Mountford Genealogical Database
- Easton, Mary ( - )
- Easton, Thankful (1687 - )
- Easton, Timothy (1685 - )
- Eastridge, Elizabeth (1736 - NOV 1800)
- Eastridge, Ephraim ( - )
- Eaton, A. T. ( - )
- Eaton, Alice ( - )
- Eaton, Elizabeth ( - )
- Eaton, Guinever (1869 - )
- Eaton, Hannah (ABT 1632 - )
- Eaton, Jonas ( - )
- Eaton, Joshua ( - )
- Eaton, Judson Galusha (AUG 1823 - )
- Eaton, Keziah ( - )
- Eaton, Lucy Corrine (1 APR 1859 - )
- Eaton, Mary ( - 1814)
- Eaton, Nina Lorraine (7 NOV 1857 - )
- Eaton, Richard ( - )
- Eaton, Rufus (11 JUN 1770 - 7 FEB 1845)
- Eaton, Samuel ( - )
- Eaton, Sylvester (17 JUN 1792 - )
- Eaton, Theophilus (ABT 1590 - 8 JAN 1657/1658)
- Eaton, Theophilus (ABT 1630 - )
- Eaves, Etheldreda (1831 - 1916)
- Eaves, Robert ( - )
- Eberman, Henry ( - )
- Eckerson, Applonia ( - )
- Eckland, Astrid ( - )
- Eckleberry, (Delbert) Richard (3 JUN 1898 - 17 MAY 1977)
- Eckleberry, Alvin (1904 - )
- Eckleberry, Charles D. (1870 - )
- Eckleberry, Edith M. (1856 - )
- Eckleberry, Ethel M. (1893 - )
- Eckleberry, Georgia (1895 - )
- Eckleberry, Irea (1852 - )
- Eckleberry, Joseph (1829 - )
- Eckleberry, Lewis H. (MAR 1846 - )
- Eckleberry, Llewellyn (APR 1832 - )
- Eckleberry, Margaret (1849 - )
- Eckleberry, Mary J. (1855 - )
- Eckleberry, Valantine (14 SEP 1805 - )
- Eddy, ( - )
- Eddy, ( - )
- Eddy, Asa ( - )
- Eddy, Beulah (ABT 1684 - )
- Eddy, Caleb ( - )
- Eddy, Caleb ( - )
- Eddy, Cindy Jo ( - )
- Eddy, Hannah ( - )
- Eddy, Huldah ( - )
- Eddy, Jesse ( - )
- Eddy, John (25 DEC 1637 - 27 MAY 1717)
- Eddy, John (25 DEC 1730/1731 - 21 MAR 1823)
- Eddy, John ( - )
- Eddy, Larry Raymond ( - )
- Eddy, Mary ( - )
- Eddy, Ozro ( - )
- Eddy, Samuel ( - )
- Eddy, Thomas ( - )
- Edgar, Adam (1677 - )
- Edgar, Agnes (1682 - )
- Edgar, Alexander (1679 - )
- Edgar, Anna (1666 - )
- Edgar, Barbara (1682 - )
- Edgar, Elizabeth (1684 - )
- Edgar, Helen (1674 - )
- Edgar, Isobell (1672 - )
- Edgar, James (1646 - )
- Edgar, James (1667 - )
- Edgar, James (1670 - )
- Edgar, James ( - )
- Edgar, John (1664 - )
- Edgar, Margaret (1665 - )
- Edgar, Robert (1663 - )
- Edgar, Robert (1669 - )
- Edgerton, Elizabeth (25 DEC 1657 - )
- Edgerton, Hannah (24 SEP 1659 - )
- Edgerton, John (12 JUN 1662 - MAY 1692)
- Edgerton, John (26 FEB 1689/1690 - )
- Edgerton, Joseph (8 MAR 1676/1677 - 14 APR 1735)
- Edgerton, Joshua (26 FEB 1707/1708 - 6 MAR 1779)
- Edgerton, Lydia (APR 1675 - BEF JUL 1702)
- Edgerton, Mary (3 FEB 1655 - )
- Edgerton, Richard (10 MAR 1665 - )
- Edgerton, Richard ( - MAR 1691/1692)
- Edgerton, Samuel (MAY 1670 - 7 JUN 1748)
- Edgerton, Sarah (APR 1667 - )
