Mountford Genealogical Database
- LeClerc, Eugene A. (1846 - )
- LeClerc, Isabelle (1834 - )
- LeClerc, Isalene (1838 - )
- LeClerc, John (1844 - )
- LeClerc, Julia (1851 - )
- LeClerc, Lucille (1836 - )
- LeClerc, Robert (22 AUG 1809 - 22 JUL 1856)
- LeCoq, Amee ( - )
- LeCoq, Thomas David ( - )
- Lee, ( - )
- Lee, ( - )
- Lee, ( - )
- Lee, ( - )
- Lee, Aaron ( - )
- Lee, Abigail J. (18 JUN 1825 - 10 AUG 1874)
- Lee, Abner ( - )
- Lee, Alva (1818 - 14 SEP 1863)
- Lee, Alvey Lee ( - )
- Lee, Benjamin (8 OCT 1690 - )
- Lee, Bridget ( - AFT 1664)
- Lee, Catherine ( - 1741)
- Lee, Elizabeth (20 OCT 1681 - )
- Lee, Elizabeth ( - )
- Lee, Elizabeth ( - )
- Lee, Elizabeth ( - )
- Lee, Ephraim (1800 - 1845)
- Lee, Franky ( - )
- Lee, George ( - )
- Lee, Hancock ( - )
- Lee, Hannah (25 FEB 1695 - )
- Lee, Hannah ( - )
- Lee, James ( - )
- Lee, Jane ( - )
- Lee, John (21 SEP 1670 - )
- Lee, Joos (ABT 1570 - 8 JUL 1671)
- Lee, Joseph (14 MAY 1688 - )
- Lee, Joseph Gold (8 OCT 1823 - 1863)
- Lee, Joseph Gold ( - )
- Lee, Louisa (1843 - )
- Lee, Lydia (18 FEB 1702 - )
- Lee, Mary (23 APR 1679 - )
- Lee, Michael ( - )
- Lee, Phoebe (or_Sarah) ( - )
- Lee, Phoebe (14 APR 1677 - )
- Lee, Samuel ( - )
- Lee, Sarah (14 JAN 1673 - )
- Lee, Sarah Ann (10 SEP 1828 - 7 APR 1887)
- Lee, Sarah Anne ( - )
- Lee, Stephen (27 JUN 1686 - 1694/1695)
- Lee, Stephen (19 JAN 1699 - )
- Lee, Thomas (ABT 1640 - MAY 1705)
- Lee, Thomas (10 DEC 1672 - )
- Lee, Thomas ( - )
- Lee, Tryphosa (1597 - BEF MAR 1621/1622)
- Lee, William (10 APR 1684 - )
- Lee, William ( - 1810)
- Lee, William Addison ( - )
- Leek, Abigail ( - )
- Leeke, Mary (ABT 1733 - )
- Leese, Arthur (1923 - 1960)
- Leese, Ruth (1952 - 1960)
- Leete, Phebe (20 DEC 1585 - abt 1641/45)
- Leffingwell, Elizabeth (NOV 1676 - 25 OCT 1737)
- Leffingwell, Hannah ( - )
- Leffingwell, Joanna ( - )
- Leffingwell, Jonathan ( - )
- Leffingwell, Joseph ( - )
- Leffingwell, Joseph ( - )
- Leffingwell, Ladine (1787 - 4 MAR 1851)
- Leffingwell, Mary ( - )
- Leffingwell, Nathaniel (27 Jan 1708/9 - )
- Leffingwell, Nathaniel ( - Jan 1709/10)
- Leffingwell, Phineas ( - )
- Leffingwell, Rachel (17 MAR 1648 - )
- Leffingwell, Samuel ( - )
- Leffingwell, Thomas (1622 - 1710/1714)
- Leffingwell, Thomas (27 AUG 1649 - 5 MAR 1723/1724)
- Lefkovitz, Max ( - )
- Lefkovitz, Rose Ann (15 MAR 1907 - 16 FEB 1988)
- Legal, Anna M. (1866 - )
- Legal, Charles (1841 - )
- Legal, Lena (1864 - )
- Legal, Nina J. (1869 - )
- Leggassick, Matilda (1837/9 - )
- Leigh, Elizabeth (28 DEC 1764 - )
- Leigh, Katharine ( - )
- Leighton, Mary ( - )
- Leighton, Richard ( - )
- Lein_ap_Mor.War., ( - )
- Leman, Samuel ( - )
- Lemke, Friedrich ( - )
