Mountford Genealogical Database
- Labar, Catharine ( - )
- Labar, William ( - )
- LaConte, Caroline (28 SEP 1819 - )
- LaConte, Peter Chapman (8 JAN 1778 - )
- Lacy, Alanson (1 SEP 1810 - )
- Lacy, Elnathan ( - )
- Ladd, Anne (31 OCT 1734 - 1816)
- Ladd, Timothy ( - )
- Laflin, Addison ( - )
- Laforce, Nancy (1806 - )
- Laidlaw, James (ABT 1695 - )
- Laing, Margaret ( - )
- Lake, Hannah ( - )
- Lake, Martha ( - )
- Lake, William ( - )
- Lakin, Anah (27 JUN 1910 - )
- Lakin, Arnold (1892 - )
- Lamb, Lydia ( - )
- Lamb, Myrtle ( - )
- Lamb, Nehemiah ( - )
- Lamb, William H. ( - )
- Lambert, ( - )
- Lambert, Abigail (1828 - )
- Lambert, Abigail ( - )
- Lambert, Adaline H. (1848 - )
- Lambert, Claudius V. (1869 - )
- Lambert, Elijah (1806 - 1879)
- Lambert, Elijah (1852 - )
- Lambert, Harvey (1850 - )
- Lambert, Irene (1843 - )
- Lambert, Isaac L. (1809 - )
- Lambert, Jacob ( - )
- Lambert, James Harvey (ABT 1850 - )
- Lambert, James W. (1833 - )
- Lambert, Job ( - )
- Lambert, John (1837 - )
- Lambert, John C. (1840 - )
- Lambert, John F. (1847 - )
- Lambert, John H. (1821 - 23 JAN 1894)
- Lambert, John P. ( - )
- Lambert, Jonah (1843 - )
- Lambert, Luarnia (1877 - )
- Lambert, Malica B. (1859 - )
- Lambert, Margaret J. (1861 - )
- Lambert, Melissa (1869 - )
- Lambert, Nancy ( - )
- Lambert, Noah (1833 - )
- Lambert, Perlina (1848 - )
- Lambert, Robert (1864 - )
- Lambert, Rodia (1875 - )
- Lambert, Salinia (1879 - )
- Lambert, Sarah A. (1836 - )
- Lambert, Wade (1835 - )
- Lambert, William (1845 - )
- Lamberton, George ( - )
- Lamberton, Hannah ( - )
- Lamphear, Abel (ABT 1740 - )
- Lamphear, Abigail (27 MAR 1715 - )
- Lamphear, Amie (22 JUN 1715 - )
- Lamphear, Ann (7 OCT 1701 - )
- Lamphear, Cidney ( - )
- Lamphear, Daniel (1743 - 26 FEB 1840)
- Lamphear, Ebenezer (ABT 1735 - )
- Lamphear, Elisha ( - )
- Lamphear, Elizabeth (10 AUG 1715 - )
- Lamphear, Elizabeth ( - )
- Lamphear, Esther (21 FEB 1721 - )
- Lamphear, Eva Ada (DEC 1875 - )
- Lamphear, Experience (JAN 1711 - )
- Lamphear, George ( - 6 OCT 1731)
- Lamphear, Hannah (6 SEP 1754 - )
- Lamphear, Henry (ABT 1760 - )
- Lamphear, Hezekiah (5 NOV 1714 - )
- Lamphear, Jabez (25 MAR 1731 - )
- Lamphear, James (22 NOV 1710 - )
- Lamphear, Jerusha (25 JAN 1727 - )
- Lamphear, John (1712 - )
- Lamphear, John ( - )
- Lamphear, Joseph (16 FEB 1699/1700 - )
- Lamphear, Joseph (20 SEP 1736 - )
- Lamphear, Joshua (23 NOV 1712 - )
- Lamphear, Joshua (1 OCT 1787 - )
- Lamphear, Keturah (9 AUG 1790 - )
- Lamphear, Lois (16 NOV 1777 - )
- Lamphear, Lucy (or_Tacy) (14 MAY 1770 - )
- Lamphear, Lucy (9 JUL 1718 - )
- Lamphear, Luther (27 JUL 1768 - )
- Lamphear, Mary (1 JAN 1718 - )
- Lamphear, Mary (14 DEC 1721 - )
- Lamphear, Mary ( - )
- Lamphear, Nathaniel (22 MAR 1718 - )
- Lamphear, Oliver (3 SEP 1703 - )
- Lamphear, Oliver (3 SEP 1749 - )
- Lamphear, Oliver (18 AUG 1774 - 4 SEP 1854)
- Lamphear, Oliver (5 JAN 1799 - 31 MAR 1872)
- Lamphear, Patience ( - )
- Lamphear, Prudence (10 AUG 1706 - )
- Lamphear, Richard ( - )
- Lamphear, Samuel (23 DEC 1723 - )
- Lamphear, Sarah ( - )
- Lamphear, Seth ( - )
- Lamphear, Shadrack (1674 - 20 JAN 1727/1728)
- Lamphear, Solomon (10 APR 1708 - )
- Lamphear, Stephen (5 FEB 1726 - )
- Lamphear, Susanna (14 DEC 1716 - )
- Lamphear, Temperence (27 JAN 1757 - )
- Lamphear, Theodosius (31 JAN 1709 - )
- Lamphear, Theodosius ( - )
