Mountford Genealogical Database
- Blackmer, Phebe (4 SEP 1758 - 18 OCT 1788)
- Blackmer, Susanna (11 DEC 1755 - )
- Blackmer, Titus (3 DEC 1767 - )
- Blackstone, ( - )
- Blackwell, John ( - )
- Blague, Joseph /Blake ( - )
- Blake, Elizabeth (16 MAR 1679 - 24 MAR 1720)
- Blake, John ( - )
- Blake, Mary ( - )
- Blakeley, Harry (3 MAY 1792 - 26 JUL 1837)
- Blakeley, Wealthy C. (2 MAY 1828 - 5 MAY 1883)
- Blakely, Darwin (1833 - 1834)
- Blakely, Harriet (1831 - )
- Blakely, Hiram (1 APR 1826 - )
- Blakely, Justus (26 SEP 1821 - )
- Blakely, Nancy ( - )
- Blakely, Otsy O. (1836 - )
- Blakeman, Ebenezer ( - 1715)
- Blakeman, John (1624 - 1662)
- Blakeman, John ( - 1706)
- Blakeman, Joseph ( - )
- Blakeslee, Cyrena (1814 - )
- Blanchard, Abiel ( - )
- Blanchard, Anne (25 JUL 1736 - 29 MAR 1816)
- Blanchard, Hannah ( - )
- Blanchard, Hannah ( - )
- Blanchard, John ( - )
- Blanchard, Joseph ( - )
- Blanchard, Tabitha (27 FEB 1689 - 1 MAR 1764)
- Blanchard, Thomas (1668 - 9 MAR 1727)
- Blanchard, Timothy ( - )
- Blanck, ( - )
- Blanding, Rebecca ( - )
- Blaner, Douglas ( - )
- Blaner, Michael ( - )
- Blaner, Richard ( - )
- Blanket, Elizabeth ( - )
- Blanton, Jilson (1844 - )
- Blender, William (JUL 1856 - )
- Blinman, Richard ( - )
- Bliss, Augusta ( - )
- Bliss, Damaris (25 MAY 1670 - 29 JUN 1672)
- Bliss, Dorothy ( - )
- Bliss, Elizabeth ( - )
- Bliss, Esther ( - )
- Bliss, Freelove (16 NOV 1672 - )
- Bliss, George (1591 - )
- Bliss, Hannah ( - )
- Bliss, John (1645 - )
- Bliss, John (29 SEP 1668 - 18 OCT 1668)
- Bliss, John (22 OCT 1674 - )
- Bliss, Lawrence ( - )
- Bliss, Margaret (1650 - 3 APR 1745)
- Bliss, Mary ( - )
- Bliss, Nathaniel (9 OCT 1781 - )
- Bliss, Nathaniel ( - )
- Bliss, Sally ( - )
- Bliss, Samuel (11 SEP 1783 - )
- Bliss, Sarah (27 NOV 1667 - )
- Bliss, Sarah ( - )
- Bliss, Silvanus ( - )
- Bliss, Thomas ( - )
- Bliss, Timothy ( - )
- Blodgett, Daniel (14 MAY 1631 - 28 JUN 1671/1672)
- Blodgett, Martha (15 SEP 1673 - )
- Blodgett, Mary (15 SEP 1673 - )
- Blodgett, Ruth (28 DEC 1656 - 18 DEC 1695)
- Blodgett, Samuel (ABT 1633 - 21 MAY 1720)
- Blodgett, Samuel (10 DEC 1658 - )
- Blodgett, Sarah (17 FEB 1668 - )
- Blodgett, Susanna (JUN 1637 - 6 FEB 1697/1698)
- Blodgett, Thomas (1605 - 1642)
- Blodgett, Thomas (25 JUN 1654 - 31 MAR 1741)
- Blodgett, Thomas (26 FEB 1661 - )
- Blodgett, Thomas ( - 1730)
- Blom, Hannah (1871 - )
- Blood, Elizabeth ( - )
- Blood, Eunice ( - )
- Blood, James ( - 13 SEP 1692)
- Blood, James ( - )
- Blood, James ( - )
- Blood, Joseph ( - )
- Blood, Mary ( - 19 APR 1662)
- Blood, Nathaniel ( - )
- Blood, Richard ( - 7 DEC 1683)
- Bloom, Elizabeth ( - )
- Bloomfield, George ( - )
- Blossom, Abigail (10 MAY 1760 - )
