Mountford Genealogical Database
- Oliphant, Elizabeth (28 FEB 1823 - AFT 1880)
- Oliphant, Jane Farrar ( - )
- Oliphant, Rhoda E. (1857 - )
- Oliphant, Robert ( - )
- Oliver, Andrew (1820 - )
- Oliver, Cornelius (1787 - )
- Oliver, Edward (1880 - )
- Oliver, Elizabeth (28 FEB 1639 - 31 MAY 1712)
- Oliver, Fred (1852 - )
- Oliver, Gene (Jene) (1810/1820 - )
- Oliver, Harrison (1879 - )
- Oliver, James ( - MAR 1859)
- Oliver, John ( - )
- Oliver, John E. (1859 - )
- Oliver, Magdalen ( - )
- Oliver, Mary Anne (1856 - )
- Oliver, Mary Denison (4 APR 1789 - 1840)
- Oliver, Miranda S. (1832 - 1858)
- Oliver, Polly ( - )
- Oliver, Rachel Sarah (1855 - )
- Olmstead, ( - )
- Olmstead, Damaris (28 MAY 1699 - )
- Olmstead, Daniel (28 SEP 1701 - )
- Olmstead, Edwin (1848 - 1904)
- Olmstead, Eunice (1842 - )
- Olmstead, Franklin (1844 - 1913)
- Olmstead, Freeborn G. (1803 - 1855)
- Olmstead, Hannah (26 JAN 1704 - )
- Olmstead, Harmon (1833 - 1915)
- Olmstead, Henry (1849 - )
- Olmstead, James (ABT 1551 - 2 DEC 1595)
- Olmstead, James ( - )
- Olmstead, James ( - BEF 28 SEP 1640)
- Olmstead, Jerusha (28 MAR 1706 - )
- Olmstead, John ( - )
- Olmstead, John ( - BEF 1689)
- Olmstead, Lucretia (1838 - )
- Olmstead, Mortimer (1840 - 1918)
- Olmstead, Nehemiah ( - )
- Olmstead, Nicholas (FEB 1612/1613 - 31 AUG 1684)
- Olmstead, Peleg (1837 - )
- Olmstead, Rebecca (10 OCT 1697 - )
- Olmstead, Rebecca ( - )
- Olmstead, Richard ( - )
- Olmstead, Sarah (1 JAN 1696 - )
- Olmstead, Sarah Maria "Sally" (1779 - 6 SEP 1845)
- Olmstead, Stephen (1 JAN 1694 - )
- Olmstead, Thomas (25 JUN 1657 - BEF 28 MAY 1741)
- Olmstead, Thomas (10 AUG 1692 - )
- Olney, Abigail ( - )
- Olney, Anne (13 JAN 1668 - 26 OCT 1745)
- Olney, Deborah (30 JUL 1708 - 6 MAY 1729)
- Olney, Discovered (ABT 1638 - )
- Olney, Elizabeth (31 JAN 1666 - 2 NOV 1699)
- Olney, Epenetus (18 JAN 1674/1675 - 1740)
- Olney, Epenetus ( - 3 JUN 1698)
- Olney, Freeborn ( - )
- Olney, James (ABT 1644 - OCT 1676)
- Olney, James (9 NOV 1670 - 6 OCT 1744)
- Olney, James ( - )
- Olney, John (24 OCT 1678 - 9 NOV 1754)
- Olney, John (9 MAY 1699 - )
- Olney, Katherine (11 AUG 1701 - )
- Olney, Lydia (1645 - 9 SEP 1724)
- Olney, Lydia (26 JAN 1668 - 1728)
- Olney, Lydia (7 JUL 1714 - )
- Olney, Lydia (7 NOV 1716 - 3 AUG 1770)
- Olney, Martha (16 MAY 1707 - 1793)
- Olney, Mary (ABT 1643 - 1676)
- Olney, Mary (13 JAN 1668 - 1725)
- Olney, Mercy (1684 - 28 JUL 1752)
- Olney, Nedabiah (AUG 1637 - ABT 1659)
- Olney, Phebe (15 SEP 1675 - )
- Olney, Richard (4 NOV 1711 - )
- Olney, Sarah (10 SEP 1672 - )
- Olney, Stephen (ABT 1640 - 1689)
- Olney, Thomas (BEF 1605 - AFT 16 JUN 1682)
- Olney, Thomas (7 MAY 1661 - 1718)
- Olney, Thomas (18 MAY 1686 - 28 JUL 1752)
- Olney, Thomas (26 APR 1706 - )
- Olney, Thomas ( - 11 JUN 1722)
- Olney, William (25 JUN 1663 - )
- Olney, William (6 OCT 1694 - )
- Olofsdotter, Christina ( - )
- Olsen, ( - )
- Ophelia, (MAR 1850 - )
- Opp, Mary (ABT 1633 - 20 AUG 1670)
