Mountford Genealogical Database
- Yale, Abigail (5 MAY 1660 - )
- Yale, Allen (1793 - 1865)
- Yale, Amerton (27 JUN 1756 - )
- Yale, Anna (8 JUL 1726 - 18 JAN 1729)
- Yale, Anna (12 JAN 1752 - )
- Yale, Anne (ABT 1615 - )
- Yale, Asahel (30 DEC 1761 - 21 OCT 1762)
- Yale, Bradley E. (3 JUN 1914 - APR 1974)
- Yale, Chlotilda (1819 - )
- Yale, daughter ( - )
- Yale, David (1613 - )
- Yale, David ( - )
- Yale, Dean E. (23 SEP 1892 - )
- Yale, Dean Everett (29 MAR 1919 - 9 JAN 1991)
- Yale, Della E. (1856 - )
- Yale, Divan Berry (13 APR 1772 - 23 MAR 1849)
- Yale, Donald Rodney (7 MAY 1916 - 17 OCT 1995)
- Yale, Edson F. (1858 - )
- Yale, Elihu ( - )
- Yale, Elizabeth (29 JAN 1667 - 19 SEP 1701)
- Yale, Elizabeth (20 JUL 1673 - )
- Yale, Fred Silas (18 JUL 1881 - FEB 1971)
- Yale, Gad L. (1813 - )
- Yale, Hannah (6 JUL 1662 - )
- Yale, Hannah (27 JUL 1669 - )
- Yale, Isaac (21 AUG 1848 - )
- Yale, Joel (18 JUL 1754 - 25 APR 1759)
- Yale, Joel (8 JUN 1759 - 14 DEC 1805)
- Yale, John (ABT 1645 - )
- Yale, John (8 DEC 1687 - 6 JAN 1782)
- Yale, Levi (3 JUN 1745 - 17 NOV 1772)
- Yale, Linus (27 APR 1797 - 1857)
- Yale, Linus (4 APR 1821 - 25 DEC 1868)
- Yale, Lois (2 DEC 1737 - 4 FEB 1738/1739)
- Yale, Lois (23 JUL 1747 - ABT 1751)
- Yale, Lois (3 MAY 1769 - )
- Yale, Lucetta ( - 28 SEP 1817)
- Yale, Martha (6 MAY 1655 - BEF 1671)
- Yale, Martha Jane (1919 - )
- Yale, Mary (16 OCT 1650 - )
- Yale, Mary (27 AUG 1684 - BEF 1703)
- Yale, Max R. (9 JAN 1918 - 9 DEC 1997)
- Yale, Miles (1854 - )
- Yale, Milton Graham (4 APR 1914 - AUG 1972)
- Yale, Milton Harvey (9 JAN 1845 - 26 SEP 1920)
- Yale, Nash (4 SEP 1715 - 30 MAR 1802)
- Yale, Nash (29 APR 1744 - 30 SEP 1789)
- Yale, Nathaniel (3 JAN 1652/1653 - 29 OCT 1730)
- Yale, Nathaniel (12 JUL 1681 - )
- Yale, Noah (2 JUN 1723 - 26 FEB 1803)
- Yale, Noah (17 MAR 1749 - )
- Yale, Rebecca (2 OCT 1671 - )
- Yale, Rebecca (9 AUG 1748 - 7 OCT 1748)
- Yale, Rebecca (15 JAN 1768 - 15 NOV 1773)
- Yale, Rodney H. (1865 - )
- Yale, Sarah (7 SEP 1741 - )
- Yale, Theophilus (13 NOV 1675 - )
- Yale, Thomas (1616 - 27 MAR 1683)
- Yale, Thomas (1647 - 26 JAN 1736)
- Yale, Thomas (20 MAR 1678 - )
- Yale, Thomas (16 NOV 1756 - )
- Yale, Thomas ( - )
- Yale, Truman L. (15 MAR 1815 - 9 AUG 1888)
- Yale, William A. ( - )
- Yale, William H. (1926 - )
- Yale, William Truman (1875 - 1943)
- Yanni, Joanne ( - )
- Yarnes, Ella (SEP 1845 - )
- Yates, Dara B. (1876 - )
- Yates, Henry D. (1872 - )
- Yates, Ida Loucinda (1870 - 1946)
- Yates, Joseph ( - )
- Yates, Mary E. (1877 - )
- Yates, Norman (1874 - )
- Yates, Rachel Catherine (24 MAR 1830 - 3 OCT 1920)
- Yates, Richard (1847 - )
- Yentzer, Leila G. (1897 - 1983)
- Yeomans, Arthur J. (1867 - )
- Yeomans, Dorothy ( - )
- Yeomans, Elizabeth (1877 - )
- Yeomans, Fanny (1875 - )
- Yeomans, Francis (1871 - )
- Yeomans, Frederic A. (1869 - )
- Yeomans, George (1862 - )
- Yeomans, George ( - 21 MAY 1840)
- Yeomans, George ( - )
- Yeomans, Hannah ( - )
- Yeomans, Harry (1879 - )
- Yeomans, Margaret ( - )
- Yeomans, Mary ( - )
- Yeomans, William ( - )
- Yeomans, William Henry (1864 - )
- Ynir, (AFT 1100 - )
- Ynir_Vichan, ( - )
- Yopek, George (1905 - )
- Yopek, John (1877 - )
- Yopek, Joseph (1908 - )
- Yopek, Victory Amelia "Nellie" (1903 - )
- York, Betty ( - )
- Young, ( - )
- Young, ( - )
- Young, Achibald Ward (1921 - 1964)
- Young, Anna (1911 - )
- Young, Archibald ( - )
- Young, David H. (FEB 1858 - )
- Young, Elizabeth (1798 - )
- Young, Elizabeth (1867 - )
- Young, Emmote ( - )
- Young, Hamilton Herman (1885 - )
- Young, Isabella ( - )
- Young, James (1874 - )
- Young, James M. (1872 - )
- Young, Jane ( - )
- Young, Jesse (3 FEB 1878 - )
- Young, Mable ( - )
- Young, Pearce ( - )
- Young, Rachel (1871 - )
- Young, Raphael Nesbit (1876 - 1935)
- Young, Robert ( - )
- Young, Rosina ( - )
- Young, Sarah (1639 - )
- Young, Thomas (1869 - )
- Young, William Oliver Perry (1842 - )
- Younger, Clarendon (3 MAR 1777 - 18 SEP 1810)
- Younglove, Hannah (ABT 1678 - 23 NOV 1715)
- Younglove, Hannah ( - 23 NOV 1715)
- Younglove, James ( - )
- Younglove, John ( - )
- Younglove, John ( - )
- Younglove, John ( - )
- Younglove, Joseph (6 NOV 1682 - )
- Younglove, Lydia ( - )
- Younglove, Mary (1673 - 24 JUN 1743)
- Younglove, Samuel (10 FEB 1677 - )
- Younglove, Sarah ( - )
- Youngman, John (1823 - 1866)
- Youngs, John (16 NOV 1649 - )
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GEDCOM file last updated Tue, 13 Mar 2018 12:54:08.
Please send corrections, additions or comments to Sharon Mountford
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Copyright 1996 © Randy Winch
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