Mountford Genealogical Database
- Mason, Anne (28 AUG 1688 - )
- Mason, Annie (1902 - 1950)
- Mason, Barbara (24 OCT 1718 - )
- Mason, Bela (2 OCT 1762 - )
- Mason, Bela (4 OCT 1764 - )
- Mason, Benjamin (20 OCT 1670 - AUG 1740)
- Mason, Benjamin (29 AUG 1736 - )
- Mason, Benjamin ( - )
- Mason, Bethiah (15 OCT 1665 - 23 MAY 1688)
- Mason, Betsey (1 MAR 1786 - )
- Mason, Charles (16 AUG 1713 - )
- Mason, Christopher (6 JUL 1702 - )
- Mason, Daniel (APR 1652 - )
- Mason, Daniel (8 JUL 1685 - BEF 28 DEC 1753)
- Mason, Edmond (7 SEP 1734 - )
- Mason, Edward ( - BEF 11 JUN 1640)
- Mason, Elihu (1 JAN 1696 - )
- Mason, Elisha (11 JAN 1698 - )
- Mason, Elisha (14 APR 1799 - )
- Mason, Elizabeth (1635 - )
- Mason, Elizabeth (AUG 1654 - 8 OCT 1684)
- Mason, Elizabeth (5 MAY 1689 - )
- Mason, Elizabeth (18 JUN 1707 - )
- Mason, Elizabeth (2 OCT 1752 - )
- Mason, Elizabeth ( - )
- Mason, Freelove (5 JUN 1695 - 1737)
- Mason, Hanna (1622 - )
- Mason, Hannah (ABT 1687 - 1717)
- Mason, Hannah (2 DEC 1690 - 14 JUL 1716)
- Mason, Hannah (11 MAY 1698 - )
- Mason, Hannah ( - )
- Mason, Hephzebah (10 DEC 1709 - )
- Mason, Hepsibeth ( - )
- Mason, Hezekiah ( - )
- Mason, Hezekiah ( - )
- Mason, Isaac (15 JUL 1667 - 25 JAN 1740/1741)
- Mason, James (30 OCT 1661 - )
- Mason, James (18 MAR 1684 - )
- Mason, James (27 APR 1793 - )
- Mason, James (1871 - )
- Mason, Jerusha (7 AUG 1797 - )
- Mason, Jesse (30 MAR 1795 - )
- Mason, Job (28 FEB 1695 - )
- Mason, John (1600 - 30 JAN 1672)
- Mason, John (AUG 1646 - )
- Mason, John (23 SEP 1660 - 18 MAR 1682/1683)
- Mason, John (28 NOV 1680 - 27 AUG 1716)
- Mason, Joseph (6 MAR 1662/1663 - 19 MAY 1748)
- Mason, Joseph (30 APR 1687 - )
- Mason, Joseph (25 APR 1744 - )
- Mason, Josiah (11 APR 1748 - )
- Mason, Luther M. (1790 - )
- Mason, Lydia (7 NOV 1704 - )
- Mason, Lydia ( - 26 OCT 1756)
- Mason, Lydia ( - )
- Mason, Martha (16 JUN 1693 - )
- Mason, Martha (6 MAY 1740 - )
- Mason, Mary (1629 - )
- Mason, Mary (7 FEB 1659/1660 - 29 AUG 1714)
- Mason, Mary (12 DEC 1682 - 4 FEB 1754)
- Mason, Mary (17 APR 1746 - )
- Mason, Mary ( - )
- Mason, Melatiah ( - )
- Mason, Nancy ( - )
- Mason, Noah (26 OCT 1651 - 2 MAR 1698/1699)
- Mason, Noah (17 DEC 1678 - )
- Mason, Pelatiah (1 APR 1669 - 29 MAR 1763)
- Mason, Pelatiah (16 DEC 1711 - )
- Mason, Priscilla (OCT 1641 - )
- Mason, Rachel (OCT 1648 - )
- Mason, Robert (ABT 1600 - 28 MAY 1644)
- Mason, Robert (1632 - )
- Mason, Robert (20 APR 1738 - )
- Mason, Rufus (16 MAY 1788 - )
- Mason, Russel (21 APR 1714 - )
- Mason, Sampson (1624 - 7 SEP 1676)
- Mason, Sampson (ABT 1653 - )
- Mason, Samuel (JUL 1644 - )
- Mason, Samuel (15 FEB 1657 - 21 APR 1742/1743)
- Mason, Samuel (9 JUN 1683 - )
- Mason, Samuel (30 JAN 1701 - )
