Mountford Genealogical Database
- Gregory, R. D. ( - )
- Gregory, Richard F. (1831 - )
- Gregory, Richard F. (20 MAR 1874 - )
- Gregory, Rosy A. (1872 - )
- Gregory, Sarah A. (1858 - )
- Gregory, Sarah E. (1877 - )
- Gregory, Thomas ( - )
- Gregory, Thomas E. (1834 - )
- Gregory, Vera Belle (9 SEP 1907 - FEB 1990)
- Gregory, William (1850 - )
- Gregory, William W. (1866 - )
- Gregson, Phebe ( - 19 SEP 1730)
- Greisier, Margaret (1824 - )
- Greive, Jenot ( - )
- Gresham, Margaret ( - )
- Grey, Jane A. ( - )
- Grey, Polly (8 MAR 1792 - 16 JUN 1883)
- Grey, Sarah (Sally) ( - )
- Gridley, Mary ( - )
- Gridley, Samuel ( - )
- Griffen, John (ABT 1640 - 1688)
- Griffen, Lydia (1664 - )
- Griffin, Christopher ( - )
- Griffin, Debra Elizabeth ( - )
- Griffin, Edward ( - )
- Griffin, Emma ( - )
- Griffin, Fred Verl ( - )
- Griffin, Gustavus ( - )
- Griffin, Helen ( - )
- Griffin, James ( - )
- Griffin, John ( - )
- Griffin, Rachel ( - )
- Griffin, Robert ( - )
- Griffin, Susannah ( - )
- Griffin, Theodore Arnold (Ted) ( - )
- Griffin, Thomas Adam ( - )
- Griffin, William (21 NOV 1740 - 5 OCT 1800)
- Griffith, Alfred Dean ( - )
- Griffith, Andrew Scott ( - )
- Griffith, Arthur R. (1899 - )
- Griffith, Benjamin (1814 - 1853)
- Griffith, Carol Jo Ann (6 FEB 1938 - )
- Griffith, Clara L. (1884 - 1974)
- Griffith, David (BEF 1790 - )
- Griffith, Delbert (3 AUG 1935 - )
- Griffith, Edward Lee (27 MAY 1933 - 30 MAY 1933)
- Griffith, Elisa Jo ( - )
- Griffith, Elizabeth M. (1888 - )
- Griffith, Ellen or_Eleanor (1560 - )
- Griffith, Elmer Gene (2 APR 1930 - )
- Griffith, Emily Jean ( - )
- Griffith, Everett Leroy (25 JUL 1928 - )
- Griffith, Floyd Dwight (22 NOV 1926 - )
- Griffith, Genevieve Christine (7 AUG 1931 - )
- Griffith, Hazel Beula (25 MAY 1923 - 12 FEB 2013)
- Griffith, Isaac ( - )
- Griffith, James Michael (1897 - 1933)
- Griffith, Jimmy Don ( - 16 JUL 2008)
- Griffith, Julie Kathleen ( - )
- Griffith, Lavina Phoebe (5 APR 1820 - 10 APR 1900)
- Griffith, Lawrence (23 MAR 1925 - )
- Griffith, Linda ( - )
- Griffith, Maude Ellen (1879 - 1960)
- Griffith, Michael John (30 AUG 1853 - 24 NOV 1930)
- Griffith, Nancy (1835 - )
- Griffith, Pearl M. (9 APR 1891 - OCT 1965)
- Griffith, Ronald Dale ( - )
- Griffith, Sarah Ann (1881 - 1966)
- Griffith, Sherrie Ann ( - )
- Griffith, Terry ( - )
- Griffith, Truman Atley (25 NOV 1893 - 4 MAR 1966)
- Griffith, Zilpha (1826 - )
- Grigsby, John ( - )
- Grimes, Lula Laretta (AUG 1862 - 17 SEP 1936)
- Grimshaw, Agnes ( - )
- Grinnell, Daniel (ABT 1668 - 7 Jan 1740/1)
- Grinnell, Daniel ( - )
- Grint, Ann ( - )
- Grisham, Minerva ( - )
- Griswold, Abigail (31 OCT 1676 - )
- Griswold, Ann ( - )
- Griswold, Ann ( - )
- Griswold, Benjamin (6 AUG 1671 - )
- Griswold, Clerine (30 MAY 1731 - 9 APR 1732)
