Mountford Genealogical Database
- Toth, Nancy Ruth ( - )
- Tottingham, Moses ( - )
- Totton, Betty ( - )
- Touteville, Margaret ( - 1 FEB 1636)
- Tower, Mary ( - )
- Towey, Anthony ( - )
- Towey, Cathy ( - )
- Towey, Mary Lou ( - )
- Towey, William ( - )
- Towner, Aaron ( - )
- Towner, Abraham (ABT 1729 - )
- Towner, Abraham ( - )
- Towner, Anne ( - )
- Towner, Daniel ( - )
- Towner, Daniel ( - )
- Towner, Elizabeth (23 MAR 1710 - )
- Towner, Elizabeth (4 DEC 1778 - 13 JAN 1831)
- Towner, Enoch ( - )
- Towner, Eunice (16 MAY 1720 - )
- Towner, Eunice (ABT 1738 - )
- Towner, Eunice (12 OCT 1775 - 26 APR 1855)
- Towner, Gershom (ABT 1732 - )
- Towner, Gershom (1753 - 4 FEB 1829)
- Towner, John (ABT 1685 - )
- Towner, John (29 JUN 1714 - )
- Towner, John ( - )
- Towner, Joseph ( - )
- Towner, Jospeh (22 APR 1712 - )
- Towner, Olive ( - )
- Towner, Phineas (28 APR 1708 - )
- Towner, Rachel ( - )
- Towner, Rebecca (27 MAR 1718 - )
- Towner, Sarah ( - )
- Townsend, Ann ( - )
- Townsend, Charlotte F. (1859 - 1928)
- Townsend, Daniel ( - )
- Townsend, Dinah (1651 - 18 DEC 1732)
- Townsend, Elizabeth ( - )
- Townsend, George ( - )
- Townsend, Hannah (1706 - )
- Townsend, Hannah ( - )
- Townsend, Henry ( - )
- Townsend, James ( - )
- Townsend, James ( - )
- Townsend, John (1608/1610 - 1669)
- Townsend, John ( - )
- Townsend, John ( - AFT 1715)
- Townsend, John ( - 5 MAR 1721)
- Townsend, Leah ( - )
- Townsend, Nathaniel ( - )
- Townsend, Richard (1671 - )
- Townsend, Richard ( - 1671)
- Townsend, Rose ( - AFT 1689)
- Townsend, Sarah ( - )
- Townsend, Solomon ( - )
- Townsend, Thomas (1680 - )
- Townsend, Thomas ( - )
- Townsend, Thomas ( - )
- Towsey, Elizabeth ( - )
- Towsey, Thomas ( - )
- Tracy, Abiah (15 AUG 1726 - BEF 1728)
- Tracy, Abiah (31 DEC 1728 - )
- Tracy, Abigail (14 AUG 1726 - )
- Tracy, Agnes ( - )
- Tracy, Andrew (5 Feb 1721/2 - )
- Tracy, Ann (29 NOV 1708 - )
- Tracy, Anne (1 MAY 1719 - )
- Tracy, Asa (28 AUG 1745 - )
- Tracy, Daniel (1652 - 29 JUN 1728)
- Tracy, Daniel (3 MAR 1685 - )
- Tracy, Daniel (14 MAR 1738 - )
- Tracy, Daniel ( - )
- Tracy, Deborah (24 SEP 1697 - )
- Tracy, Dorothy (3 MAY 1724 - )
- Tracy, Ebenezer (29 OCT 1716 - )
- Tracy, Eleazer (16 MAR 1728 - )
- Tracy, Elisha (17 MAY 1712 - )
- Tracy, Elizabeth (7 JUL 1676 - 11 NOV 1739)
- Tracy, Elizabeth (16 APR 1698 - )
- Tracy, Elizabeth (21 Jan 1731/2 - )
- Tracy, Elizabeth (1 MAY 1732 - )
- Tracy, Elizabeth (27 MAR 1748 - )
- Tracy, Hezekiah (30 AUG 1702 - )
- Tracy, Hezekiah (1736 - )
- Tracy, Isaac (25 MAY 1706 - )
- Tracy, Isaac ( - )
- Tracy, Jane (JAN 1631/1632 - 16 NOV 1638)
- Tracy, Jedediah (24 SEP 1692 - )
- Tracy, Jeremiah (14 OCT 1682 - )
- Tracy, Jerusha (24 SEP 1697 - )