- Edgerton, Zebulon ( - )
- Edmiston, ( - )
- Edmiston, Mary (APR 1900 - )
- Edmiston, W. R. ( - )
- Edmonds, Phebe ( - )
- Edmonds, Sallie Ann (Sally) ( - 19 AUG 1899)
- Edmonds, William ( - )
- Edmundson, James Alfred (4 SEP 1917 - 13 MAY 2004)
- Edmundson, Margaret Ann ( - )
- Edmundson, Martha Jane ( - )
- Edmundson, Mary Louise ( - )
- Edmundson, Minnie Lee ( - )
- Ednived_ap_Jrwth, ( - )
- Edson, Bethiah (1653 - )
- Edson, Josiah (1705 - ABT 1735)
- Edson, Samuel (5 SEP 1613 - JUL 1692)
- Edson, Sarah ( - )
- Edson, Susanna ( - )
- Edson, Thomas ( - )
- Edwards, ( - )
- Edwards, ( - )
- Edwards, Benajack ( - )
- Edwards, Carl (1893 - )
- Edwards, Edward ( - )
- Edwards, Elizabeth (1675 - )
- Edwards, Eunice (20 AUG 1705 - 1 JUN 1788)
- Edwards, Hannah (3 JAN 1696 - 17 OCT 1747)
- Edwards, James ( - )
- Edwards, Jonathan (5 OCT 1703 - 1759)
- Edwards, Joseph ( - )
- Edwards, Martha ( - )
- Edwards, Mary ( - AFT 6 JUL 1718)
- Edwards, Mary Jane (1850 - )
- Edwards, Rice ( - )
- Edwards, Richard ( - )
- Edwards, Robert ( - )
- Edwards, Ruth ( - )
- Edwards, Sarah (1672 - 15 FEB 1724/1725)
- Edwards, Sarah ( - )
- Edwards, Susan Ann (27 NOV 1805 - 1872)
- Edwards, Timothy (1668 - 1759)
- Eells, John ( - )
- Eggleston, Maria (1835 - 1905)
- Eggleston, Rachel (4 JUL 1778 - )
- Eggleton, Ruth ( - 14 OCT 1703)
- Eggleton, Stephen ( - )
- Eikleberry, Julie Corinne ( - )
- Eikleberry, Paul ( - )
- Einon, ( - )
- Einon, ( - )
- Eitel, Edward J. (1876 - )
- Eitel, Edward Latta (27 SEP 1904 - )
- Eitel, Lois Elna (14 FEB 1901 - )
- Eitel, Phyllis Jane (28 NOV 1929 - )
- Elam, Corrilda Alice Allie (1855 - )
- Elbe, Ruth ( - )
- Elder, Martha ( - )
- Elderkin, Abigail (29 SEP 1715 - )
- Elderkin, Jedediah (1717 - )
- Elderkin, John (3 FEB 1718 - )
- Elderkin, John ( - )
- Elderkin, Joshua (30 OCT 1720 - )
- Elderkin, Susanna (12 AUG 1722 - )
- Eldred, Abigail (1723 - 14 APR 1766)
- Eldred, Francis ( - )
- Eldred, Robert ( - )
- Eldredge, Mary ( - )
- Eldridge, Abigail (ABT 1685 - )
- Eldridge, John ( - )
- Eldridge, Katherine (1692/1696 - )
- Eldridge, Mary ( - )
- Eleanor, ( - )
- Eley, ( - )
- Eley, Ursula C. (1848 - )
- Eliot, Francis ( - )
- Eliot, John (29 MAR 1674 - )
- Eliot, John ( - )
- Eliot, Margaret (ABT 1673 - )
- Eliot, Robert ( - )
- Eliot, Walter (14 FEB 1645 - )
- Elizabeth, (1810 - )
- Elizabeth, Wiedemann (JAN 1832 - )
- Ellener, Elizabeth (1749 - )
- Ellener, Robert (1756 - )
- Ellener, Sarah (1761 - )
- Ellener, Susan (1759 - )
- Ellener, William ( - )
- Ellenwood, Elizabeth (13 OCT 1739 - 1784)
- Ellingson, Alex Miles ( - )