- Griswold, Clerine (9 FEB 1732/1733 - )
- Griswold, Deborah (ABT 1660 - )
- Griswold, Deborah (30 MAY 1674 - )
- Griswold, Deborah (1 MAR 1734/1735 - )
- Griswold, Deborah ( - )
- Griswold, Deborah ( - )
- Griswold, Edward (1607 - 1691)
- Griswold, Edward (19 MAY 1660 - )
- Griswold, Elizabeth (29 NOV 1685 - )
- Griswold, Elizabeth ( - JUL 1727)
- Griswold, Francis (1635 - OCT 1671)
- Griswold, George (1638 - )
- Griswold, George (3 DEC 1665 - )
- Griswold, George (13 AUG 1692 - )
- Griswold, Hannah (10 JAN 1723/1724 - )
- Griswold, John (17 SEP 1668 - )
- Griswold, John (22 DEC 1690 - )
- Griswold, John (15 MAY 1739 - 4 JAN 1742)
- Griswold, John ( - )
- Griswold, John ( - )
- Griswold, John ( - )
- Griswold, John ( - 1642)
- Griswold, Joseph (1647 - 1716)
- Griswold, Joseph (24 JAN 1677 - 1725)
- Griswold, Lucy (6 JUL 1726 - )
- Griswold, Mary (5 OCT 1644 - )
- Griswold, Mary (28 SEP 1663 - )
- Griswold, Mary (16 MAR 1670/1671 - )
- Griswold, Mary (22 APR 1694 - )
- Griswold, Mathew ( - )
- Griswold, Matthew (1653 - 15 JAN 1716)
- Griswold, Matthew (15 SEP 1688 - )
- Griswold, Matthew (25 MAR 1714 - )
- Griswold, Matthew ( - JAN 1699)
- Griswold, Patience ( - )
- Griswold, Phebe (22 APR 1716 - )
- Griswold, Phoebe (15 AUG 1684 - )
- Griswold, Roger ( - )
- Griswold, Samuel (16 SEP 1665 - 2 DEC 1740)
- Griswold, Samuel (1698 - 10 JAN 1728)
- Griswold, Samuel ( - 1673)
- Griswold, Sarah (19 MAR 1687 - 1761)
- Griswold, Sarah (19 JAN 1701 - 1749)
- Griswold, Sarah (2 DEC 1728 - )
- Griswold, Sarah ( - )
- Griswold, Sarah ( - )
- Griswold, Thomas (29 SEP 1658 - )
- Griswold, Thomas (15 FEB 1718/1719 - )
- Griswold, Thomas (15 FEB 1719 - )
- Griswold, Thomas ( - 27 JUN 1716)
- Griswold, Thomas ( - )
- Grizzel, Albert L. (1866 - )
- Grizzel, Casie (1874 - )
- Grizzel, Cealey (1870 - )
- Grizzel, Christina (1879 - )
- Grizzel, Elam (1817 - )
- Grizzel, Elim (1844 - )
- Grizzel, Elmira (1877 - )
- Grizzel, George (1819 - )
- Grizzel, George H. (1849 - )
- Grizzel, George W. (1864 - )
- Grizzel, Hiram (1838 - )
- Grizzel, James M. (1862 - )
- Grizzel, Jane (1871 - 1 DEC 1876)
- Grizzel, John (1809 - )
- Grizzel, Marven L. (1873 - )
- Grizzel, Mary Polly (1849 - )
- Grizzel, Nancy (1814 - )
- Grizzel, Nancy J. (JUN 1860 - )
- Grizzel, Noah (1860 - )
- Grizzel, Oliver P. (16 AUG 1879 - )
- Grizzel, Orie R. (1878 - )
- Grizzel, Ornel F. (1871 - )
- Grizzel, Polly (1826 - )
- Grizzel, Rebecca (1841 - 1877/1879)
- Grizzel, Rebecca (1851 - )
- Grizzel, Robert (1855 - )
- Grizzel, Solomon (1830 - )
- Grizzel, Solomon (1834 - )
- Grizzel, Susannah (1846 - )
- Grizzel, William (1781 - )
- Grizzel, William (1836 - )
- Grizzel, William ( - )
- Grizzel, William P. (1847 - )
- Grocott, Annie (1864 - )
- Grocott, James (1807 - )
