Mountford Genealogical Database
- Conant, Roger (1626 - 15 JUN 1672)
- Conant, Roger (10 Mar 1668/1669 - 1745)
- Conant, Roger (26 APR 1699 - )
- Conant, Roger (6 DEC 1701 - 22 NOV 1731)
- Conant, Roger ( - )
- Conant, Ruth (28 OCT 1720 - )
- Conant, Ruth (11 APR 1752 - )
- Conant, Ruth ( - )
- Conant, Samuel ( - 4 MAY 1672)
- Conant, Samuel ( - )
- Conant, Sarah (1619 - 30 OCT 1620)
- Conant, Sarah (ABT 1628 - )
- Conant, Sarah (19 Feb 1666/1667 - 1 NOV 1750)
- Conant, Sarah (1669 - )
- Conant, Sarah (25 APR 1714 - )
- Conant, Sarah (20 DEC 1718 - )
- Conant, Sarah (29 APR 1732 - )
- Conant, Sarah (17 OCT 1770 - 2 MAY 1839)
- Conant, Sarah ( - )
- Conant, Thomas (1587 - died young)
- Conant, Thomas (29 MAR 1718 - 20 JUL 1813)
- Conant, Thomas (6 AUG 1763 - 11 FEB 1852)
- Conant, William (19 Feb 1666/1667 - 1754)
- Conant, William (1707 - )
- Conant, William ( - )
- Condon, Catherine Estelle (30 JUN 1892 - )
- Condon, Daniel (27 MAR 1857 - )
- Condon, Helen Merriam (6 OCT 1890 - )
- Cone, Caleb (1679 - 28 SEP 1743)
- Cone, Daniel (1626 - 24 OCT 1706)
- Cone, Daniel (21 Jan 1665/6 - 15 JUN 1725)
- Cone, Ebenezer (ABT 1672 - )
- Cone, Hannah (6 APR 1664 - )
- Cone, Jared (Mar 1667/8 - 11 APR 1718)
- Cone, Mary ( - )
- Cone, Nathaniel (4 JUN 1675 - ABT 1731)
- Cone, Rebecca (6 Feb 1669/70 - )
- Cone, Ruth (7 Jan 1661/2 - )
- Cone, Ruth ( - )
- Cone, Stephen (26 MAR 1678 - 1 DEC 1758)
- Congdon, ( - )
- Congdon, Benjamin ( - )
- Conger, Allen ( - )
- Congo, Arliss Beryl ( - )
- Congo, George ( - )
- Conklin, Hannah (4 MAY 1787 - 16 APR 1860)
- Conklin, John (14 MAR 1672 - 1751)
- Conley, Bernard J. (1902 - 1969)
- Conley, Erin Nicole ( - )
- Conley, Sarah Frances ( - )
- Conley, Steven Jay ( - )
- Connabell, Amy ( - )
- Connally, Sarah ( - )
- Connell, Elizabeth ( - )
- Connell, Giles (1740 - 1804)
- Connell, Giles (6 FEB 1774 - )
- Connell, Hiram (1839 - )
- Connell, James M. (1827 - )
- Connell, John ( - )
- Connell, John H. (9 JUL 1868 - )
- Connell, John Tinsley (1797 - )
- Connell, Lettice ( - )
- Connell, Mary F. (1847 - )
- Connell, Mildred ( - )
- Connell, Nancy (ABT 1785 - 1865)
- Connell, Richard (6 MAR 1803 - )
- Connell, Richard ( - )
- Connell, Sampson (1845 - )
- Connell, Sampson ( - )
- Connell, Susannah ( - )
- Connell, Talitha Morton (1800 - )
- Connell, Virginia A. (10 OCT 1866 - 1957)
- Connell, William (1832 - )
- Connell, William ( - )
- Connell, William ( - )
- Connell, William Fort ( - )
- Connell, Zelicka Foster (1803 - )
- Conner, Sarah ( - )
- Conover, George James ( - )
- Conover, William ( - )
- Conrad, Amphre ( - )
- Conrad, Anna Margaretha (1772 - )