- Orcutt, Susanna (20 FEB 1617/1618 - 18 OCT 1699)
- Orland, Thankful ( - )
- Ormiston, Adam ( - )
- Ormiston, Agnes Nancy (2 SEP 1813 - 2 NOV 1877)
- Ormiston, Anna H. ( - )
- Ormiston, Betty (1810 - )
- Ormiston, Charles ( - )
- Ormiston, Edwin Donald (28 FEB 1902 - 13 NOV 1990)
- Ormiston, Eleanor Murray (14 NOV 1809 - )
- Ormiston, Elizabeth ( - )
- Ormiston, Elizabeth Betsy (26 OCT 1802 - 22 MAR 1881)
- Ormiston, Eva May ( - )
- Ormiston, Fanny ( - )
- Ormiston, Frank J. ( - )
- Ormiston, George ( - )
- Ormiston, Grace ( - )
- Ormiston, Harry ( - )
- Ormiston, Helen E. (1900 - )
- Ormiston, James (1684 - 1713)
- Ormiston, James ( - )
- Ormiston, James Graham (14 AUG 1818 - 22 APR 1883)
- Ormiston, James Lee (19 FEB 1862 - AFT 1932)
- Ormiston, James M. ( - )
- Ormiston, Jane or_Jean H. (17 DEC 1804 - )
- Ormiston, Janet (1805 - )
- Ormiston, Jennette (15 MAY 1845 - )
- Ormiston, John (13 JUL 1806 - )
- Ormiston, John ( - )
- Ormiston, John ( - )
- Ormiston, Linda Rebecca (28 JUL 1896 - )
- Ormiston, Lloyd Boggs (19 SEP 1896 - 11 MAR 1971)
- Ormiston, Lois Jane (19 SEP 1896 - )
- Ormiston, Margaret (14 JAN 1808 - 1815)
- Ormiston, Marian Rebecca (4 MAY 1908 - )
- Ormiston, Marjorie Katherine (4 MAY 1908 - )
- Ormiston, Mary (1851 - )
- Ormiston, Mary ( - )
- Ormiston, Mary J (1890 - )
- Ormiston, Myron ( - )
- Ormiston, Nancy (12 FEB 1832 - )
- Ormiston, Nancy J. (25 JAN 1858 - )
- Ormiston, Ralph Graham (28 JUL 1903 - )
- Ormiston, Robert (1696 - 1740)
- Ormiston, Robert (1803 - )
- Ormiston, Robert ( - )
- Ormiston, Robert St._John (23 JUN 1900 - )
- Ormiston, Ruth (15 JUN 1894 - )
- Ormiston, Sarah Ann (27 DEC 1815 - 14 JUN 1886)
- Ormiston, Susan Caroline ( - )
- Ormiston, Thomas (31 JAN 1856 - 22 NOV 1919)
- Ormiston, Walter (1800 - )
- Ormiston, Walter ( - )
- Ormiston, Walter ( - ABT 1818)
- Ormiston, Wendell (24 DEC 1891 - 29 DEC 1965)
- Ormiston, William (1780 - 29 MAR 1864)
- Ormiston, William (1807 - )
- Ormiston, William (21 DEC 1829 - 30 JUL 1900)
- Ormiston, William (JAN 1854 - 19 SEP 1856)
- Ormiston, William (14 MAR 1866 - 31 MAR 1932)
- Ormiston, William Lee (21 DEC 1892 - )
- Ormiston, William St._John (BEF 1932 - )
- Ormiston, Wilmot (1902 - )
- Ormsby, Daniel Orson ( - BEF 1880)
- Ormsby, Lucinda Green (16 JUL 1843 - 8 JUL 1915)
- Ormsby, Orson Satterlee (1 MAY 1857 - )
- Ormsby, Walter G. (1860 - )
- Orr, Jeanette (1842 - 1929)
- Orrick, William ( - 1723)
- Orrick, William ( - )
- Orton, Lois (30 MAR 1828 - )
- Orton, Margaret ( - )
- Orvis, George ( - )
- Osborn, Elizabeth (1727 - )
- Osborn, Elizabeth (1803 - )
- Osborn, Howes (1722/3 - )
- Osborn, John ( - )
- Osborn, John ( - )
- Osborn, John Capt. (ABT 1683 - 13 OCT 1760)
- Osborn, Margaret (Peggy) (14 DEC 1820 - 4 JAN 1896)
- Osborn, Martha (1730 - )
- Osborn, Mary (1721 - )
- Osborn, Mary ( - )
- Osborn, Mary ( - )
- Osborn, Phoebe ( - )
- Osborn, Sarah (1728 - )
- Osborn, Sarah ( - )
