Mountford Genealogical Database
- Petty, ( - )
- Petty, Susan B. (1888 - )
- Petway, Florrence (1871 - )
- Petway, Ida R. (1875 - )
- Petway, James Willis (20 MAR 1858 - 31 MAR 1932)
- Petway, Pelina J. (1877 - )
- Petway, son (1880 - )
- Petway, William Owen (1826 - 1880)
- Peyton, Minnie (1879 - )
- Peyton, Samuel (1822 - )
- Pflieger, Mary (1 JUL 1797 - 17 APR 1887)
- Phalen, Ellen (1833 - )
- Phelan, Margaret ( - )
- Phelan, Martin ( - BEF 1926)
- Phele, Sarah ( - )
- Phelps, Elizabeth ( - 27 JUL 1692)
- Phelps, Nelson ( - )
- Phelps, Samuel ( - 15 MAY 1669)
- Phelps, Timothy (1 SEP 1639 - )
- Phelps, William ( - 14 JUL 1672)
- Phillip, Carl ( - )
- Phillipe, Susannah ( - AFT 1786)
- Phillippi, Aiah (11 JUN 1856 - 21 APR 1896)
- Phillippi, S ( - )
- Phillips, A. J. (1870 - )
- Phillips, Bartholomew ( - )
- Phillips, Caroline (APR 1845 - )
- Phillips, Ebenezer ( - )
- Phillips, Elizabeth (ABT 1610 - )
- Phillips, Elizabeth ( - )
- Phillips, Elizabeth ( - )
- Phillips, Elizabeth ( - )
- Phillips, Experience (8 MAY 1641 - )
- Phillips, Frances (Franky) ( - )
- Phillips, Ira ( - )
- Phillips, James Joseph ( - )
- Phillips, James W. (1843 - )
- Phillips, John ( - )
- Phillips, John ( - )
- Phillips, John ( - )
- Phillips, John B. (1868 - )
- Phillips, Malinda (1879 - )
- Phillips, Margaret ( - )
- Phillips, Mary ( - )
- Phillips, Mary M. (1826 - 1853)
- Phillips, Nicholas (ABT 1611 - 2 JUN 1671)
- Phillips, Paris (1875 - )
- Phillips, Parit (1877 - )
- Phillips, Perry (1870 - )
- Phillips, Robert ( - )
- Phillips, Samuel ( - )
- Phillips, William ( - )
- Phinney, ( - )
- Phinney, Benjamin (18 JUN 1682 - )
- Phinney, David ( - )
- Phinney, Ebenezer (8 FEB 1674 - )
- Phinney, Ebenezer ( - )
- Phinney, Elisha G. ( - )
- Phinney, Elizabeth (15 MAR 1659 - )
- Phinney, Elizabeth ( - )
- Phinney, Elizabeth ( - )
- Phinney, Hannah (2 SEP 1657 - )
- Phinney, Hannah (28 MAR 1687 - )
- Phinney, Jeremiah (15 AUG 1662 - )
- Phinney, John (5 MAY 1665 - )
- Phinney, John ( - )
- Phinney, John ( - )
- Phinney, Jonathan (14 AUG 1655 - )
- Phinney, Jonathan (30 JUL 1684 - )
- Phinney, Joseph (28 JAN 1668 - )
- Phinney, Josiah (11 JAN 1661 - )
- Phinney, Martha ( - )
- Phinney, Mary (3 SEP 1678 - )
- Phinney, Mary ( - )
- Phinney, Mehitable ( - )
- Phinney, Melatiah (OCT 1666 - 1667)
- Phinney, Mercy (10 JUL 1679 - )
- Phinney, Phebe (1805 - 1892)
- Phinney, Reliance (27 AUG 1681 - )
- Phinney, Robert (13 AUG 1656 - 1690)
- Phinney, Samuel (4 NOV 1676 - )
- Phinney, Samuel ( - )
- Phinney, Thomas (JAN 1672 - )
- Phippin, Frances Ida (1851 - )
- Phipps, Frank A. (1858 - APR 1919)
- Phipps, Wilbur (1902 - 1908)
- Piatt, ( - )
- Pickering, Joyce ( - )
- Pickett, John ( - )
- Pickle, ( - )
- Pickle, Jessie ( - )
