Mountford Genealogical Database
- Mabie, Adam Kedzie (1819 - )
- Mabie, Alonzo (1824 - 7 DEC 1905)
- Mabie, Daniel (1792 - 1 DEC 1871)
- Mabie, Daniel ( - 1820)
- Mabie, Edward M. (1826 - 1877)
- Mabie, Isabella (12 JAN 1830 - )
- Mabie, Jacob ( - )
- Mabie, Levi (26 DEC 1782 - JUN 1860)
- Mabie, Margaret (1817 - )
- Mabie, Mary Ann (19 OCT 1815 - 21 SEP 1833)
- Mabie, Nellie V. (1860 - 1888)
- Mabie, Rachel (1 APR 1824 - )
- Mabie, William Booth (28 MAR 1828 - 24 NOV 1828)
- Mable, Alex ( - )
- Mable, Beatrice ( - )
- Mable, Bessie ( - )
- Mable, Elizabeth G. ( - )
- Mable, George S. (1860 - )
- Mable, Henry ( - )
- Mable, James (1813 - )
- Mable, Jennie (1862 - )
- Mable, Robert ( - )
- Mable, William D. (1865 - )
- Macclesfield, ( - )
- MacDonald, Mary (1858 - )
- Mace, William ( - )
- Macfee, Kenneth ( - )
- Macfee, Sarah ( - )
- Machias, Mary ( - )
- Machias, Mary ( - )
- Mack, ( - )
- Mack, Grace M. (1884 - )
- Mack, Jane ( - )
- Mack, Kathryn ( - )
- Mack, Luci M. (1884 - )
- Mack, Mary ( - )
- MacKenzie, Duncan James ( - )
- Mackey, Alice (1863 - )
- Mackey, Dora Belle (28 AUG 1915 - JUL 1988)
- Mackey, Elizabeth Jean (1918 - )
- Mackey, George B. (1847 - )
- Mackey, George Herbert (19 JUN 1890 - 18 FEB 1966)
- Mackey, James P. (ABT 1922 - AFT 1975)
- Mackey, Jennie (1865 - )
- Mackey, Kathryn (ABT 1914 - BEF 1988)
- Mackey, Pola ( - )
- Mackey, Tammy ( - )
- Mackey, Thomas ( - )
- Mackey, William (1813 - )
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GEDCOM file last updated Tue, 13 Mar 2018 12:54:08.
Please send corrections, additions or comments to Sharon Mountford
Created by IGMMak Version 2.X (Program Information)
Copyright 1996 © Randy Winch
A component of the Indexed GEDCOM Method of GenWeb authoring.
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