- Grocott, James Leonard (1862 - )
- Grocott, John (1833 - 1891)
- Grocott, John (1868 - )
- Grocott, Martha Wade (1872 - 1916)
- Grocott, Mary Ann (1839 - )
- Grocott, Richard (1846 - )
- Grocott, Richard (1870 - )
- Grocott, Samuel (25 SEP 1835 - )
- Grocott, Samuel (1866 - )
- Groff, Margaret ( - )
- Groom, John Doughter ( - )
- Groom, Sarah Ann (1837 - )
- Grooms, Martha ( - )
- Grosely, Ann ( - )
- Grosely, Ava Rose ( - )
- Grosely, Barry George ( - )
- Grosely, David Craig ( - )
- Grosely, Frances ( - )
- Grosely, Frank Anthony (7 JAN 1915 - 1 MAR 1988)
- Grosely, Frank Douglas ( - )
- Grosely, Frank John (24 OCT 1935 - 6 MAR 2009)
- Grosely, Janet Arlene ( - )
- Grosely, Jenna Rae ( - )
- Grosely, John ( - )
- Grosely, John ( - )
- Grosely, John Anthony ( - )
- Grosely, Jordyn ( - )
- Grosely, Julia ( - )
- Grosely, Julia Ethel ( - )
- Grosely, June Elizabeth ( - )
- Grosely, Karen Sue ( - )
- Grosely, Martin "Teeny" ( - )
- Grosely, Martin John (1937 - )
- Grosely, Mary ( - )
- Grosely, Mary Ann ( - )
- Grosely, Natasha Claire ( - )
- Grosely, Patricia ( - )
- Grosely, Richard Stanley ( - )
- Grosely, Ruth Ann ( - )
- Grosely, Samuel Joseph ( - )
- Grosely, Scott Allen ( - )
- Grosely, Taylor Joann ( - )
- Grosely, Troy Douglas ( - )
- Grosvenor, Emaline (1826 - 8 APR 1887)
- Grover, Edna V. (JAN 1868 - )
- Grover, Esther B. (1892 - )
- Grover, George (1828 - )
- Grover, George E. (1893 - )
- Grover, Luania (1895 - )
- Groves, Barnett ( - )
- Groves, Joe ( - )
- Groves, Wallace ( - )
- Groves, William ( - )
- Grundy, Judith ( - )
- Guernsey, Hannah (10 MAY 1771 - 3 FEB 1853)
- Guier, Margaret A. (1760/1770 - AFT 1840)
- Guilford, Anna M. (1843 - )
- Guilford, Charles (28 JUL 1833 - )
- Guilford, Earl L. (JUL 1899 - )
- Guilford, Frank (1870 - )
- Guilford, Jennie H. (1880 - )
- Guilford, Mary (1835 - )
- Guilford, Mary E. (7 MAR 1855 - 7 DEC 1936)
- Guilford, Samuel ( - )
- Guilford, William (MAR 1826 - )
- Guilford, William (1857 - )
- Guing, Thomas ( - )
- Guinn, Clessie ( - )
- Guinn, Lucinda (APR 1846 - )
- Guire, Luke ( - )
- Guire, Luke ( - )
- Guitches, Rachel (2 FEB 1785 - 19 MAR 1877)
- Gull, Pearl ( - )
- Gull, William ( - 18 DEC 1701)
- Gulliver, Charity ( - )
- Gully, Alice (26 SEP 1553 - 25 APR 1596)
- Gully, Joan (ABT 1548 - )
- Gully, John (ABT 1508/1509 - 15 SEP 1591)
- Gully, John (ABT 1530 - bur. 1559)
- Gulston, Martha ( - ABT 1665)
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GEDCOM file last updated Tue, 13 Mar 2018 12:54:08.
Please send corrections, additions or comments to Sharon Mountford
Created by IGMMak Version 2.X (Program Information)
Copyright 1996 © Randy Winch
A component of the Indexed GEDCOM Method of GenWeb authoring.
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