- Osborn, Thankful (1725 - )
- Osborn, William Thomas ( - )
- Osborne, Allen ( - )
- Osborne, Betty ( - )
- Osborne, Carl ( - )
- Osborne, Charles (1869 - )
- Osborne, Fred (MAY 1893 - )
- Osborne, Fred ( - )
- Osborne, Gallie (MAR 1891 - )
- Osborne, Hannah (9 OCT 1763 - 27 OCT 1825)
- Osborne, Harriet (1863 - )
- Osborne, Jameson (26 NOV 1866 - )
- Osborne, Jean (28 MAR 1926 - )
- Osborne, John (ABT 1598 - )
- Osborne, John (1874 - )
- Osborne, Samuel (SEP 1829 - )
- Osborne, Samuel (1872 - )
- Osborne, Sanders (1878 - )
- Osborne, Sarah (1864 - )
- Osbourne, Ruel ( - )
- Osburn, Elizabeth Riggs (1858 - )
- Osburn, John ( - )
- Oschmann, Anne Louise (3 APR 1912 - 27 JUN 1974)
- Oschmann, August ( - )
- Oschmann, Carl (9 FEB 1834 - 29 MAR 1834)
- Oschmann, Carl August (14 AUG 1840 - )
- Oschmann, Carl Frederick William (20 FEB 1895 - SEP 1969)
- Oschmann, Caroline (6 DEC 1837 - 20 FEB 1842)
- Oschmann, David Lyndale ( - )
- Oschmann, Edward John (15 MAY 1880 - 14 MAY 1961)
- Oschmann, Edward John (18 JUL 1907 - NOV 1984)
- Oschmann, Edward Logan (Bud) (1 JUN 1909 - 3 JAN 1969)
- Oschmann, Elizabeth Wilhelmina (14 APR 1882 - 29 NOV 1955)
- Oschmann, Ferdinand Carl (11 OCT 1845 - 21 DEC 1906)
- Oschmann, Ferdinand Gottlieb Fred (8 DEC 1878 - 16 OCT 1940)
- Oschmann, Francis Bernard ( - )
- Oschmann, Francis William (26 JAN 1909 - 21 APR 1988)
- Oschmann, Fred Warren (22 MAY 1912 - )
- Oschmann, Gottlieb ( - )
- Oschmann, Helen Marjorie (7 AUG 1920 - NOV 1976)
- Oschmann, Helena Margretha (22 JUL 1888 - 6 AUG 1955)
- Oschmann, Henriette (ABT 1828 - 4 SEP 1850)
- Oschmann, James Logan ( - )
- Oschmann, Johan Eduard ( - )
- Oschmann, Johan Friedrich ( - )
- Oschmann, Johann (28 MAY 1843 - )
- Oschmann, Keith William ( - )
- Oschmann, Marie (1829 - )
- Oschmann, Oliver (1886 - 1887)
- Oschmann, Thomas Frederick (2 OCT 1938 - )
- Oschmann, Thomas Richard ( - )
- Oschmann, William Oliver (1 MAY 1884 - 3 DEC 1919)
- Oschmann, William Oliver (27 AUG 1907 - AFT 1964)
- Osgood, Eliza (DEC 1800 - AFT 1855)
- Osgood, Rebecca ( - )
- Osland, Humphrey ( - )
- Osland, John ( - )
- Osmond, Thomas ( - )
- Osmun, Sarah (JAN 1832 - )
- Ostrander, Ellis ( - )
- Ostrander, James W. (20 JUL 1825 - )
- Ostrander, Nellie (JUN 1865 - 1934)
- Ostrander, Nettie (BEF 1854 - )
- Otis, Job (20 MAR 1677 - 1758)
- Otis, John ( - )
- Otte, Dora (1878 - )
- Ousmare, Mary ( - )
- Overed, Anne ( - )
- Overed, Frances (6 MAY 1766 - 1 SEP 1844)
- Overed, James ( - )
- Overed, John ( - )
- Overed, John ( - )
- Overed, Susan ( - 20 JAN 1722)
- Overed, Thomas ( - )
- Overland, Ann (1807 - )
- Overland, James ( - )
- Owen, Brenda Lee ( - )
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GEDCOM file last updated Tue, 13 Mar 2018 12:54:08.
Please send corrections, additions or comments to Sharon Mountford
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Copyright 1996 © Randy Winch
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