- Pickles, Ella J. ( - )
- Pickles, Fannie ( - )
- Pickles, Guy (1879 - )
- Pickles, Hannah (BEF 1842 - )
- Pickles, Julia Ann ( - )
- Pickles, Maria ( - )
- Pickles, Moses Morley (1854 - )
- Pickles, Olive (1850 - )
- Pickles, Sarah (1877 - )
- Pickles, Thomas (1853 - )
- Pickles, William (1805 - 11 AUG 1861)
- Pidgley, Barbara ( - )
- Pierce, Abiah ( - )
- Pierce, Abigail (1710 - )
- Pierce, Abigail ( - )
- Pierce, Abigail ( - )
- Pierce, Abigail ( - BEF 1766)
- Pierce, Adams (11 JUN 1695 - BEF 1730)
- Pierce, Ann ( - )
- Pierce, Anthony ( - )
- Pierce, Archie Burton (14 DEC 1867 - 15 NOV 1951)
- Pierce, Barbara (BEF 1637 - )
- Pierce, Benjamin (1646 - 1730)
- Pierce, Benjamin (11 MAR 1683 - DEC 1772)
- Pierce, Benjamin (1686 - 9 AUG 1698)
- Pierce, Benjamin (4 DEC 1721 - )
- Pierce, Benjamin (BEF 1730 - )
- Pierce, Benjamin (5 JUN 1754 - 27 NOV 1829)
- Pierce, Benjamin ( - )
- Pierce, Bethia ( - )
- Pierce, Caleb (12 JUN 1690 - )
- Pierce, Caleb ( - )
- Pierce, Calvin (14 APR 1742 - )
- Pierce, Clothier (5 MAY 1698 - )
- Pierce, David (1 JAN 1695 - )
- Pierce, David (23 MAY 1704 - 19 SEP 1746)
- Pierce, David (27 FEB 1808 - 20 SEP 1845)
- Pierce, Deborah ( - )
- Pierce, Desire (10 MAY 1742 - 9 MAY 1825)
- Pierce, Donald Boynton (9 SEP 1898 - 2 MAY 1989)
- Pierce, Ebenezer (2 APR 1686 - )
- Pierce, Ebenezer ( - )
- Pierce, Ebenezer ( - )
- Pierce, Elisha (24 NOV 1699 - AUG 1770)
- Pierce, Elisha (9 APR 1739 - BEF 1770)
- Pierce, Elisha ( - )
- Pierce, Elizabeth (BEF 1637 - )
- Pierce, Elizabeth (1688 - 10 JAN 1741/1742)
- Pierce, Elizabeth (1698 - )
- Pierce, Elizabeth (7 APR 1725 - )
- Pierce, Elizabeth ( - )
- Pierce, Ephraim (ABT 1650 - 14 SEP 1719)
- Pierce, Ephraim (15 OCT 1673 - 27 FEB 1740)
- Pierce, Ephraim (OCT 1674 - )
- Pierce, Ephraim (1700 - )
- Pierce, Ephraim ( - )
- Pierce, Eserikum or Azrikim (4 JAN 1671 - )
- Pierce, Esther (AFT 1637 - )
- Pierce, Ethel Ruth (6 JUN 1884 - )
- Pierce, Eugene Irving (11 NOV 1875 - )
- Pierce, Experience (1682 - )
- Pierce, Ezekiel (13 NOV 1718 - )
- Pierce, Freelove (5 FEB 1730 - )
- Pierce, Hannah (1680 - )
- Pierce, Helen Winifred (10 NOV 1906 - 13 FEB 1989)
- Pierce, Jael (24 FEB 1692 - )
- Pierce, James ( - )
- Pierce, James ( - )
- Pierce, Jeremiah (17 SEP 1697 - )
- Pierce, Jerusha (13 FEB 1681 - )
- Pierce, John (1588 - 19 AUG 1661)
- Pierce, John (BEF 1637 - )
- Pierce, John (1684 - )
- Pierce, John (12 APR 1686 - APR 1766)
- Pierce, John (ABT 1713 - SEP 1798)
- Pierce, John (16 OCT 1740 - )
- Pierce, John ( - JUN 1738)
- Pierce, John K. (8 APR 1845 - 5 MAR 1926)
- Pierce, Jonathan (24 FEB 1688 - )
- Pierce, Jonathan (1706 - 1723)
- Pierce, Jonathan (27 NOV 1724 - )
- Pierce, Jonathan (3 DEC 1751 - 12 MAY 1806)