- Lamphear, Zerviah (12 OCT 1724 - )
- Lamphier, A, Timothy ( - )
- Lamphier, Albert ( - )
- Lamphier, Benjamin (18 NOV 1819 - )
- Lamphier, Benjamin ( - )
- Lamphier, Calista ( - )
- Lamphier, Daniel ( - )
- Lamphier, Edward H. ( - )
- Lamphier, Egbert R. ( - )
- Lamphier, Lucy ( - )
- Lamphier, Lucy E. ( - )
- Lamphier, Manema ( - )
- Lamphier, Mary ( - )
- Lamphier, Mary B. ( - )
- Lamphier, Sylvester G. ( - )
- Lamphier, William ( - )
- Lamphier, William ( - )
- Lamson, Ebenezer ( - )
- Lamson, Martha ( - )
- Lamson, Sarah ( - )
- Lanbotham, Marie (1600 - 26 JAN 1687)
- Lancaster, Ann ( - 1738)
- Lancaster, Mahala ( - ABT 1856)
- Lancaster, William ( - )
- Lane, ( - )
- Lane, ( - )
- Lane, Claire Gillette ( - )
- Lane, Henry ( - )
- Lane, Katherine (ABT 1631 - )
- Langdon, Asahel ( - )
- Langdon, Gladys (1907 - AFT 1981)
- Langdon, Harry V. (1902 - BEF 1981)
- Langdon, Henry Hays (1875 - )
- Langdon, Joseph ( - )
- Langdon, Lesley (1918 - BEF 1981)
- Langdon, Mary (Lenora) (1914 - AFT 1981)
- Langdon, Mercy ( - )
- Langdon, Paul (1912 - BEF 1981)
- Langdon, Ruby (1900 - AFT 1981)
- Langdon, Thelma (16 MAR 1897 - 15 JAN 1981)
- Langdon, Wid L. (1904 - BEF 1981)
- Lange, Amelia ( - BEF 1900)
- Langford, Barbara (20 MAR 1744/1745 - )
- Langford, John (10 OCT 1705 - MAY 1785)
- Langley, Anne ( - )
- Langworthy, Andrew ( - ABT 1691)
- Langworthy, John (ABT 1661 - BEF 30 SEP 1700)
- Langworthy, Sarah ( - )
- Laning, Byron C. (1847 - )
- Lanphear, Mary (DEC 1734 - 31 JAN 1814)
- Lante, Elizabeth ( - )
- Lappage, Avis or_Alice ( - )
- Larabee, Polly ( - )
- Large, General Taylor (1848 - )
- Large, Jennie (2 MAY 1867 - 12 JAN 1907)
- Large, John ( - )
- Large, John ( - )
- Large, Mary J. (1847 - )
- Large, William C. (1826 - )
- Large, William L. (14 MAY 1878 - )
- Larimer, Elvy (MAY 1891 - )
- Larimer, John (JUN 1882 - )
- Larimer, Thomas J. (24 MAR 1843 - 10 FEB 1905)
- Lark, ( - )
- Larkin, James Gregory (Jay) ( - )
- Larkin, James Gregory (9 OCT 1926 - )
- Larkin, James Gregory ( - )
- Larkin, Joanna ( - )
- Larkin, Nancy ( - )
- Larkin, Peter ( - )
- Larkin, Timothy ( - )
- Larrabee, Greenfield ( - )
- Larrabee, Hannah (15 AUG 1753 - )
- LaRuche, Irving ( - )
- Lasel, Isaac ( - )
- Lasell, Josiah ( - )
- Laskin, Edith ( - )
- Lassel, Patience ( - )
- Laswell, Kimberly Ann ( - )
- Laswell, Mary Elizabeth ( - )
- Laswell, Michael ( - )
- Laswell, Ruth D. (1834 - 1872)
- Latham, Ann (12 APR 1643 - )
- Latham, Cary ( - )
- Latham, Elizabeth (25 SEP 1617 - )
- Latham, Frances ( - SEP 1677)
- Latham, Helen (1619 - )
- Latham, Henry (14 NOV 1612 - )
- Latham, John ( - )
- Latham, Katherine (28 JAN 1616 - )
- Latham, Lewis (ABT 1584 - bur. 15 MAY 1655)
- Latham, Lewis (9 MAR 1657 - )
- Latham, Mary (9 SEP 1614 - )
- Latham, Robert ( - )
- Latham, Sarah (11 OCT 1618 - )
- Latham, Simon (22 NOV 1635 - )
- Latham, Winifred (21 MAY 1637 - )
- Lathrop, Andrew (20 APR 1728 - )
- Lathrop, Andrew ( - )
- Lathrop, Apame (25 JUL 1794 - )
- Lathrop, Benjamin ( - )
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GEDCOM file last updated Tue, 13 Mar 2018 12:54:08.
Please send corrections, additions or comments to Sharon Mountford
Created by IGMMak Version 2.X (Program Information)
Copyright 1996 © Randy Winch
A component of the Indexed GEDCOM Method of GenWeb authoring.
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