Mountford Genealogical Database
- A., Rebecca (1874 - )
- Abbe, Nathan ( - )
- Abbe, Samuel ( - )
- Abbondante, Edward ( - )
- Abbondante, Judith ( - )
- Abbott, Lucy ( - )
- Abbott, Mary ( - )
- Abbott, Rachel ( - BEF MAR 1794)
- Abbott, Roger (ABT 1700 - 18 NOV 1762)
- Abbott, Sarah Ann (ABT 1750 - BEF 1840)
- Abbott, Thomas ( - )
- Abel, Thalia ( - )
- Abell, Abigail (16 MAR 1689 - )
- Abell, Abraham ( - 14 NOV 1639)
- Abell, Benjamin ( - )
- Abell, Benjamin ( - )
- Abell, Caleb (1646 - 7 AUG 1731)
- Abell, Caleb (APR 1677 - )
- Abell, Elizabeth ( - )
- Abell, Experience (DEC 1674 - 24 OCT 1763)
- Abell, Experience ( - )
- Abell, George ( - )
- Abell, Hannah (12 OCT 1692 - )
- Abell, Joanna (NOV 1683 - )
- Abell, John (DEC 1678 - )
- Abell, Joshua (1649 - 1 MAR 1725)
- Abell, Lydia (28 JUL 1719 - 25 JUN 1803)
- Abell, Margaret (Mary) (ABT 1685 - )
- Abell, Mary (11 APR 1642 - )
- Abell, Noah (25 DEC 1706 - )
- Abell, Preserved (1644 - 18 AUG 1724)
- Abell, Robert ( - 20 JUN 1663)
- Abell, Samuel (OCT 1672 - )
- Abell, Theophilus (NOV 1680 - )
- Abigail, ( - 20 MAR 1682/1683)
- Aborn, Anthony (20 AUG 1736 - )
- Aborn, James (28 SEP 1734 - )
- Aborn, John (9 APR 1728 - )
- Aborn, Mary (26 FEB 1724 - )
- Aborn, Mercy (17 FEB 1739 - )
- Aborn, Phebe (11 JUL 1730 - )
- Aborn, Samuel (1697 - 16 MAR 1761)
- Aborn, Samuel (3 MAR 1726 - )
- Aborn, Wait (23 SEP 1732 - )
- Abrams, Benjamin (12 APR 1846 - 1918)
- Abrams, Hannah S. ( - )
- Acker, ( - )
- Acker, Geoffrey Bernard ( - )
- Ackert, ( - )
- Ackert, Catherine (13 SEP 1794 - )
- Ackert, Hannah (1805 - )
- Ackley, Sarah ( - )
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GEDCOM file last updated Tue, 13 Mar 2018 12:54:08.
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