- Lemley, Lorena ( - )
- Lempia, Ted ( - )
- Lempke, ( - )
- Lempke, Charles A. (1897 - )
- Lempke, Edward W. (1895 - )
- Lempke, Teddy Charles (1920 - )
- Lendall, ( - )
- Leon, John ( - )
- Leon, Lori Diane ( - )
- Leonard, Abigail (20 DEC 1766 - )
- Leonard, Abigail (1823 - 7 MAR 1899)
- Leonard, Absolom (17 JUN 1787 - 29 JAN 1861)
- Leonard, Angela (1843 - )
- Leonard, Carolina (23 FEB 1770 - )
- Leonard, Chester S. (AUG 1836 - 1912)
- Leonard, Deborah (29 JUL 1774 - )
- Leonard, Deborah (JUN 1825 - 1 JUL 1903)
- Leonard, Elizabeth (1870 - )
- Leonard, Marjorie ( - )
- Leonard, Matilda (13 JAN 1783 - 9 JAN 1786)
- Leonard, Philebart (30 JUN 1777 - )
- Leonard, Simeon (15 JUL 1780 - )
- Leonard, Zadock (25 AUG 1772 - )
- Leonard, Zadock ( - )
- Leroy, Millard ( - )
- LeSeur, I. G. ( - )
- Lesniak, Frank "Turk" (10 DEC 1912 - 1 JUN 1988)
- Lesniak, John (1911 - )
- Lesniak, Julia Amelia (20 MAY 1915 - AFT 2003)
- Lesniak, Samuel (1876 - 1949)
- Lesniak, Samuel (1914 - )
- Lesniak, Stanley J. "Rusty" (1919 - )
- Lesniak, Stefan "Barney" ( - )
- Lester, Abner (1828 - )
- Lester, Lucinda (1851 - )
- LeSuer, Abigail (18 MAR 1717 - )
- LeSuer, Abigail (3 APR 1759 - )
- LeSuer, Abigail (1808 - )
- LeSuer, Abigail (1852 - )
- LeSuer, Abner (7 JAN 1757 - )
- LeSuer, Anna ( - )
- LeSuer, Bethuel (21 MAY 1765 - 1850)
- LeSuer, Edward (29 AUG 1741 - )
- LeSuer, Eli (25 NOV 1796 - 1886)
- LeSuer, Elizabeth (8 JAN 1760/1761 - )
- LeSuer, Gideon (7 DEC 1754 - )
- LeSuer, Hiram (3 NOV 1865 - )
- LeSuer, Huldah P. (1833 - )
- LeSuer, Isaiah (1 JUN 1721 - )
- LeSuer, Jemima (9 OCT 1758 - )
- LeSuer, Keziah (17 JUL 1760 - )
- LeSuer, Levi (15 JUN 1745 - )
- LeSuer, Lewis (1820 - 24 AUG 1902)
- LeSuer, Luke (4 SEP 1743 - )
- LeSuer, Margaret (28 AUG 1714 - )
- LeSuer, Mary (4 AUG 1747 - )
- LeSuer, Mary (1862 - )
- LeSuer, Mayrora (FEB 1845 - )
- LeSuer, Minnie (8 JUL 1895 - 28 OCT 1895)
- LeSuer, Patience (18 NOV 1752 - )
- LeSuer, Peter (1855 - )
- LeSuer, Philip (21 APR 1719 - )
- LeSuer, Philip ( - )
- LeSuer, Ruth ( - )
- LeSuer, Samuel C. (18 AUG 1847 - 4 JAN 1918)
- LeSuer, Temer (7 APR 1712 - )
- LeSuer, Thomas (30 SEP 1750 - )
- Lettice, Dorothy (1648 - 30 APR 1726)
- Lettuce, Dorothy ( - )
- Lettuce, Elizabeth ( - 31 OCT 1693)
- Lettuce, Thomas ( - )
- Level, Ann ( - )
- Level, Hannah (20 SEP 1807 - )
- Level, John ( - 29 DEC 1806)
- Level, John ( - )
- Level, Margaret ( - )
- Level, Thomas ( - )
- Level, Thomas ( - )
- Level, Thomas ( - bur. 27 APR 1797)
- Levens, Rachel (15 DEC 1685 - 22 MAY 1755)
- Levon, Mary (25 DEC 1768 - 3 MAR 1855)
- Lewis, Abiah L. (1842 - )
- Lewis, Agnes W. (18 JUL 1875 - 25 SEP 1973)