- Tracy, Jerusha (23 MAY 1723 - )
- Tracy, Jerusha ( - )
- Tracy, John (1633 - 30 MAY 1718)
- Tracy, John (1642 - 16 AUG 1702)
- Tracy, John (19 JAN 1673 - 27 MAR 1726)
- Tracy, John (27 JUN 1700 - 20 AUG 1786)
- Tracy, John (11 FEB 1726 - )
- Tracy, John ( - )
- Tracy, Jonathan (ABT 1646 - )
- Tracy, Joseph (20 APR 1682 - 10 APR 1765)
- Tracy, Joseph (17 OCT 1706 - )
- Tracy, Joshua (27 FEB 1705 - 28 APR 1715)
- Tracy, Joshua (13 AUG 1745 - )
- Tracy, Josiah (10 AUG 1671 - 27 JAN 1672)
- Tracy, Josiah (17 APR 1730 - )
- Tracy, Lucy (23 MAY 1716 - )
- Tracy, Lydia (10 DEC 1716 - )
- Tracy, Margaret (11 MAY 1710 - )
- Tracy, Margaret (16 MAY 1734 - )
- Tracy, Margaret ( - )
- Tracy, Mary (1630 - 1655)
- Tracy, Mary (1639 - 1671)
- Tracy, Mary (4 Jan 1707/8 - )
- Tracy, Mary (10 JAN 1711/1712 - )
- Tracy, Mary (19 NOV 1714 - )
- Tracy, Mary ( - )
- Tracy, Mary ( - )
- Tracy, Miriam (1649/1650 - 1741/1742)
- Tracy, Miriam (22 MAR 1723/1724 - )
- Tracy, Miriam (12 OCT 1751 - )
- Tracy, Nathaniel (19 DEC 1675 - )
- Tracy, Paul ( - )
- Tracy, Phineas (18 Jan 1720/1 - )
- Tracy, Phineas (NOV 1721 - )
- Tracy, Rachel (27 SEP 1740 - )
- Tracy, Rebecca (1623/1624 - 3 DEC 1686)
- Tracy, Ruby (24 FEB 1755 - 18 JUL 1787)
- Tracy, Ruth (1628 - AFT 1655)
- Tracy, Ruth (13 SEP 1711 - )
- Tracy, Samuel (1654 - 11 JAN 1693)
- Tracy, Sarah (1621/1622 - 16 NOV 1708)
- Tracy, Sarah (17 DEC 1677 - )
- Tracy, Sarah (6 JUL 1709 - )
- Tracy, Sarah ( - )
- Tracy, Sarah ( - )
- Tracy, Solomon (11 MAR 1713 - )
- Tracy, Solomon ( - 17 JUN 1751)
- Tracy, Stephen (28 DEC 1596 - 1652/1653)
- Tracy, Stephen (1673 - )
- Tracy, Stephen ( - 22 DEC 1630)
- Tracy, Stephen ( - )
- Tracy, Theophilus (14 SEP 1742 - )
- Tracy, Thomas (1610 - 7 NOV 1685)
- Tracy, Thomas (1644 - APR 1721)
- Tracy, Thomas (15 JUN 1687 - )
- Tracy, Thomas ( - )
- Tracy, William ( - )
- Tracy, Winslow (9 FEB 1689 - )
- Tracy, Zerviah (14 DEC 1714 - )
- Trahan, Mary Joyce (MAY 1928 - )
- Train, Elizabeth (1796 - )
- Tranter, Selina ( - )
- Tranter, William ( - )
- Trask, ( - )
- Trask, Joseph ( - )
- Trask, Mary ( - )
- Trask, Sarah ( - )
- Traver, Henry ( - )
- Travis, Susanna ( - 15 MAR 1630/1631)
- Travis, William ( - )
- Treat, Abigail (6 DEC 1692 - )
- Treat, Abigail (13 FEB 1752 - )
- Treat, Alice ( - bur. 2 AUG 1633)
- Treat, Anna (1699 - )
- Treat, Catharine (26 AUG 1706 - )
- Treat, Charles (29 JAN 1693 - 4 OCT 1742)
- Treat, Charles (28 FEB 1696 - )
- Treat, Charles (30 SEP 1742 - 15 DEC 1742)
- Treat, Charles (4 JUL 1752 - 5 NOV 1753)
- Treat, Charles (13 JUN 1756 - )
- Treat, Dorotheus (28 AUG 1704 - )
- Treat, Dorothy (1703 - )
- Treat, Dorothy (25 AUG 1704 - )
- Treat, Elisha (3 APR 1720 - 1 NOV 1778)
