Mountford Genealogical Database
- Holbrook, Thomas ( - 22 JUL 1697)
- Holbrook, William (ABT 1560 - 1625/1626)
- Holbrook, William (28 MAR 1693/1694 - 16 MAR 1762)
- Holbrook, William ( - 3 JUL 1699)
- Holbrooke, Elizabeth (13 FEB 1629/1630 - 1674)
- Holbrooke, Thomas ( - )
- Holcomb, Asahel ( - )
- Holcomb, Elizabeth E. (1808 - )
- Holcomb, Jane (1778 - 7 JUN 1854)
- Holcomb, John H. (22 AUG 1812 - 27 OCT 1880)
- Holcomb, Josiah (19 SEP 1743 - 15 JUN 1827)
- Holcomb, Josiah ( - )
- Holcomb, Mary ( - )
- Holcomb, Thomas ( - )
- Holden, Alice (OCT 1741 - 3 DEC 1833)
- Holden, Ann ( - )
- Holden, Anne (25 MAR 1691 - )
- Holden, Anne G. (14 AUG 1780 - )
- Holden, Anthony (15 OCT 1673 - )
- Holden, Anthony (8 NOV 1693 - 13 MAY 1720)
- Holden, Anthony (22 FEB 1751 - 3 MAY 1838)
- Holden, Augustus R. (1858 - )
- Holden, Barbara (2 JUL 1668 - )
- Holden, Barbara (2 AUG 1744 - )
- Holden, Barbara ( - )
- Holden, Catharine (ABT 1686 - 25 JUL 1731)
- Holden, Catherine (13 OCT 1717 - 4 MAY 1807)
- Holden, Celia (8 AUG 1778 - )
- Holden, Celina (18 MAY 1786 - )
- Holden, Charles (22 MAR 1666 - 21 JUL 1733)
- Holden, Charles (24 MAY 1695 - 20 JAN 1785)
- Holden, Charles ( - )
- Holden, Eliza (30 NOV 1786 - 11 JUL 1849)
- Holden, Elizabeth (AUG 1652 - 1730)
- Holden, Elizabeth (14 NOV 1770 - 2 MAR 1842)
- Holden, Elizabeth ( - AFT 1677)
- Holden, Frances (SEP 1649 - )
- Holden, Frances (9 JAN 1688/1689 - )
- Holden, Frances (ABT 1705 - 5 OCT 1732)
- Holden, Frances ( - )
- Holden, Frances ( - )
- Holden, Frederick A. (4 JUL 1830 - )
- Holden, Jane C. (2 FEB 1832 - 23 AUG 1843)
- Holden, John (JAN 1656 - )
- Holden, John (24 SEP 1702 - 1801)
- Holden, John (18 MAY 1724 - ABT 1750)
- Holden, John (21 DEC 1752 - )
- Holden, John ( - )
- Holden, John ( - )
- Holden, John G. (1869 - )
- Holden, John P. (6 FEB 1834 - 10 SEP 1864)
- Holden, Joseph (25 MAY 1764 - 8 AUG 1789)
- Holden, Louis F. (1873 - )
- Holden, Margaret (JAN 1663 - )
- Holden, Mary (AUG 1654 - 9 FEB 1689/1690)
- Holden, Mary (ABT 1700 - 11 APR 1738)
- Holden, Mary (24 OCT 1780 - )
- Holden, Mary ( - )
- Holden, Naomi (7 SEP 1760 - OCT 1837)
- Holden, Naomi Potter (1 APR 1787 - 1 OCT 1871)
- Holden, Phebe (13 MAR 1756 - 31 JAN 1830)
- Holden, Randall (1612 - 23 AUG 1692)
- Holden, Randall (APR 1660 - 13 SEP 1726)
- Holden, Randall (25 NOV 1726 - 4 JUL 1808)
- Holden, Randall (21 DEC 1752 - 12 JAN 1753)
- Holden, Randall (18 JUL 1754 - 12 JUL 1796)
- Holden, Randall (3 SEP 1792 - 10 SEP 1867)
- Holden, Randall ( - )
- Holden, Randall Ensign ( - ABT 1765)
- Holden, Ruth (30 MAR 1758 - )
- Holden, Sarah (FEB 1658 - 1731)
- Holden, Sarah (25 MAY 1762 - 11 FEB 1792)
- Holden, Sarah (7 APR 1793 - 24 APR 1796)
- Holden, Sarah ( - )
- Holden, Stephen (25 MAY 1766 - 27 JAN 1841)
- Holden, Susanna (8 DEC 1670 - 11 APR 1734)
- Holden, Susanna ( - )
- Holden, Thomas (5 APR 1768 - )
