Mountford Genealogical Database
- Kagi, Godfried ( - )
- Kagi, Kathy ( - )
- Kagi, Lois ( - )
- Kapp, Paul ( - )
- Karn, Anna Adele (1858 - )
- Karn, George (1823 - )
- Karn, Vinus (1850 - )
- Kathan, Charles (ABT 1766 - )
- Kathan, Charles (1789 - )
- Kathan, Daniel (1797 - )
- Kathan, Daniel ( - )
- Kathan, Jerusha (29 DEC 1800 - )
- Kathan, John ( - )
- Kathan, Lucy (13 MAR 1788 - 29 MAR 1788)
- Kathan, Luke (9 JUN 1802 - 30 SEP 1881)
- Kathan, Lydia (1793 - 8 DEC 1862)
- Kathan, Polly (1804 - )
- Kathan, Ransalier (1806 - )
- Kathan, Ruth (1799 - )
- Kathan, Susan (1808 - )
- Kathan, Willard (1795 - )
- Kedzie, Adam (1747 - 3 SEP 1818)
- Kedzie, Adam (1788 - 18 OCT 1819)
- Kedzie, Adam (22 JUN 1805 - 28 SEP 1853)
- Kedzie, Adam A. (3 AUG 1816 - )
- Kedzie, Adam Stewart (23 AUG 1814 - 4 FEB 1899)
- Kedzie, Agnes "Nancy" (1774 - 31 MAY 1841)
- Kedzie, Albert (APR 1868 - 1 APR 1870)
- Kedzie, Alfred S. (3 JAN 1866 - )
- Kedzie, Allison Hume (7 MAR 1807 - 1888)
- Kedzie, Andrew (8 AUG 1819 - 1887)
- Kedzie, Anna Woodward ( - )
- Kedzie, Bertha ( - )
- Kedzie, Charles E. (13 DEC 1843 - 30 APR 1852)
- Kedzie, Charles Stewart (JAN 1852 - 26 AUG 1854)
- Kedzie, Cynthia (21 JUN 1858 - 26 SEP 1858)
- Kedzie, Donald Hixon (1858 - )
- Kedzie, Elenora or_Emma (25 OCT 1845 - )
- Kedzie, Elizabeth "Betty" (19 JUL 1772 - 20 NOV 1850)
- Kedzie, Elizabeth Bunyan (25 AUG 1817 - 4 NOV 1853)
- Kedzie, Elizabeth McAuley (19 OCT 1818 - 14 JUN 1874)
- Kedzie, Ella M. (24 MAR 1876 - )
- Kedzie, Ella Pearl ( - )
- Kedzie, Florence E. (12 JUN 1880 - )
- Kedzie, Frances H. (1837 - )
- Kedzie, Frank R. (22 MAR 1856 - )
- Kedzie, Frank S. (17 SEP 1853 - 29 APR 1862)
- Kedzie, Frank Stewart (12 MAY 1857 - )
- Kedzie, Frederic S. (3 MAY 1858 - )
- Kedzie, George (1739 - )
- Kedzie, George (1777 - 21 MAR 1834)
- Kedzie, George Edward (21 JUL 1851 - )
- Kedzie, George Francis ( - )
- Kedzie, George H. (6 NOV 1820 - )
- Kedzie, George Lawson (25 AUG 1821 - 28 JAN 1913)
- Kedzie, Grace ( - )
- Kedzie, Harriet L. (20 OCT 1837 - 10 FEB 1848)
- Kedzie, Harriett (1849 - 1849)
- Kedzie, Isabel (2 OCT 1785 - 2 NOV 1881)
- Kedzie, Isabelle Bunyan (22 JUL 1811 - 16 MAY 1900)
- Kedzie, Isobell (1740 - )
- Kedzie, Isobelle (1740 - )
- Kedzie, James (1779 - 28 MAY 1860)
- Kedzie, James (1810 - 1810)
- Kedzie, James Dewey (24 OCT 1850 - 28 SEP 1851)
- Kedzie, James Edwin (13 APR 1852 - )
- Kedzie, James Telford (24 NOV 1812 - )
- Kedzie, Jane Ann (24 AUG 1824 - 16 FEB 1825/1826)
- Kedzie, Janet ( - 1849)
- Kedzie, Jennie A. (7 JUL 1860 - )
- Kedzie, John (1809 - )
- Kedzie, John (9 JUL 1849 - 15 JUL 1849)
- Kedzie, John Hume (8 SEP 1815 - 9 APR 1903)
- Kedzie, John Hume (2 MAR 1872 - )
- Kedzie, Julia H. (29 DEC 1860 - 28 NOV 1864)
- Kedzie, Kate Isabella (1858 - )
- Kedzie, Katherine Janet (13 JUN 1864 - )
- Kedzie, Laura L. (2 JUL 1859 - 19 NOV 1864)
- Kedzie, Louisa (1846 - )
- Kedzie, Margaret (1790 - 1790)
- Kedzie, Margaret (1842 - )
- Kedzie, Margaret F. (15 FEB 1867 - )
- Kedzie, Margaret Stewart (13 MAR 1809 - 25 FEB 1864)
- Kedzie, Mary Alice (16 FEB 1861 - )
- Kedzie, Mary B. (3 DEC 1863 - )
- Kedzie, Mary Bell (6 SEP 1847 - 27 FEB 1849)
- Kedzie, Mary E. (ABT 1854 - )
- Kedzie, Mary E. (4 JAN 1860 - )
- Kedzie, Mary Proudfit (1825 - )
- Kedzie, Minnie M. (AUG 1879 - )
- Kedzie, Nellie (25 DEC 1868 - )
- Kedzie, Nellie Sawyer (21 AUG 1858 - )
- Kedzie, Robert Clark (28 JAN 1823 - )
- Kedzie, Robert F. (26 SEP 1856 - 13 FEB 1882)
- Kedzie, Robert Hume (12 AUG 1813 - 26 DEC 1832)
- Kedzie, Robert Mark (17 FEB 1871 - )
- Kedzie, Rollin M. (1850 - 1861)
- Kedzie, Sarah M. (11 OCT 1855 - )
- Kedzie, Willard\William Smith (10 AUG 1862 - )
- Kedzie, William (1779 - 5 AUG 1827)
- Kedzie, William (29 JUN 1816 - )
- Kedzie, William Henry (27 APR 1851 - )
- Kedzie, William Knowlton (5 JUL 1851 - )
- Kedzie, William Roscoe (10 MAY 1879 - )
- Keefe, Jesse ( - )
- Keeler, Anna ( - )
- Keeler, daughter ( - )
- Keeler, Joel ( - )
- Keeler, Ralph ( - )
- Keeler, Ralph ( - )
- Keeler, Rebecca (1651 - )
- Keeling, Elizabeth ( - )
- Keeling, Thomas ( - )
- Keen, Hezekiah ( - )
- Keen, Josiah (1629 - 1710)
- Keen, Josiah ( - )
- Keen, Josiah ( - )
- Keen, Lydia ( - )
- Keener, Audra Gaye (1 JAN 1926 - 31 OCT 1975)
- Keeny, ( - )
- Keiler, Elizabeth ( - )
- Keith, Dardaney (5 MAR 1746 - )
- Keith, Deborah (20 MAY 1744 - )
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GEDCOM file last updated Tue, 13 Mar 2018 12:54:08.
Please send corrections, additions or comments to Sharon Mountford
Created by IGMMak Version 2.X (Program Information)
Copyright 1996 © Randy Winch
A component of the Indexed GEDCOM Method of GenWeb authoring.
Database access provided by IdentityWeb.
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