Chapel at the top of the saddle between Sankt Gilgen and Sankt Wolfgang

Chapel at the top of the saddle between Sankt Gilgen and Sankt Wolfgang at sunrise

View toward Sankt Wolfgang from one of the many devotional chapels on the trail

The cog railway to the top of the Schafberg

The cog railway to the top of the Schafberg

Top of the Schafberg, seen from the middle train station

Path from the upper train station to the top of the Schafberg

Mondsee seen from the peak of the Schafberg

Trail down the Schafberg, with the Wolfgangsee in the background

On the Schafberg

From the Sankt Wolfgang church plaza


Back in Sankt Gilgen at the end of the day

Traunsee seen from Gmunden on a drizzly day

Gmunden church

Gmunden church

Franz Lehar's villa in Bad Ischl; he was a crazy collector

Franz Lehar's villa in Bad Ischl

Confluence of the brown Ischl river, bottom, and the green Traun, top; they flow swiftly toward the left

Clarinet concert in Mondsee