- Holden, Thomas Warner (16 OCT 1783 - 23 DEC 1793)
- Holden, Wait (4 SEP 1749 - ABT 1833)
- Holden, Waite ( - )
- Holden, William (4 NOV 1700 - )
- Holden, William ( - )
- Holder, Christopher (1631 - 13 JUN 1688)
- Holland, Abraham (13 JUN 1698 - 1714)
- Holland, Abraham (17 JUN 1715 - 12 SEP 1800)
- Holland, Abraham (1797 - AFT 1880)
- Holland, Abraham ( - AFT 1819)
- Holland, Agnes (1568 - )
- Holland, Agnes ( - )
- Holland, Alice (1585 - 29 SEP 1593)
- Holland, Andrew G. ( - )
- Holland, Ann ( - )
- Holland, Anna (1802 - )
- Holland, Anthony (1641 - 1702)
- Holland, Anthony ( - )
- Holland, Argany (1872 - )
- Holland, Aseneth (1795 - 1 FEB 1823)
- Holland, Barney (1860 - )
- Holland, Basil (18 JUN 1755 - 15 JUN 1829)
- Holland, Basil (1800/1804 - )
- Holland, Benjamin (ABT 1682 - )
- Holland, Bluford R. (1838 - 1875)
- Holland, Capell (10 JUN 1692 - BEF 19 DEC 1777)
- Holland, Capell (8 AUG 1733 - 23 OCT 1823)
- Holland, Carol (JUN 1884 - )
- Holland, Cassandra "Casey" (1800 - 1866)
- Holland, Christine ( - )
- Holland, Delilah A. (29 NOV 1783 - 18 JAN 1864)
- Holland, Edmund (1832 - )
- Holland, Edward (1578 - )
- Holland, Eliza J. (1860 - )
- Holland, Elizabeth (Betsy) ( - )
- Holland, Elizabeth (1674 - )
- Holland, Elizabeth (10 JAN 1789 - 24 SEP 1841)
- Holland, Elizabeth (1818 - )
- Holland, Elizabeth A. (1849 - )
- Holland, Elizabeth Catherine (3 JAN 1831 - 18 MAR 1911)
- Holland, Elizabeth Jane ( - )
- Holland, Essenn (Eleanor) (1787 - )
- Holland, Essie ( - )
- Holland, Ezekiel D. (1866 - )
- Holland, Francis ( - )
- Holland, Frank W. (MAY 1888 - )
- Holland, George (1867 - )
- Holland, George B. (1854 - )
- Holland, Harold (JUN 1893 - )
- Holland, Harrison Marion (JUL 1844 - )
- Holland, Henry B. (MAR 1872 - )
- Holland, Jacob (2 MAY 1690 - )
- Holland, James (1800/1804 - )
- Holland, James A. (7 JUN 1848 - )
- Holland, James G. (NOV 1885 - )
- Holland, James M. (JAN 1869 - )
- Holland, James P. (1821 - )
- Holland, Jane (16 AUG 1805 - )
- Holland, Jeremiah (16 SEP 1768 - 1794)
- Holland, Jeremiah ( - )
- Holland, Joana (1573 - )
- Holland, John (1581 - 24 SEP 1593)
- Holland, John (ABT 1680 - )
- Holland, John (BEF 1794 - )
- Holland, John (1796 - )
- Holland, John ( - )
- Holland, John ( - )
- Holland, John A. ( - )
- Holland, John H. (1845 - )
- Holland, John Lucas (16 NOV 1825 - 1912)
- Holland, John Wilson (1858 - )
- Holland, Julia A. (MAR 1878 - )
- Holland, L. R. ( - )
- Holland, Laura L. (1849 - )
- Holland, Lelia (MAY 1887 - )
- Holland, Lucas (1877 - )
- Holland, Lydia (8 SEP 1715 - )
- Holland, Margaret (1842 - )
- Holland, Margaret (1850 - )
- Holland, Margaret J. (JUL 1876 - )
- Holland, Martha (1854 - )
- Holland, Marvin (AUG 1878 - )
- Holland, Mary (Polly) ( - )
- Holland, Mary (16 NOV 1661 - 12 NOV 1742)
- Holland, Mary (15 AUG 1697 - )
- Holland, Mary (AUG 1713 - )
- Holland, Mary (19 NOV 1759 - )
