
- Plymale, Anthony Wayne (10 JUN 1823 - 28 DEC 1889)
- Plymale, Bethia (10 JAN 1822 - 6 JUL 1897)
- Plymale, Bethur (1875 - )
- Plymale, Clarinda (ABT 1827 - ABT 1850)
- Plymale, Columba (1873 - )
- Plymale, Cora (1874 - )
- Plymale, Cory L. C. (1878 - )
- Plymale, Dolley (1878 - )
- Plymale, Elizabeth (1837 - )
- Plymale, Emmasetta (29 DEC 1830 - 25 DEC 1903)
- Plymale, Francis Marion (1846 - 7 DEC 1907)
- Plymale, Guy (18 DEC 1840 - 22 JAN 1913)
- Plymale, Hugh (1 MAR 1848 - 13 APR 1925)
- Plymale, Indiana (1845 - 1914)
- Plymale, James (1875 - )
- Plymale, James C. H. (1875 - )
- Plymale, Jefferson Davis (7 NOV 1860 - 13 JUL 1938)
- Plymale, Joanna (1845 - )
- Plymale, John (15 NOV 1795 - 4 AUG 1872)
- Plymale, John B. (4 MAY 1827 - 28 DEC 1851)
- Plymale, John Butler (1837 - 1902)
- Plymale, John M. (1854 - )
- Plymale, John M. (1864 - )
- Plymale, John M. M. (1870 - )
- Plymale, Joseph (1848 - )
- Plymale, Josephine (5 NOV 1824 - 10 NOV 1874)
- Plymale, Leah (1849 - )
- Plymale, Lindsey (1871 - )
- Plymale, Lourana (22 JUN 1852 - 19 MAY 1866)
- Plymale, Luke (1878 - )
- Plymale, Mary (Polly) (12 MAY 1857 - 6 MAY 1949)
- Plymale, Mary (1871 - )
- Plymale, Mary Jane (2 AUG 1849 - 16 FEB 1925)
- Plymale, Millard Fillmore (23 JUL 1851 - 17 OCT 1882)
- Plymale, Napoleon (12 SEP 1835 - 1837)
- Plymale, Octavian Cromwell (15 NOV 1842 - 25 JUN 1920)
- Plymale, Polly (1839 - )
- Plymale, Rebecca (2 OCT 1826 - 24 FEB 1892)
- Plymale, Rebecca (1841 - )
- Plymale, Rebecca (1848 - )
- Plymale, Rentes (1869 - )
- Plymale, Sarah (Sack) (14 DEC 1854 - 1934)
- Plymale, Sarah F. B. (1872 - )
- Plymale, Sidney (1869 - )
- Plymale, Sylvester G. V. (1876 - )
- Plymale, Virginia S. (22 JUL 1834 - 14 NOV 1894)
- Plymale, William C. (1835 - )
- Plymale, William E. (1869 - )
- Plymale, William E. (1870 - )
- Plympton, Elizabeth (23 DEC 1658 - 23 FEB 1719/1720)
- Plympton, Thomas ( - 1676)
- Pocoke, John ( - )
- Podmore, Ann ( - )
- Podmore, Catharine ( - )
- Podmore, Erasmus ( - )
- Podmore, Grace ( - )
- Podmore, Judith ( - )
- Podmore, Mary ( - )
- Podmore, Richard ( - )
- Pointer, Charity ( - )
- Polinger, ( - )
- Pollock, Floyd Earl (Pete) (8 FEB 1895 - 2 FEB 1950)
- Pollock, John ( - )
- Pollock, William ( - )
- Pomeroy, Samuel ( - )
- Pomeroy, Sarah (12 FEB 1700 - 3 APR 1777)
- Pomeroy, Simeon (1725 - )
- Ponder, Miga ( - )
- Ponder, Naomi J. (1861 - )
- Pool, John ( - )
- Poole, Sarah ( - )
- Poole, Sarah ( - )
- Poole, Sarepla A. ( - )
- Pooley, Elizabeth (15 OCT 1655 - )
- Pooley, Elizabeth (1721 - bur. 12 JUL 1786)
- Pooley, Henry (1718 - )
- Pooley, Mary (11 AUG 1654 - DEC 1654)
- Pooley, Mary (1663 - )
- Pooley, Mary (1666 - )
- Pooley, Osbert (1660 - )
- Pooley, Osbert (1683 - BEF 1742)
- Pooley, Osbert (1716 - JUN 1788)
- Pooley, Osbert ( - 1672)
- Pooley, Robert (1668 - 1668)
- Pooley, Robert (1670 - )
- Pooley, Robert ( - )
- Poor, Mary ( - )
- Pope, Mindwell (12 SEP 1687 - )
- Pope, Sarah ( - )
- Pope, Thomas ( - )
