Mountford Genealogical Database
- Howe, Persis (18 DEC 1743 - )
- Howe, Peter (1763 - )
- Howe, Peter ( - )
- Howe, Phoebe (1752 - )
- Howe, Phoebe (19 FEB 1761 - 4 JAN 1833)
- Howe, Samuel (28 MAY 1679 - 29 DEC 1724)
- Howe, Samuel ( - )
- Howe, Sarah (23 JUL 1677 - 4 MAR 1678)
- Howe, Sarah (1 AUG 1680 - 25 DEC 1760)
- Howe, Susan (ABT 1563 - )
- Howe, Thomas (17 OCT 1708 - )
- Howell, Myron ( - )
- Howell, Sarah Smith ( - )
- Howells, Sadie ( - )
- Howerton, Jane (1757 - )
- Howes, Ann ( - bur. 18 JUL 1850)
- Howes, Fanny ( - )
- Howes, Joseph ( - )
- Howes, Thankful (ABT 1692 - )
- Howland, Arthur ( - )
- Howland, Desire ( - )
- Howland, Elizabeth ( - )
- Howland, Elizabeth ( - )
- Howland, Elizabeth ( - )
- Howland, Hannah ( - )
- Howland, Henry ( - )
- Howland, Hope ( - )
- Howland, Isaac ( - )
- Howland, Jabez ( - )
- Howland, Jabez ( - )
- Howland, John (1592 - 23 FEB 1673)
- Howland, John (24 FEB 1627 - )
- Howland, Joseph ( - )
- Howland, Lydia ( - )
- Howland, Mercy ( - AFT 1708)
- Howland, Nathan ( - )
- Howland, Ruth ( - )
- Howland, Shubal ( - )
- Howland, Thomas ( - )
- Howlett, Matilda ( - )
- Howlett, Sarah (3 Mar 1633/4 - 7 DEC 1700)
- Howlett, Walter ( - )
- Howse, Hannah (1590 - 16 FEB 1633)
- Hoxie, Anne (ABT 1709 - )
- Hoy, James ( - )
- Hoy, Jennette Christy (FEB 1823 - 22 JUL 1845)
- Hoy, William A. ( - MAR 1932)
- Hoyt, Charles Weed (1918 - )
- Hoyt, Clarinda (2 SEP 1804 - 11 AUG 1870)
- Hoyt, David ( - )
- Hoyt, John ( - )
- Hoyt, Mary ( - )
- Hoyt, Reuben ( - FEB 1781)
- Hoyt, Zerubabel ( - )
- Hubbard, ( - )
- Hubbard, Bethiah ( - )
- Hubbard, Daniel (1674 - )
- Hubbard, Ebenezer ( - )
- Hubbard, Edward ( - )
- Hubbard, Elynor ( - )
- Hubbard, Fred Joseph (9 JUL 1903 - 6 JUL 1991)
- Hubbard, James ( - )
- Hubbard, James H. (1828 - )
- Hubbard, Jane (Jennie) (27 APR 1845 - 28 JUL 1913)
- Hubbard, John Thomas (1 MAR 1879 - 15 APR 1957)
- Hubbard, Joseph Randolph (2 FEB 1855 - 5 MAR 1946)
- Hubbard, Lucille (1911 - 1981)
- Hubbard, Margaret ( - )
- Hubbard, Mary E. (1901 - 1958)
- Hubbard, Mary Jane (1861 - )
- Hubbard, Mary Polly ( - )
- Hubbard, Rachel ( - )
- Hubbard, Ruth (11 JAN 1640 - 1691)
- Hubbard, Samuel (10 MAY 1610 - 10 MAY 1689)
- Hubbard, Sarah (1778 - )
- Hubbard, Thomas ( - )
- Hubbard, W. B. ( - )
- Hubbard, William (1595 - ABT JUL 1670)
- Hubbell, Edmund P. (1851 - )
- Hubbell, Elizabeth (1826 - )
- Hubbell, Harry H. (1879 - )
- Huber, ( - )
- Huber, Albert (MAY 1885 - )
- Huber, Charles (1878 - )
- Huber, Pearl Florence (1877 - )
- Huber, Walter ( - )