- Lewis, Albert ( - )
- Lewis, Alfred H. ( - )
- Lewis, Alice ( - )
- Lewis, Cassius C. (1845 - BEF 1879)
- Lewis, Daniel ( - 1718)
- Lewis, Daniel ( - )
- Lewis, Eleanor ( - )
- Lewis, Eleazer ( - )
- Lewis, Elijah ( - )
- Lewis, Florence (1848 - )
- Lewis, Hannah ( - )
- Lewis, Harriet J. (10 JAN 1822 - 21 MAY 1876)
- Lewis, Hezekiah ( - )
- Lewis, Hezekiah ( - )
- Lewis, Isaac ( - )
- Lewis, James M. (1840 - )
- Lewis, John ( - )
- Lewis, John ( - )
- Lewis, Katherine (ABT 1685 - )
- Lewis, Lucinda ( - )
- Lewis, Marion Russell ( - )
- Lewis, Mary (1 MAR 1680/1681 - FEB 1742/1743)
- Lewis, Mary (ABT 1754 - )
- Lewis, Mary ( - )
- Lewis, Mary ( - )
- Lewis, Nancy (1769 - 17 JUN 1843)
- Lewis, Nathan ( - )
- Lewis, Rhoda (1733 - 25 DEC 1789)
- Lewis, Salmon (1816 - )
- Lewis, Samuel ( - )
- Lewis, Sarah (4 MAR 1660 - 30 JAN 1731)
- Lewis, Sarah (1740 - 2 MAY 1815)
- Lewis, Thomas ( - )
- Leyden, Ellen ( - )
- Libs, George ( - )
- Libs, Gerald ( - )
- Libs, Melissa ( - )
- Liddel, Robert ( - )
- Liddle, Thomas ( - )
- Lieberman, Estelle (27 JUL 1930 - )
- Lieberman, Louis ( - )
- Lightfoot, Goodrich ( - )
- Lillibridge, Anna ( - )
- Lillie, Abigail (15 AUG 1672 - 1698)
- Lillie, Alexander (19 JAN 1579/1580 - )
- Lillie, Bethia (8 JUN 1712 - )
- Lillie, Elisha (10 APR 1699 - )
- Lillie, Elizabeth (3 SEP 1700 - )
- Lillie, George (ABT 1638 - 14 FEB 1690/1691)
- Lillie, George (24 FEB 1667 - 3 OCT 1719)
- Lillie, Hannah (20 OCT 1660 - )
- Lillie, Hannah (ABT 13 SEP 1694 - )
- Lillie, Jacob (10 NOV 1698 - 26 MAY 1751)
- Lillie, Jane ( - )
- Lillie, John (1540 - )
- Lillie, John (5 DEC 1662 - )
- Lillie, John (3 JUN 1691 - )
- Lillie, Jonathan (24 JUN 1711 - 4 JUL 1711)
- Lillie, Lydia (ABT 1704 - )
- Lillie, Mary (25 DEC 1702 - 9 JUL 1768)
- Lillie, Mary Deborah (4 JUL 1736 - BEF 1775)
- Lillie, Rebecca (9 MAR 1699 - )
- Lillie, Reuben (9 OCT 1669 - 1698)
- Lillie, Reuben (24 FEB 1697 - )
- Lillie, Reuben (18 MAY 1709 - 28 MAY 1737)
- Lillie, Reuben (28 FEB 1723 - )
- Lillie, Robert (1646 - )
- Lillie, Samuel (4 MAY 1665 - )
- Lillie, Sarah (11 NOV 1696 - )
- Lillie, Sarah (26 MAY 1705 - )
- Lillie, Silas (25 OCT 1734 - )
- Lillie, Susanna (13 OCT 1702 - )
- Lillie, William (18 NOV 1582 - )
- Lillimars, Ruth ( - )
- Limestahl, Marie (1879 - 1958)
- Lincoln, Daniel ( - )
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GEDCOM file last updated Tue, 13 Mar 2018 12:54:08.
Please send corrections, additions or comments to Sharon Mountford
Created by IGMMak Version 2.X (Program Information)
Copyright 1996 © Randy Winch
A component of the Indexed GEDCOM Method of GenWeb authoring.
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