- Ellingson, Anna Rae ( - )
- Ellingson, Jacob David ( - )
- Ellingson, Paul David ( - )
- Ellingson, Zachary John ( - )
- Elliot, Agnes (1730 - )
- Elliot, Archibald (29 MAR 1674 - )
- Elliot, Archibald ( - )
- Elliot, Bessie ( - )
- Elliot, Elizabeth (1 JAN 1686 - 17 APR 1728)
- Elliot, Euplen or_Euphen ( - )
- Elliot, Hannah ( - )
- Elliot, Jean ( - )
- Elliot, Jenet ( - )
- Elliot, John ( - )
- Elliot, Margaret ( - )
- Elliot, Marie ( - )
- Elliot, Thomas (ABT 1652 - 23 MAY 1700)
- Elliot, Walter ( - )
- Elliot, Walter ( - )
- Elliot, Walter ( - )
- Elliot, William ( - )
- Elliott, Abigail ( - )
- Elliott, Benjamin (23 JUN 1696 - )
- Elliott, Diana Joan (26 SEP 1935 - )
- Elliott, Helen ( - )
- Elliott, Joseph (2 MAR 1684 - )
- Elliott, Margaret (1832 - )
- Elliott, Marie ( - )
- Elliott, Mary ( - )
- Elliott, Thomas (22 JAN 1681 - )
- Elliott, Wilson ( - )
- Ellis, David ( - )
- Ellis, Dorcas ( - )
- Ellis, Ethena (4 DEC 1788 - 2 JUL 1871)
- Ellis, George ( - )
- Ellis, George Oliver (21 NOV 1878 - )
- Ellis, Gertrude ( - )
- Ellis, Lisa ( - )
- Ellis, Lloyd ( - )
- Ellis, Mary ( - )
- Ellis, Mary ( - )
- Ellis, Minerva (23 SEP 1858 - )
- Ellis, Prudence (1814 - 1893)
- Ellis, Robert (1823 - 1893)
- Ellis, Stephen ( - )
- Ells, Mintie ( - )
- Ellsworth, David Raymond (5 DEC 1927 - 18 MAY 1989)
- Ellsworth, Erik ( - )
- Ellsworth, Josias ( - )
- Ellsworth, Kim ( - )
- Ellsworth, Martha (5 OCT 1680 - )
- Ellsworth, Martha Ruth (19 AUG 1929 - )
- Ellsworth, Paula ( - )
- Ellsworth, Raymond Scrogin ( - )
- Elmore, Athanasius (ABT 1734 - 1784)
- Elmore, Masten (ABT 1772 - 29 OCT 1854)
- Elsing, Abraham ( - MAY 1648)
- Elsing, Hannah (15 AUG 1645 - )
- Elsing, Martha (14 AUG 1646 - )
- Elsing, Sarah (17 MAR 1643/1644 - )
- Elson, Sarah (ABT 1618 - MAY 1676)
- Elwell, Mary (1737 - 1773)
- Emeigh, ( - )
- Emerson, Catherine (20 DEC 1718 - 2 AUG 1809)
- Emerson, Elizabeth ( - )
- Emerson, Mehitabel (30 JAN 1722/1723 - 18 JUL 1811)
- Emerson, Peter ( - )
- Emerson, Thomas ( - )
- Emery, Abigail (15 OCT 1823 - 1897)
- Emery, Angeline (5 JUL 1820 - )
- Emery, Elizabeth (23 JUL 1832 - 1896)
- Emery, George (22 JAN 1845 - 18 SEP 1851)
- Emery, Magdalena (4 OCT 1782 - )
- Emery, Morgan (5 FEB 1842 - 12 MAY 1864)
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GEDCOM file last updated Tue, 13 Mar 2018 12:54:08.
Please send corrections, additions or comments to Sharon Mountford
Created by IGMMak Version 2.X (Program Information)
Copyright 1996 © Randy Winch
A component of the Indexed GEDCOM Method of GenWeb authoring.
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