- Pierce, Joseph (15 MAY 1764 - 20 JAN 1766)
- Pierce, Joshua ( - )
- Pierce, Judith (BEF 1637 - BEF 1650)
- Pierce, Lois ( - )
- Pierce, Lydia (1713 - 1723)
- Pierce, Lydia (26 AUG 1726 - BEF 1786)
- Pierce, Lydia ( - )
- Pierce, Margaret ( - )
- Pierce, Martha (14 NOV 1679 - BEF 1730)
- Pierce, Martha (5 JAN 1712 - 1795)
- Pierce, Martha ( - )
- Pierce, Mary (AFT 1637 - )
- Pierce, Mary (1696 - )
- Pierce, Mary (ABT 1700 - )
- Pierce, Mary (4 FEB 1717 - )
- Pierce, Mary (26 OCT 1721 - )
- Pierce, Mary (9 FEB 1734 - )
- Pierce, Mary (5 MAY 1746 - BEF 1770)
- Pierce, Mary (1794 - )
- Pierce, Mary ( - )
- Pierce, Mary ( - AFT 1752)
- Pierce, Mial (25 SEP 1728 - )
- Pierce, Michael (ABT 1615 - 26 MAR 1676)
- Pierce, Michael (1676 - )
- Pierce, Michael or Mial (24 SEP 1684 - 1764)
- Pierce, Molly (25 MAR 1759 - 12 JAN 1766)
- Pierce, Nehemiah ( - )
- Pierce, Obadiah ( - )
- Pierce, Obadiah ( - )
- Pierce, Persis (1646 - )
- Pierce, Persis (6 JUN 1688 - BEF 1730)
- Pierce, Persis (2 JUL 1748 - )
- Pierce, Persis ( - )
- Pierce, Phebe (16 FEB 1723 - )
- Pierce, Rachel (1678 - )
- Pierce, Robert (AFT 1637 - )
- Pierce, Ruth (6 SEP 1689 - )
- Pierce, Ruth (8 OCT 1710 - 19 NOV 1797)
- Pierce, Ruth (JUN 1757 - 12 JAN 1766)
- Pierce, Ruth (17 APR 1767 - )
- Pierce, Ruth ( - )
- Pierce, Samuel (ABT 1702 - )
- Pierce, Sarah (1702 - )
- Pierce, Sarah (13 SEP 1720 - )
- Pierce, Sarah (12 JAN 1732 - )
- Pierce, Sarah ( - )
- Pierce, Seth (7 SEP 1728 - )
- Pierce, Simon (1707 - )
- Pierce, Solomon (2 SEP 1771 - )
- Pierce, Stephen (13 AUG 1761 - 19 JAN 1766)
- Pierce, Sybil ( - )
- Pierce, Thomas (14 NOV 1692 - 1774/5)
- Pierce, Thomas (25 JUN 1720 - )
- Pierce, William ( - )
- Pierce, William Ernest (19 SEP 1872 - )
- Pierce, Zephaniah (28 DEC 1738 - )
- Pierpont, James (1659 - 1714)
- Pierpont, Sarah (1710 - )
- Pigge, Hannah (1798 - )
- Pike, Adell Mary (1854 - )
- Pike, Benjamin (28 SEP 1723 - )
- Pike, Benjamin (3 FEB 1759 - 4 SEP 1759)
- Pike, Elisha Cook ( - )
- Pike, Elizabeth (12 NOV 1752 - )
- Pike, Enoch (10 SEP 1762 - )
- Pike, Enoch ( - )
- Pike, Grace (1879 - )
- Pike, Harriett E. (1848 - )
- Pike, Jacob ( - )
- Pike, James Green (18 JUL 1821 - 5 APR 1864)
- Pike, John ( - )
- Pike, Joseph W. (5 AUG 1830 - 21 OCT 1855)
- Pike, Lydia (26 JUN 1753 - 17 DEC 1754)
- Pike, Lydia ( - )
- Pike, Mark Woodbury (9 SEP 1799 - 12 APR 1869)
- Pike, Mark Woodbury (1820 - 31 MAY 1892)
- Pike, Mary ( - )
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GEDCOM file last updated Tue, 13 Mar 2018 12:54:08.
Please send corrections, additions or comments to Sharon Mountford
Created by IGMMak Version 2.X (Program Information)
Copyright 1996 © Randy Winch
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