- Conrad, Catherine (22 APR 1786 - 30 SEP 1829)
- Conrad, Catherine ( - )
- Conrad, Christina (30 OCT 1773 - )
- Conrad, Elisabeth (ABT 1765 - )
- Conrad, Elizabeth ( - )
- Conrad, Eunice ( - )
- Conrad, George Peter (15 FEB 1769 - 14 OCT 1827)
- Conrad, Heinrich (30 AUG 1779 - )
- Conrad, Johan Jacob (12 FEB 1785 - )
- Conrad, Johan Melchior (24 AUG 1776 - 12 JUL 1846)
- Conrad, Johann Jacob (9 DEC 1770 - 9 MAR 1778)
- Conrad, Johannes (4 NOV 1781 - )
- Conrad, John (OCT 1795 - SEP 1796)
- Conrad, John Melchior ( - )
- Conrad, Joseph (19 JUN 1789 - )
- Conrad, Joseph ( - )
- Conrad, Louisa (4 DEC 1767 - 22 APR 1851)
- Conrad, Lucinda ( - )
- Conrad, Maria ( - )
- Conrad, Peter ( - BEF 1791)
- Conrad, Sarah (8 JUL 1783 - )
- Conrad, Susanna ( - )
- Conrad, Susannah ( - )
- Conrad, Vines ( - )
- Constable, Abraham ( - )
- Constable, Elmira (18 MAR 1844 - 6 JUL 1945)
- Converse, Abigail (1705 - )
- Converse, Edward ( - )
- Converse, James ( - )
- Converse, John ( - )
- Converse, Mary ( - )
- Conway, Ellen ( - )
- Cook, ( - )
- Cook, Aaron (1610 - 6 SEP 1690)
- Cook, Atwater ( - )
- Cook, Dicy (1835 - )
- Cook, Ebenezer (Ezer) (7 MAY 1731 - )
- Cook, Ebenezer (16 SEP 1698 - )
- Cook, Edward William (10 MAY 1788 - )
- Cook, Elisha ( - )
- Cook, Elizabeth (7 AUG 1653 - )
- Cook, Elizabeth (ABT 1685 - )
- Cook, Hannah (5 JUN 1722 - )
- Cook, Henry ( - )
- Cook, Hopkins (17 JUL 1735 - )
- Cook, Jacob ( - )
- Cook, Joanna ( - )
- Cook, Job (13 OCT 1737 - )
- Cook, John (11 DEC 1726 - )
- Cook, John ( - )
- Cook, John ( - )
- Cook, Joseph (ABT 1680 - )
- Cook, Joseph (13 DEC 1790 - )
- Cook, Lydia (10 AUG 1724 - )
- Cook, Mary (1679 - 24 FEB 1758)
- Cook, Mary (12 MAR 1686 - )
- Cook, Mary (25 JUN 1733 - )
- Cook, Miriam ( - )
- Cook, Moses ( - )
- Cook, Nancy Alta (20 NOV 1797 - 10 APR 1884)
- Cook, Noah (14 JUN 1657 - 1 JUN 1699)
- Cook, Noah (1688 - )
- Cook, Patience (18 JAN 1728 - )
- Cook, Phoebe (ABT 1655 - )
- Cook, Polly (7 SEP 1796 - )
- Cook, Rachel ( - )
- Cook, Roger ( - )
- Cook, Roxilany (1777 - 1852)
- Cook, Samuel (21 NOV 1650 - )
- Cook, Sarah (ABT 1682 - )
- Cook, Sarah (11 FEB 1795 - )
- Cook, Thomas (1839 - )
- Cooke, Aaron (1664 - )
- Cooke, Aaron (3 OCT 1697 - )
- Cooke, Anthony (1504 - 11 JUN 1576)
- Cooke, Eliakim (6 MAY 1693 - )
- Cooke, Elizabeth (1605 - 1674)
- Cooke, Elizabeth ( - 6 DEC 1715)
- Cooke, Elizabeth ( - )
- Cooke, Elizabeth ( - )
- Cooke, Esther (21 MAY 1695 - )
- Cooke, Esther ( - )
- Cooke, Francis (ABT 1583 - 7 APR 1663)
- Cooke, John (1607 - 23 NOV 1695)
- Cooke, John ( - )
- Cooke, Margery ( - )
- Cooke, Mary ( - )