- Huber, Walter G. (AUG 1879 - )
- Huber, William (1854 - )
- Huckens, John ( - )
- Huckens, Thomas ( - )
- Hudgens, John ( - )
- Hudgens, Martha Ellen ( - )
- Hudson, ( - )
- Hudson, Daniel (11 NOV 1725 - 1769)
- Hudson, Elizabeth (1817 - )
- Hudson, Elizabeth ( - )
- Hudson, John ( - )
- Hudson, Margaret (1561 - )
- Hudson, Mary E. (1868 - 1938)
- Hudson, Sarah (1804 - 14 JAN 1839)
- Hudson, Thomas ( - )
- Hudson, William Marshall ( - )
- Huestad, John (1510 - )
- Huestad, Lawrence (1545 - )
- Huestis, Jonie ( - )
- Huff, Margaret (21 OCT 1892 - 19 APR 1941)
- Huggins, Hiram J. (1830 - )
- Huggins, James (1859 - )
- Huggins, Marina Caroline (14 JUL 1841 - 1 APR 1874)
- Hughes, Clifford ( - )
- Hughes, Joab B. ( - )
- Hughes, Mary (10 JUN 1819 - 5 FEB 1905)
- Hughes, Patrick ( - )
- Hughes, Sarah Sallie (ABT 1790 - AFT 1860)
- Hughs, Arthur J. (1843 - BEF 1900)
- Hughs, Flora (1849 - )
- Hughs, Joab H. (1879 - )
- Hughs, Julia (1869 - )
- Hughs, Mary B. (1867 - )
- Hughs, Sarah ( - )
- Hulbert, ( - )
- Hulbert, Theador (1865 - )
- Hulett, Avis ( - )
- Hulett, John (1755 - )
- Hulett, John Matthew (1 APR 1705 - )
- Hulett, Joseph (1 NOV 1752 - 26 OCT 1850)
- Hulett, Mary ( - )
- Hulett, Mason (22 OCT 1737 - )
- Hulett, Patience (18 SEP 1764 - )
- Hulett, Phebe ( - )
- Hulett, Thomas (ABT 1736 - )
- Hull, Isaac ( - )
- Hull, Joanna ( - )
- Hull, John ( - )
- Hull, Joseph ( - )
- Hull, Lucy Olive ( - )
- Hull, Robert ( - )
- Hull, Ruth ( - )
- Hulme, John ( - )
- Hulme, Robert (1578 - )
- Hulme, Robert ( - 1605)
- Hulson, Sarah Ann (1886 - )
- Hume, Alexander (10 JUN 1829 - )
- Hume, Alison (1778 - )
- Hume, Alison Wilson ( - )
- Hume, Ann L. ( - )
- Hume, Catharine (3 JUN 1822 - )
- Hume, Charles Rose (1 JAN 1814 - )
- Hume, Elizabeth A. (11 JUL 1831 - 10 APR 1880)
- Hume, Elizabeth Beatrice (1 APR 1782 - 1841)
- Hume, George (1792 - 24 SEP 1862)
- Hume, Isabella (1773 - 7 FEB 1838)
- Hume, Isabella (2 OCT 1816 - )
- Hume, Isabella (2 MAR 1818 - 8 JUN 1872)
- Hume, Isobela Jean (12 FEB 1820 - )
- Hume, James (1789 - )
- Hume, James (9 JUN 1820 - )
- Hume, James (23 JAN 1827 - )
- Hume, Janet (1784 - 14 AUG 1827)
- Hume, John (19 AUG 1775 - 22 AUG 1857)
- Hume, John (1 MAR 1825 - )
- Hume, Margaret (1826 - )
- Hume, Margaret Stewart (9 JAN 1779/1780 - 16 NOV 1865)
- Hume, Mary (10 JUL 1817 - )
- Hume, Robert (6 FEB 1739 - 28 JAN 1839)
- Hume, Robert (1787 - )
- Hume, Robert Thomson ( - )
- Hume, Robert Wilson (8 NOV 1809 - )
- Hume, William (17 MAY 1814 - )
- Humfrey, Joane ( - 1584)
- Humiston, Betsy ( - )
- Humiston, Thomas H. ( - )