- Blossom, Abigail (25 JAN 1783 - )
- Blossom, Alea Mary (2 AUG 1819 - )
- Blossom, Allen (26 APR 1787 - )
- Blossom, Allen (1 JAN 1818 - )
- Blossom, Carrie (DEC 1840 - 1900)
- Blossom, Charles Henry (1843 - 13 MAY 1900)
- Blossom, Christopher W. (26 JUL 1838 - 6 MAY 1919)
- Blossom, Churchill (1749 - )
- Blossom, David (12 JAN 1755 - )
- Blossom, Edward (1861 - )
- Blossom, Elizabeth (ABT 1620 - )
- Blossom, Elizabeth (25 JUL 1881 - 20 AUG 1908)
- Blossom, Gertrude ( - )
- Blossom, Hannah (15 AUG 1766 - )
- Blossom, Harry L. (8 MAR 1875 - 6 APR 1963)
- Blossom, Jabez (16 FEB 1680 - )
- Blossom, Joseph (10 DEC 1673 - 3 NOV 1749)
- Blossom, Lena ( - )
- Blossom, Levi (15 APR 1772 - )
- Blossom, Margaret L. (1870 - 1951)
- Blossom, Mercy (AUG 1678 - )
- Blossom, Nellie (SEP 1862 - )
- Blossom, Noah (JAN 1851 - )
- Blossom, Orson (20 NOV 1809 - )
- Blossom, Peter (ABT 1630 - JUL 1706)
- Blossom, Peter (28 AUG 1698 - )
- Blossom, Peter (4 DEC 1756 - )
- Blossom, Ralph ( - )
- Blossom, Robert ( - )
- Blossom, Sarah ( - )
- Blossom, Seth (15 mar 1721/2 - )
- Blossom, Seth (4 DEC 1763 - )
- Blossom, Seth (12 DEC 1784 - 1850)
- Blossom, Seth (1835 - )
- Blossom, Temperance (30 OCT 1780 - )
- Blossom, Thankful (1675 - )
- Blossom, Thomas (ABT 1580 - 1632)
- Blossom, Thomas (ABT 1622 - 22 APR 1650)
- Blossom, Thomas (20 DEC 1667 - )
- Blossom, Thomas ( - )
- Blossom, William (1850 - )
- Blott, Mary ( - )
- Blount, Anne ( - 27 APR 1694)
- Blount, Francis (ABT 1565 - ABT 1628)
- Blount, Jane ( - )
- Blount, William (1595 - )
- Blue, Rebecca ( - )
- Blunden, ( - )
- Bly, ( - )
- Boardman, Anne (1873 - )
- Boardman, Edward (1845 - )
- Boardman, Edward (1878 - )
- Boardman, Elizabeth (1849 - )
- Boardman, Emma (1856 - )
- Boardman, Eunice (29 JUN 1682 - )
- Boardman, Isaac (3 FEB 1642 - )
- Boardman, Isaac (21 JUL 1660 - )
- Boardman, Isaac (21 JUL 1666 - )
- Boardman, James (1871 - )
- Boardman, John (1843 - )
- Boardman, Margaret (1851 - )
- Boardman, Maria (1844 - )
- Boardman, Martha (1666 - )
- Boardman, Mary (19 SEP 1703 - )
- Boardman, Mary ( - )
- Boardman, Mary Ann (ABT 1847 - )
- Boardman, Mehitable ( - )
- Boardman, Prudence (15 AUG 1700 - )
- Boardman, Samuel (7 JUL 1668 - )
- Boardman, Samuel ( - )
- Boardman, Thomas (14 NOV 1671 - )
- Boardman, Thomas (1815 - )
- Boardman, Thomas (1859 - )
- Boardman, Thomas ( - )
- Boardman, William (1840 - )
- Bobo, Absolom (3 MAR 1765 - )
- Bobo, Ann E. (1854 - )
- Bobo, Barham (28 MAR 1776 - )
- Bobo, Burrell (APR 1763 - )
- Bobo, Chaney (25 DEC 1777 - JUL 1844)
- Bobo, Elizabeth (14 FEB 1799 - )
- Bobo, Fannie K. (1857 - )
- Bobo, H. F. (1824 - )
- Bobo, Hiram ( - )
- Bobo, Jeremiah ( - )
- Bobo, Levina ( - )