- Mason, Sara (1628 - )
- Mason, Sarah (15 FEB 1657/1658 - 1712)
- Mason, Sarah (1 FEB 1688 - )
- Mason, Sarah (1 APR 1742 - )
- Mason, Sibbel Norcross (25 AUG 1803 - )
- Mason, Thankful (27 OCT 1672 - AFT 1743)
- Mason, Thomas ( - )
- Mason, Timothy (17 MAR 1687 - )
- Mason, William ( - )
- Mason, Winnifred Wade (1908 - )
- Massey, Jane (22 APR 1798 - )
- Massey, John ( - )
- Masten, Alonzo L. (OCT 1852 - 1938)
- Masten, Jessie Gorton (26 NOV 1882 - )
- Masten, Josephine Lillian (12 DEC 1886 - )
- Masten, Mary Agnes (11 NOV 1877 - 5 OCT 1889)
- Masters, Elizabeth ( - )
- Masters, John ( - )
- Masters, John ( - )
- Masters, Lydia ( - )
- Masterson, Sarah ( - )
- Matheny, Kessey Jane (20 APR 1884 - 20 OCT 1941)
- Mather, ( - )
- Mather, Atherton (1663 - )
- Mather, Catherine (5 JAN 1717 - )
- Mather, Eliakim (10 JUL 1715 - )
- Mather, Jerusha (18 JUL 1700 - )
- Mather, Joshua (26 NOV 1706 - )
- Mather, Katheren (1655 - )
- Mather, Mary (9 MAR 1710 - )
- Mather, Nathaniel (1658 - )
- Mather, Richard (1653 - )
- Mather, Richard (31 MAR 1708 - )
- Mather, Samuel (1651 - )
- Mather, Thomas (5 APR 1713 - )
- Mather, Timothy ( - )
- Mather, William (2 MAR 1697 - )
- Mathews, Annie (1838 - )
- Mathews, Caroline (1850 - )
- Mathews, Charles (1866 - )
- Mathews, Cheny (1851 - )
- Mathews, Cornelius (25 JUN 1803 - 23 NOV 1885)
- Mathews, Daniel (1841 - )
- Mathews, Edgar (1878 - )
- Mathews, Elizabeth (1843 - )
- Mathews, Helen (1854 - )
- Mathews, Sylvanus E. ( - )
- Mathewson, Abigail ( - )
- Mathewson, Albert A. ( - )
- Mathewson, Elizabeth ( - )
- Mathewson, Fannie ( - )
- Mathewson, Lydia ( - )
- Mathis, Martha ( - )
- Mattern, Andrew David ( - )
- Mattern, Jarrod Michael ( - )
- Mattern, Karl Daniel (Butch) ( - )
- Mattern, Melanie Ann ( - )
- Mattern, Shaun Daniel ( - )
- Matteson, Elizabeth ( - )
- Matteson, Francis (15 MAR 1680 - 1751)
- Matteson, Francis ( - )
- Matteson, Hannah (10 OCT 1706 - 16 MAY 1752)
- Matteson, Hannah ( - )
- Matteson, Henry ( - )
- Matteson, Henry ( - )
- Matteson, Job ( - )
- Matteson, John (10 DEC 1704 - )
- Matteson, Mary (21 NOV 1725 - )
- Matteson, Mercy ( - 1788)
- Matteson, Sarah (13 APR 1703 - )
- Matteson, Thomas ( - )
- Matthews, Charlotte (1802 - )
- Matthews, James ( - )
- Matthews, Maria (1829 - )
- Mattison, Galen ( - )
- Mattock, Richard ( - )
- Mattson, Brita ( - )
- Maverick, Elias ( - )
- Maverick, Moses ( - )
- Maverick, Sarah ( - )
- Maxham, Robert ( - )
- Maxon, Norman Leslie ( - )
- Maxson, Avis (27 DEC 1712 - )
- Maxson, Benjamin ( - )
- Maxson, Benjamin ( - )
- Maxson, Bethiah (31 JUL 1693 - 1747)
- Maxson, Bethiah (19 OCT 1716 - )
- Maxson, Caleb (1 NOV 1721 - ABT 1752)
- Maxson, Carrie Ellen (MAR 1861 - )
- Maxson, Content (28 JAN 1710 - AFT 1749)