- Humphrey, Esther ( - 12 FEB 1843)
- Humphrey, Mary (13 FEB 1601/1602 - BEF 1659)
- Humphrey, Nancy ( - )
- Humphrey, Robert ( - )
- Humphries, Archibald (1699 - )
- Humphries, Mary (1725 - )
- Hungerford, Ann (1574 - )
- Hungerford, Anthony ( - )
- Hungerford, Sarah (ABT 1679 - 25 SEP 1753)
- Hungerford, Thomas ( - )
- Hunnewell, John (1647 - )
- Hunnewell, Richard (1645 - 6 OCT 1703)
- Hunnewell, Roger (1607 - 1654)
- Hunt, ( - )
- Hunt, ( - )
- Hunt, Adelbert Vincent (1849 - 1915)
- Hunt, Asa ( - )
- Hunt, Deborah ( - )
- Hunt, Elizabeth (1844 - )
- Hunt, Hannah ( - )
- Hunt, James C. (1859 - )
- Hunt, John ( - )
- Hunt, John ( - )
- Hunt, John ( - )
- Hunt, Robert ( - )
- Hunt, Samuel ( - )
- Hunt, Sarah (1755 - 29 JAN 1812)
- Hunt, Sarah ( - )
- Hunt, Sarah ( - )
- Hunt, Simeon ( - )
- Hunt, Thomas ( - )
- Hunt, Thomas ( - )
- Hunt, Thomas E. (8 JUN 1910 - 23 FEB 1998)
- Hunt, Thomas J. (1831 - )
- Hunt, William ( - )
- Hunt, William B. (APR 1870 - 1881)
- Hunt, Ziba ( - )
- Hunter, ( - )
- Hunter, Catherine ( - )
- Hunter, Edward L. ( - )
- Hunter, Francie ( - )
- Hunter, Isabell (1704 - )
- Hunter, Isobel ( - )
- Hunter, James ( - )
- Hunter, James ( - )
- Hunter, James ( - )
- Hunter, John ( - )
- Hunter, John ( - )
- Hunter, Margaret ( - )
- Hunter, Thomas (1707 - )
- Hunter, William (1703 - )
- Hunter, William ( - )
- Huntington, ( - )
- Huntington, Abigail (22 APR 1708 - )
- Huntington, Ann (20 MAR 1715 - )
- Huntington, Ann ( - )
- Huntington, Ann ( - )
- Huntington, Benjamin (19 APR 1736 - )
- Huntington, Christopher (1 NOV 1660 - 24 APR 1735)
- Huntington, Christopher ( - )
- Huntington, Daniel (13 MAR 1675/1676 - )
- Huntington, Daniel (24 MAR 1711 - )
- Huntington, Daniel ( - )
- Huntington, David (6 DEC 1697 - )
- Huntington, Elizabeth (FEB 1664 - FEB 1664)
- Huntington, Elizabeth (OCT 1669 - 24 AUG 1762)
- Huntington, Elizabeth ( - )
- Huntington, Elizabeth ( - )
- Huntington, Henry ( - )
- Huntington, Henry ( - )
- Huntington, Huldah ( - 1845)
- Huntington, Jabez (26 JAN 1691 - )
- Huntington, James (18 MAY 1680 - )
- Huntington, James ( - )
- Huntington, Jonathan (7 OCT 1695 - )
- Huntington, Jonathan (4 NOV 1719 - )
- Huntington, Jonathan ( - )
- Huntington, Joseph (SEP 1661 - )
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GEDCOM file last updated Tue, 13 Mar 2018 12:54:08.
Please send corrections, additions or comments to Sharon Mountford
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Copyright 1996 © Randy Winch
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