- Bobo, Marinda (1810 - 8 SEP 1967)
- Bobo, Mary J. (1859 - )
- Bobo, Nancy ( - )
- Bobo, Nancy E. (1858 - )
- Bobo, Nebraska M. (1860 - )
- Bobo, Polly ( - )
- Bobo, Richard ( - )
- Bobo, Sampson (ABT 1735 - 17 APR 1804)
- Bobo, Sampson ( - )
- Bobo, Spencer (29 MAR 1767 - )
- Bobo, William ( - )
- Bobo, Willis (1817 - )
- Bobo, Willis R. (1856 - )
- Bock, Mann (7 APR 1879 - OCT 1975)
- Bodfish, Sarah ( - AFT 1706)
- Boggs, Margaret Elizabeth (15 OCT 1866 - 23 JUL 1966)
- Bohannon, Nancy ( - )
- Bohrer, ( - )
- Bohrer, Isidore (4 SEP 1896 - )
- Bohrer, Tillie (17 MAR 1901 - 25 JUL 1995)
- Boldero, Mary ( - )
- Bolsover, Henrietta B. (1859 - 1946)
- Bolsover, Henry (1827 - )
- Bolsover, Minnie Jane (APR 1864 - 1 AUG 1935)
- Boltwood, Martha (ABT 1650 - 22 SEP 1710)
- Boltwood, Robert ( - )
- Boltwood, Sarah ( - )
- Boltwood, Sarah ( - )
- Bond, Nathaniel (1686 - )
- Bonnell, Charles (1877 - )
- Bonnell, Ethel (1914 - )
- Bonnell, Fletcher (1846 - )
- Bonnell, Gary ( - )
- Bonnell, Raymond (1908 - 1988)
- Booker, Bartholomew ( - )
- Booker, Catherine (1748 - 1 NOV 1800)
- Boone, Orpha ( - )
- Boosey, James ( - )
- Boosey, Mary ( - 1702)
- Boosey, Sarah ( - )
- Booth, ( - )
- Booth, Absolom (1868 - )
- Booth, Albert ( - )
- Booth, Albert Claude (14 JUN 1902 - )
- Booth, Allen Murray ( - )
- Booth, Alonzo (1845 - )
- Booth, Alton B. Parker (13 SEP 1905 - 1970)
- Booth, Anna Marie ( - )
- Booth, Anthony (8 JUN 1884 - 4 MAR 1906)
- Booth, Benjamin Franklin (1847 - )
- Booth, Benjamin Franklin (6 JAN 1888 - 13 JUL 1924)
- Booth, Benjamin Franklin (8 SEP 1920 - )
- Booth, Benjamin Isaac (18 AUG 1877 - 15 SEP 1960)
- Booth, Bennie (1895 - )
- Booth, Charles (1774/1775 - 24 DEC 1821)
- Booth, Charles ( - )
- Booth, Charles ( - )
- Booth, Cosby (7 JUL 1893 - 2 NOV 1968)
- Booth, Cynthia A. (1867 - )
- Booth, Donald Wayne ( - )
- Booth, Dorothy Mae (6 MAY 1915 - )
- Booth, Edgar ( - )
- Booth, Edna (12 JUL 1912 - 1917)
- Booth, Edward Francis ( - )
- Booth, Elizabeth (ABT 1640 - 24 OCT 1732)
- Booth, Elizabeth J. (1849 - )
- Booth, Fisher (28 Dec 1889/91 - 30 OCT 1971)
- Booth, Florence (1892 - )
- Booth, G. B. ( - )
- Booth, Gail (3 MAR 1918 - 22 JUN 1999)
- Booth, George Alton ( - )
- Booth, Glenn Paul ( - )
- Booth, Glenna (24 NOV 1915 - 30 NOV 1961)
- Booth, Gregory ( - )
- Booth, Harold Eugene (10 OCT 1924 - 26 AUG 1995)
- Booth, Hugh ( - )
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GEDCOM file last updated Tue, 13 Mar 2018 12:54:08.
Please send corrections, additions or comments to Sharon Mountford
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Copyright 1996 © Randy Winch
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