Hong Kong. Our office is the short tan building just to the right of the tall building. The Four Seasons is the curving building just left of center.

Municipal Building, with HSBC Building in the background.

Bank of China Building.

Classic car rally.

Looking across to Kowloon. The new Morgan Stanley offices are in the building under construction. Amazingly, people are already working in the building while the Ritz-Carlton is being finished on the top floors.

Taking the Star Ferry to see Sam the Tailor.


For Sam's file of celebrity shots.

China Ferry Terminal complex.

View from my hotel window.

The Mid-Level Escalators.


View from the Peak.

Tai Chi Garden, Hong Kong Park.

Sculpture outside the Conrad Hotel.

Same view as earlier, but at night.

Halloween! Custom-made threads from Sam's, accessorized on the streets of Hong Kong.

I've got it goin' on.