Mountford Genealogical Database
- Rumsey, Elijah (ABT 1838 - )
- Rumsey, Elijah ( - BEF 1860)
- Rumsey, Margaret (ABT 1830 - )
- Rumsey, Rachel (6 OCT 1671 - 14 JUN 1738)
- Rumsey, Robert ( - 1710)
- Rumsey, Sarah F. (ABT 1820 - )
- Runtdell, Abigail ( - )
- Runyon, Charity ( - )
- Runyon, Elizabeth Kindred ( - )
- Runyon, Isaac ( - )
- Runyon, Isaac ( - )
- Runyon, John ( - )
- Runyon, Joseph (1781 - 1853)
- Runyon, Martha ( - )
- Runyon, Milly Ann ( - )
- Runyon, Nancy ( - )
- Runyon, Polly ( - )
- Ruppert, John F. (1876 - )
- Rupple, Roxie F. ( - )
- Rury, Charles (1860 - )
- Rury, Frederick B. (1824 - )
- Rury, Hattie (1870 - )
- Rury, Julia (AUG 1852 - )
- Rury, Minnie (1865 - )
- Rury, Sarah Kitty (1856 - )
- Rushing, Virgie Viola (1900 - 1990)
- Russell, ( - )
- Russell, Alice (1687 - )
- Russell, Alice (3 MAY 1702 - )
- Russell, Annest ( - )
- Russell, Catherine ( - )
- Russell, Edith (11 APR 1900 - 12 MAY 1989)
- Russell, Elizabeth ( - )
- Russell, FLorence G. (1863 - )
- Russell, James (ABT 1742 - 15 MAY 1809)
- Russell, James (1772 - )
- Russell, James W. (1835 - )
- Russell, James W. ( - )
- Russell, Jane (1706 - )
- Russell, Jane (19 APR 1806 - 18 JAN 1889)
- Russell, John (26 FEB 1597 - 8 MAY 1680)
- Russell, John (1698 - )
- Russell, John (1723 - )
- Russell, John ( - )
- Russell, John ( - )
- Russell, Martha (24 JUN 1716 - 30 SEP 1770)
- Russell, Mary (1714 - )
- Russell, Mary ( - )
- Russell, Mary ( - )
- Russell, Mary A. ( - )
- Russell, Nancy ( - )
- Russell, Peter ( - )
- Russell, Philip ( - )
- Russell, Phillip ( - )
- Russell, Rebecca ( - )
- Russell, Robert (1704 - )
- Russell, Robert ( - )
- Russell, Robert ( - )
- Russell, Samuel ( - )
- Russell, Samuel ( - )
- Russell, Sarah (1718 - 1763)
- Russell, Sarah ( - )
- Russell, Simon (1690 - )
- Russell, Simon (1713 - )
- Russell, Simon ( - )
- Russell, Stephen (1768 - )
- Russell, Stephen ( - SEP 1677)
- Russell, Susan Sukey (1755 - 15 APR 1830)
- Russell, Temperance ( - 1681)
- Russell, Thomas (1683 - NOV 1683)
- Russell, Thomas (1684 - )
- Russell, Timothy ( - )
- Russell, Ulysses ( - )
- Rust, Mary ( - )
- Rust, Sarah ( - )
- Rutenbar, Amanda (1825 - )
- Rutherford, Andrew (ABT 1794 - )
- Rutherford, Andrew (MAY 1873 - )
- Rutherford, Andrew Harrison (JUL 1840 - )
- Rutherford, Ann Sessions (10 MAR 1825 - 7 JAN 1898)
- Rutherford, Carrie (MAY 1864 - )
- Rutherford, Edith (1863 - 16 MAY 1941)
- Rutherford, Edward (26 JUN 1860 - 20 SEP 1935)
- Rutherford, Edward (JAN 1871 - )
- Rutherford, Edward Norton (16 FEB 1895 - 2 JUL 1972)
- Rutherford, Eliza Ann (1838 - )
- Rutherford, Elizabeth ( - )
- Rutherford, Eva (AUG 1875 - )
- Rutherford, George (1869 - )
- Rutherford, Grace (1871 - 1905)
- Rutherford, Idell (APR 1880 - )
- Rutherford, Issobell ( - )
- Rutherford, Jane (ABT 1834 - BEF 1880)
- Rutherford, Jenot ( - )
- Rutherford, Joseph Harrison (18 AUG 1835 - 19 NOV 1908)
- Rutherford, Josephine Elizabeth (2 FEB 1890 - JUN 1977)
- Rutherford, Kittie (1874 - )
- Rutherford, Margaret (ABT 1713 - )
- Rutherford, Mary (1830 - 1903)
- Rutherford, Mary Ann ( - )
- Rutherford, Mary Ann ( - )
- Rutherford, Mary Minnie (1867 - )
- Rutherford, Maxine Diana (15 NOV 1933 - )
- Rutherford, Nana Jo (30 MAR 1935 - )
- Rutherford, Sarah Elizabeth (1866 - )
- Rutherford, Virginia Jane (1819 - 20 FEB 1879)
- Rutherford, William ( - )
- Rutherford, William Mather (1804 - 14 SEP 1889)
- Rutter, Jane ( - 22 NOV 1739)
- Rutter, Obed ( - )
- Rutter, Zibia ( - )
- Ryan, Elizabeth (1801 - )
- Ryan, Virginia ( - )
- Ryder, Elizabeth ( - )
- Ryder, Mary ( - )
- Ryder, Samuel ( - )
- Ryderick_le_Gros, ( - )
- Ryley, Elizabeth E. (1849 - )
- Ryley, Sarah (1844 - )
- Ryley, Thomas (1817 - )
- Ryves, Lucy (1530 - )
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GEDCOM file last updated Tue, 13 Mar 2018 12:54:08.
Please send corrections, additions or comments to Sharon Mountford
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Copyright 1996 © Randy Winch
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