- Maxson, Content (31 DEC 1732 - 24 OCT 1815)
- Maxson, Darwin E. (15 SEP 1822 - 22 FEB 1895)
- Maxson, Dollie I. (1868 - )
- Maxson, Dorothy (20 OCT 1703 - )
- Maxson, Dorothy ( - BEF 22 JAN 1692)
- Maxson, Eleanor (1769 - )
- Maxson, Elizabeth (7 NOV 1695 - APR 1751)
- Maxson, Elizabeth ( - )
- Maxson, Flora Dell (1854 - )
- Maxson, Goodeth ( - )
- Maxson, Hannah (13 JUN 1698 - )
- Maxson, Hannah ( - 1752)
- Maxson, Jared ( - )
- Maxson, Joel ( - )
- Maxson, John (1638 - 17 DEC 1720)
- Maxson, John (12 OCT 1666 - 28 OCT 1747)
- Maxson, John (21 APR 1701 - 1786)
- Maxson, John (2 MAR 1714 - 2 MAR 1778)
- Maxson, John ( - 1775)
- Maxson, Jonathan (16 JAN 1708 - )
- Maxson, Jonathan ( - 20 NOV 1732)
- Maxson, Joseph (1672 - SEP 1750)
- Maxson, Joseph (10 MAR 1692 - 1747)
- Maxson, Joseph (DEC 1709 - JUL 1710)
- Maxson, Joseph (14 JAN 1712 - 1739)
- Maxson, Joseph (20 JAN 1722 - )
- Maxson, Joshua G. ( - )
- Maxson, Judith (23 SEP 1689 - )
- Maxson, Judith (17 SEP 1720 - )
- Maxson, Judith ( - )
- Maxson, Lucretia (1822 - )
- Maxson, Lucy ( - )
- Maxson, Lydia ( - )
- Maxson, Mary (26 OCT 1691 - 16 MAR 1692)
- Maxson, Mary (28 AUG 1718 - )
- Maxson, Mary (20 NOV 1723 - )
- Maxson, Mary ( - 1721)
- Maxson, Mary ( - )
- Maxson, Mason (6 MAR 1729 - )
- Maxson, Matthew ( - )
- Maxson, Naomi (6 MAY 1716 - )
- Maxson, Nathan (30 SEP 1736 - )
- Maxson, Perry ( - )
- Maxson, Richard ( - 1638)
- Maxson, Richard ( - 1638)
- Maxson, Ruth (31 JAN 1747 - 3 MAY 1813)
- Maxson, Ruth ( - )
- Maxson, Samuel (20 JUL 1718 - 1796)
- Maxson, Sarah Langworthy (7 JUN 1787 - 27 SEP 1860)
- Maxson, Susan (25 AUG 1727 - )
- Maxson, Susanna (19 OCT 1706 - )
- Maxson, Tacy ( - )
- Maxson, Thankful (ABT 1737 - )
- Maxson, Thomas ( - )
- Maxson, Zebulon (15 APR 1725 - )
- Maxwell, Harry C. ( - )
- Maxwell, Sarah Emerson (1760 - 1796)
- May, Aaron ( - )
- May, Dorothy (1597 - 7 DEC 1620)
- May, Elizabeth ( - )
- May, Henry ( - )
- May, Martha ( - AFT 1957)
- Mayhew, Hannah (15 JUN 1635 - )
- Mayhew, Mary ( - )
- Mayhew, Thomas (1 APR 1593 - )
- Mayhew, Thomas (1620 - 1657)
- Maynard, Daniel ( - )
- Maynard, Elijah (1829 - )
- Maynard, Emaline (1869 - )
- Maynard, Hampton (1870 - )
- Maynard, Jennie (1872 - )
- Maynard, Keziah (10 JUL 1703 - )
- Maynard, Larkin (1866 - )
- Maynard, Lucinda (1868 - )
- Maynard, Martin (1870 - )
- Maynard, Mary (1876 - )
- Maynard, Paulina ( - )
- Maynard, Samuel (1864 - )
- Maynard, Sarah (1875 - )
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GEDCOM file last updated Tue, 13 Mar 2018 12:54:08.
Please send corrections, additions or comments to Sharon Mountford
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Copyright 1996 © Randy Winch
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