- Porrage, Alice ( - )
- Porrage, Alice ( - )
- Porrage, Arthur (1566 - )
- Porrage, Caleb ( - )
- Porrage, Elizabeth ( - )
- Porrage, Gabriel ( - )
- Porrage, Joseph (1563 - )
- Porrage, Lawrence ( - )
- Porrage, Margaret ( - )
- Porrage, Margaret ( - )
- Porrage, Richard ( - )
- Porrage, Richard ( - )
- Porrage, Richard ( - )
- Porrage, Robert (1564 - )
- Porrage, Robert ( - ABT 1557)
- Porrage, Sampson ( - )
- Porrage, Stephen ( - BEF 1574)
- Porrage, Thomas (ABT 1500 - 1548/9)
- Porrage, Thomas ( - )
- Porrage, William ( - ABT 1569)
- Porrdge, Marie ( - )
- Porredge, Edward ( - 1616)
- Porredge, Elizabeth (1559 - )
- Porredge, Henrie (1561 - 1593/4)
- Porredge, Joane ( - BEF 1582)
- Porredge, John (ABT 1522 - 1582)
- Porredge, Susan (ABT 1565 - 1604)
- Porredge, Thomsyn (1563 - BEF 1593)
- Porter, ( - )
- Porter, John (ABT 1640 - 25 AUG 1717)
- Porter, John (2 JUL 1667 - )
- Porter, John (1836 - )
- Porter, John ( - )
- Porter, John ( - )
- Porter, John ( - )
- Porter, John ( - )
- Porter, Katharine Burtis (15 DEC 1890 - 1975)
- Porter, Lurah (MAY 1880 - )
- Porter, Margaret ( - )
- Porter, Mary (22 OCT 1662 - )
- Porter, Mary (12 OCT 1663 - )
- Porter, Mary (ABT 1786 - )
- Porter, Mary (JUL 1859 - 1 JUN 1951)
- Porter, Mary ( - )
- Porter, Mary ( - )
- Porter, Rosa (1861 - )
- Porter, Ruth (18 SEP 1676 - )
- Porter, Sarah (ABT 1681 - )
- Porter, Sarah (1767 - 5 MAY 1814)
- Porter, Sipel ( - )
- Porter, son (11 APR 1672 - )
- Porter, Sudie Mae (JUN 1874 - )
- Porter, Susanna (2 JUN 1665 - )
- Porter, William (ABT 1811 - )
- Portis, Mary ( - )
- Post, Abigail (6 NOV 1664 - APR 1676)
- Post, Abraham ( - )
- Post, Anna (NOV 1894 - )
- Post, Asa ( - )
- Post, Catherine ( - )
- Post, Catherine Maria (1 AUG 1838 - 3 JUN 1839)
- Post, Charles M. (JUL 1864 - )
- Post, Clark C. (1867 - )
- Post, Eldad (20 MAY 1780 - 13 MAR 1875)
- Post, Eldad ( - )
- Post, Elizabeth (22 FEB 1655 - )
- Post, Ezra (DEC 1891 - )
- Post, George W. (1827 - )
- Post, George W. (NOV 1859 - )
- Post, George W. (AUG 1884 - )
- Post, Hannah (OCT 1671 - )
- Post, Helen M. (JAN 1890 - )
- Post, Jessie (1901 - )
- Post, John (ABT 1627 - 10 FEB 1711)
- Post, John (12 APR 1657 - 15 JUL 1690)
- Post, John (12 APR 1657 - )
- Post, John (14 JUL 1689 - )
- Post, Josephine (MAY 1886 - )
- Post, Lydia (11 MAR 1674 - )
- Post, Margaret (21 FEB 1653 - NOV 1700)
- Post, Margaret (MAY 1887 - )
- Post, Mary (1662 - )
- Post, Miriam (AUG 1888 - )
- Post, Robert M. (SEP 1894 - )
- Post, Samuel (8 MAR 1668 - )
- Post, Sarah (6 NOV 1659 - )
- Post, Sarah (1 DEC 1686 - 1760)
- Post, Stephen ( - 16 AUG 1659)
- Post, Thomas ( - )
- Postel, Charles ( - )
- Postel, Francis (1826 - )
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GEDCOM file last updated Tue, 13 Mar 2018 12:54:08.
Please send corrections, additions or comments to Sharon Mountford
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Copyright 1996 © Randy Winch
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