- Cooke, Mildred (24 AUG 1524 - 5 APR 1589)
- Cooke, Mirriam (30 SEP 1690 - 21 DEC 1765)
- Cooke, Sarah ( - )
- Cooke, Thomas ( - )
- Cooksey, ( - )
- Cooksey, Nancy J. (1828 - )
- Cool, Peter ( - )
- Cooley, Aaron (5 NOV 1773 - 27 AUG 1854)
- Cooley, Amy ( - )
- Cooley, Benjamin Dean ( - )
- Cooley, Carilla Jane (1 MAR 1855 - 1 JAN 1929)
- Cooley, Daniel ( - )
- Cooley, Fannie (1846 - )
- Cooley, Frank W. (3 DEC 1875 - 10 OCT 1948)
- Cooley, George (1862 - )
- Cooley, Grant Charles (18 NOV 1865 - 7 APR 1944)
- Cooley, Hannah ( - )
- Cooley, Jacob ( - )
- Cooley, James (ABT 1764 - 1825)
- Cooley, James ( - )
- Cooley, John Clark (1793 - )
- Cooley, John Clark ( - )
- Cooley, Martha ( - )
- Cooley, Mary (Polly) (1762 - )
- Cooley, Mary (18 DEC 1796 - 1 SEP 1879)
- Cooley, Oliver (1825 - 24 OCT 1902)
- Cooley, Robert (16 NOV 1795 - )
- Cooley, Susan (1760 - )
- Cooley, Susan (1857 - )
- Cooley, Susan ( - )
- Cooley, William ( - )
- Coombs, Elizabeth ( - )
- Coombs, Humphrey ( - )
- Coomer, William ( - )
- Coon, Ann ( - )
- Coon, Joshua ( - )
- Coon, Joshua ( - )
- Coon, Nancy ( - )
- Coon, Rachael ( - )
- Coon, William George (29 DEC 1827 - 4 AUG 1903)
- Coontz, Norman ( - )
- Cooper, Alma ( - )
- Cooper, Anne (1792 - 1858)
- Cooper, Betsy (AUG 1848 - )
- Cooper, Elvira ( - )
- Cooper, Hortense ( - )
- Cooper, Judith ( - )
- Cooper, Loma ( - )
- Cooper, Mac ( - )
- Cooper, Ralph ( - )
- Cooper, Sue ( - )
- Cooper, Tacy (1608 - 1697)
- Cooper, Timothy ( - )
- Cope, Ann ( - )
- Copeland, Amos ( - )
- Copeland, David (8 SEP 1788 - )
- Copeland, Esther (11 APR 1785 - 22 NOV 1870)
- Copeland, Eunice (8 MAR 1791 - )
- Copeland, Greenberry (22 OCT 1822 - 21 SEP 1835)
- Copeland, Jonathan (27 SEP 1757 - )
- Copeland, Jonathan (16 OCT 1786 - )
- Copeland, Mary (1852 - )
- Copeland, Phineas (14 MAY 1754 - )
- Copeland, Royal (20 MAR 1793 - )
- Copeland, Samuel ( - )
- Copeland, William (5 AUG 1755 - )
- Copeland, William ( - )
- Copestick, Cynthia ( - )
- Copestick, Danielle ( - )
- Copestick, Danne ( - )
- Copestick, David ( - )
- Copestick, David Lee ( - )
- Copestick, Jennifer Lynn ( - )
- Copestick, John ( - )
- Copestick, John Morgan ( - )
- Copestick, Kristi Anne ( - )
- Copestick, Scott ( - )
- Copley, Ali (1859 - )
- Copley, Genera M. (1867 - )
- Copley, Ira (1851 - )
- Copley, Lindsay (1869 - )
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GEDCOM file last updated Tue, 13 Mar 2018 12:54:08.
Please send corrections, additions or comments to Sharon Mountford
Created by IGMMak Version 2.X (Program Information)
Copyright 1996 © Randy Winch
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