- Treat, Elisha (4 JUL 1752 - 1794)
- Treat, Elizabeth ( - )
- Treat, Eunice (26 JAN 1699 - )
- Treat, Eunice (5 FEB 1754 - )
- Treat, Hannah (5 SEP 1749 - )
- Treat, Honour ( - )
- Treat, Isaac (15 AUG 1701 - 21 AUG 1764)
- Treat, James (1 APR 1666 - 18 FEB 1742)
- Treat, James (1699 - )
- Treat, James (2 SEP 1701 - 1 MAY 1762)
- Treat, James (18 JUN 1733 - )
- Treat, James (13 NOV 1758 - )
- Treat, James ( - 12 FEB 1708/1709)
- Treat, Jemima (15 MAR 1668 - 25 MAY 1727)
- Treat, Jemima (1714 - )
- Treat, Jerusha (ABT 1678 - 15 JAN 1754)
- Treat, Jerusha (1704 - )
- Treat, Jerusha (14 MAR 1707 - )
- Treat, Joanna ( - OCT 1694)
- Treat, John (23 AUG 1733 - )
- Treat, John (24 SEP 1758 - )
- Treat, John (14 APR 1759 - )
- Treat, John ( - )
- Treat, Joseph (1680 - 15 SEP 1756)
- Treat, Katherine ( - )
- Treat, Mabel ( - )
- Treat, Mary (8 OCT 1666 - 1 JAN 1748)
- Treat, Mary (9 JAN 1710 - 12 FEB 1735)
- Treat, Mary (17 MAR 1715 - )
- Treat, Mary (17 MAY 1747 - )
- Treat, Oliver (31 MAY 1705 - )
- Treat, Oliver (9 NOV 1749 - )
- Treat, Prudence (23 APR 1697/1698 - )
- Treat, Prudence (1706 - )
- Treat, Prudence (13 MAR 1748 - )
- Treat, Prudence (30 JUN 1805 - 24 AUG 1895)
- Treat, Prudence ( - )
- Treat, Rebecca (1686 - 26 DEC 1753)
- Treat, Rebecca (1710 - )
- Treat, Richard (14 FEB 1661/1662 - )
- Treat, Richard (ABT 1675 - 7 MAY 1713)
- Treat, Richard (14 MAY 1694 - 1756)
- Treat, Richard ( - 1669/1670)
- Treat, Richard ( - 1693)
- Treat, Robert (1621 - 12 JUL 1710)
- Treat, Salmon (ABT 1672 - 6 JAN 1762)
- Treat, Samuel (1669 - 5 MAR 1732)
- Treat, Samuel (1712 - )
- Treat, Sarah (8 JUN 1664 - 26 JAN 1711)
- Treat, Sarah (21 JAN 1707 - )
- Treat, Sarah (1708 - )
- Treat, Sarah ( - )
- Treat, Susannah ( - 1705)
- Treat, Thomas (12 DEC 1668 - 17 FEB 1712/1713)
- Treat, Thomas (3 MAY 1699 - )
- Tredwell, Abigail ( - )
- Tredwell, John ( - )
- Trego, Mary ( - )
- Trians, Ananias ( - )
- Triplett, John ( - )
- Tripp, Edwin (1855 - )
- Tripp, Eva (1879 - )
- Tripp, John (7 SEP 1665 - )
- Trott, John (1458 - )
- Trott, Richard (1510 - ABT 1571)
- Trott, Robert ( - bur. 16 FEB 1598/1599)
- Trott, William (ABT 1489 - )
- Trow, George (1665 - 1749)
- Trow, William ( - )
- Trowbridge, Hannah L. (16 AUG 1818 - 26 MAY 1872)
- Trowbridge, James ( - )
- Trowbridge, Stephen ( - )
- Truant, Hannah ( - )
- Truesdale, Samuel ( - )
- Truesdale, Samuel ( - )
- Trumble, Margaret ( - )
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GEDCOM file last updated Tue, 13 Mar 2018 12:54:08.
Please send corrections, additions or comments to Sharon Mountford
Created by IGMMak Version 2.X (Program Information)
Copyright 1996 © Randy Winch
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