- Holland, Mary Ann ( - )
- Holland, Mary G. (1858 - )
- Holland, Mastin Wesley (1862 - )
- Holland, Nancy ( - )
- Holland, Nancy P. (1873 - )
- Holland, Nicholas (1588 - )
- Holland, Pearlie M. (1873 - )
- Holland, Rachel (10 SEP 1711 - )
- Holland, Rachel (3 AUG 1753 - )
- Holland, Rachel (1792 - 1 OCT 1875)
- Holland, Rachel ( - )
- Holland, Rachel ( - )
- Holland, Rachel Catherine ( - )
- Holland, Reason (24 APR 1764 - 30 JUL 1802)
- Holland, Reazin ( - BEF 1802)
- Holland, Richard (1 MAR 1687 - )
- Holland, Richard (26 JUN 1766 - )
- Holland, Richard ( - )
- Holland, Robert (1590 - )
- Holland, Robert L. (1875 - )
- Holland, Ruth (11 SEP 1718 - )
- Holland, Sally (1790 - )
- Holland, Samuel (1822 - )
- Holland, Sarah "Sallie" ( - )
- Holland, Sarah (17 OCT 1708 - )
- Holland, Sarah (20 SEP 1770 - )
- Holland, Sarah ( - )
- Holland, Sarah C. (1847 - )
- Holland, Simon K. (SEP 1882 - )
- Holland, Susanna (24 APR 1694 - )
- Holland, Thomas (1569 - )
- Holland, Thomas (20 JAN 1686 - )
- Holland, Thomas (2 FEB 1762 - 3 OCT 1815)
- Holland, Thomas ( - )
- Holland, Thomas ( - )
- Holland, Thomas ( - )
- Holland, Thomas Hampton (1867 - 1947)
- Holland, Thomas R. (16 AUG 1805 - 23 MAR 1850)
- Holland, Thomas W. (FEB 1830 - )
- Holland, Wallace W. (OCT 1869 - )
- Holland, Wayman ( - )
- Holland, Wesley A. (1832 - )
- Holland, Whitmell (1820 - )
- Holland, William (1569 - )
- Holland, William (1583 - )
- Holland, William (8 MAY 1702 - )
- Holland, William (15 FEB 1757 - )
- Holland, William (1822 - 1882)
- Holland, William ( - )
- Holland, William Cudniff (16 JAN 1828 - 17 NOV 1904)
- Holland, William Hayes (OCT 1873 - )
- Holland, William J. (1843 - )
- Holland, William W. (1852 - )
- Holland, William W. (MAY 1864 - )
- Holland, Wyatt B. (19 JUL 1837 - 8 APR 1855)
- Holleman, ( - )
- Hollembeck, Ruluff White ( - )
- Holley, Mary (ABT 1668 - 1733)
- Holley, Samuel ( - )
- Holliday, Keziah ( - )
- Holliman, Ezekiel Rev. (1587 - 17 SEP 1659)
- Holliman, Priscilla ( - ABT 1652)
- Holliman, William ( - )
- Holliman, William ( - JUL 1623)
- Hollister, Dorothy ( - )
- Hollister, Elizabeth ( - )
- Hollister, Elizabeth ( - )
- Hollister, John ( - )
- Hollister, John ( - )
- Hollister, John ( - APR 1665)
- Hollister, Joseph ( - )
- Hollister, Lazarus ( - )
- Hollister, Mary ( - )
- Hollister, Sarah ( - )
- Hollister, Stephen ( - )
- Hollister, Thomas ( - )
- Hollister, Thomas ( - )
- Holloway, Adam ( - )
- Holloway, Agnes ( - )
- Holloway, Elinor (1810 - )
- Holloway, Grace ( - 9 MAY 1727)
- Holloway, Hannah ( - )
- Holloway, Mary ( - )
- Holloway, William ( - )
- Holly, Hopestill (1645 - 13 SEP 1715)
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GEDCOM file last updated Tue, 13 Mar 2018 12:54:08.
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Copyright 1996 © Randy Winch
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